
Name of GrantProvider TypeProvider NameGrant Description (cut and paste from webpage or guidelines)Opening DateClosing DateWeb LinkGeneral SupportEquipmentYouth/ TravelFacilities
Club Night Lights ProgramLocal governmentDepartment of Local Government, Sport and Cultural IndustriesThe Club Night Lights Program exemplifies the State Government’s commitment to the development of sustainable floodlighting infrastructure for sport across the State.

The purpose of the program is to provide financial assistance to community groups and local governments to develop sports floodlighting infrastructure. The program aims to maintain or increase participation in sport and recreation with an emphasis on physical activity, through rational development of good quality, well-designed and well-utilised facilities.

Through the Club Night Lights Program, the State Government will invest $10 million over four years towards floodlighting infrastructure. The maximum grant offered for standard grant applications is one third of the total estimated project cost (excluding GST) up to a maximum grant of $1 million.
Open2024-25 Financial yearVisit Link
St.George Footy Grants 2021CorporateSt.George Bank$250,000 in Footy Grants now available!

This year, we’ve teamed up with our favourite teams across all four football codes, to bring the St.George Footy Grants back, bigger and better. We’ve boosted our funding, with $250,000 available, to help more people, in more communities than ever before.

Whether you’re a player, volunteer, referee, coach or part of the broader footy community, St.George Footy Grants will go a long way in helping community sport thrive.

Simply tell us how we can help you start something!
28th April 2021 12:00 am AEDT9 June 2021 at 11.59pm AEDTVisit Link
Active Regional Communities GrantsLocal GovernmentDepartment of Local Government, Sport and Cultural IndustriesActive Regional Communities (ARC) aims to increase the opportunities for regional people to participate in sporting and active recreational activities in regional Western Australia and is tailored to meet the ever changing demands and challenges of sport and active-recreation groups within the nine diverse regions of Western Australia.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Ad Hoc Community SponsorshipLocal GovernmentShire of BroomeThe Ad Hoc Community Sponsorship Program has been developed to provide funds quickly to support smaller projects and initiatives.
Funds assist community based organisations within the Shire of Broome for the development of social, cultural, economic, recreational, environmental, and reconciliation projects and initiatives that benefit the local community.
Open all yearApplications must be at least 4 weeks priorVisit LinkY
AIS Elevate Learning Grants ProgramCorporateAustralian Institute of SportThe purpose of the Program is to invest in education and professional development opportunities for a sport-specific learning experience to improve the ability of the workforce to identify, develop, support and progress talented athletes (i.e. Categorised by the NSO).
The cost of education, professional development opportunities and associate expenses can be supported.
Round 2: 22 Feb 2021
Round 3: 13 April 2021
Round 2: 12 April 2021
Round 3: 31 May 2021
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Alcoa Of Australia: Foundation Grant ProgramCorporateAlcoa of AustraliaAlcoa Foundation invests where Alcoa has a presence to further sustainability and to partner with communities to address local needs, particularly as they adapt in a changing world economy.  Alcoa Foundation makes investment decisions in consultation with community stakeholders based on the local conditions and priorities they identify.
In determining where to invest, Alcoa Foundation looks for projects and nonprofit partners with the following characteristics:
Projects designed to produce measurable, long-term results
Projects that can be effectively implemented and ultimately continued without our funding
Projects that are replicable and can be shared with other organizations looking to produce similar results
Alcoa Foundation invests where Alcoa has a presence to further sustainability and to partner with communities to address local needs, particularly as they adapt in a changing world economy.  Alcoa Foundation makes investment decisions in consultation with community stakeholders based on the local conditions and priorities they identify.
In determining where to invest, Alcoa Foundation looks for projects and nonprofit partners with the following characteristics:

Projects designed to produce measurable, long-term results
Projects that can be effectively implemented and ultimately continued without our funding
Projects that are replicable and can be shared with other organizations looking to produce similar results
Projects that demonstrate their commitment to the inclusion of diverse and/or under-represented populations
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Arts & Community GrantsLocal governmentCity of FremantleThe City of Fremantle Grants Program provides financial assistance in support of activities contributing to the wellbeing, vibrancy and cultural diversity of the Fremantle community. There are two competitive grants rounds per year in March and September.
Funding is available for projects delivered in the City of Fremantle that:

-Facilitate informal learning opportunities and skills development to complement formal education provision, and for community strengthening
-Engage in partnership development that will deliver sustainable outcomes and build community strength
-Enhance access and inclusion, mental health physical wellbeing and social cohesion.
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Athelete Development GrantLocal GovernmentTown of Port HedlandThe revised Town of Port Hedland Grants Policy delivers more funding categories for community groups and organisations to apply for. Funding categories are now more targeted based on the interests of community members, further recognising the important role arts and culture plays in daily life.

What are the objectives of the new Grants Program?
Better reflect the diversity in the types of community groups across Hedland
Reach new organisations which may not have applied for funding in previous years
Foster the establishment of new not for profit organisations
Activate spaces across Hedland to foster a shared sense of community
Increase the amount of money distributed to organisations compared to previous years
Open all year2021-06-30 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Bakers Delight SponsorhipsCorporateBakers DelightWe love our locals and offer sponsorship to community groups, charities, team and individuals in endeavours big and small.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
BIS Community SupportCorporateBIS IndustriesBIS is committed to delivering positive and lasting results to the communities where we work and
live. BIS has a proud history of supporting our communities throughout Australia and Indonesia.
Through our community investment activities we aim to:

- Work collaboratively with our customers to deliver broad community benefits
- Facilitate closer relationships with our local communities to make a positive and lasting difference
- Enhance our reputation as an organisation through positive engagement and effective
- Create opportunities for our employees to participate in community engagement activities We support local initiatives that promote healthy living behaviours that actively improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.
BIS looks to support areas that tackle societal challenges by raising awareness about important health issues. We have been involved in a number of sporting sponsorships including the Boddington Junior Football Club and the Bis Regional Girls Soccer Carnival in Whyalla.
N/AFirst Friday of;

Quarter 1: February

Quarter 2: May

Quarter 3: August

Quarter 4: November
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Boots For All Community PartnerCorporateBoots For AllBoots For All breaks down barriers to sport participation by collecting and distributing quality, new and near-new sporting equipment to vulnerable Australians.

All approved organisations/community programs will then be eligible to access the broad range of available inventory which includes sports equipment, footwear and apparel.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Budget Direct Sponsorship ProgramCorporateBudget DirectBudget Direct is open to supporting organisations that:
- Provide a service or other benefit for the community, on either a local or state basis
- Provide awareness and education
- Promote health, education, and wellbeing in their communities, sporting clubs included
- Help to build friendly, supportive communities across Australia
- Provide assistance and care for Australians in need
- Provide road safety and emergency support services
- Encourage healthy lifestyles
- Are a registered organisation or association.
2020-10-01 00:00:002021-06-30 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Capital Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of KalamundaThe Capital Grants Program is an annual program opening on 01 August and closing 30 September each year. The City and Council consider capital grant requests the year prior to any financial assistance for their project being available.

The City of Kalamunda is pleased to provide financial assistance through the Capital Grants Program to clubs and community groups seeking to develop new or upgraded capital community infrastructure. In 2017, the City established the Capital Grants Program to provide a coordinated approach to the planning, assessment and approval of capital grant requests from clubs and community groups.
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Capital works funding opportunitiesLocal GovernmentCity of StirlingSporting clubs within the City of Stirling have the opportunity to undertake capital works projects in partnership with the State Government and/or the City for approved projects. Now Open2021-03-26 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Cash DonationsLocal GovernmentCity of Swan Swan cash donations aim to support individual youth endeavours in competitive activities including sport, community development, culture, and the arts.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Assistance FundLocal GovernmentShire of CoolgardieThe Shire of Coolgardie’s Community Assistance Fund (CAF), is aimed at not-for-profit community groups/organisations or outstanding individuals’ seeking small amounts of funding for specific events and projects that align with the Shire’s Aspirations.

The Shire of Coolgardie’s Strategic Aspirations are aiming for:

-An inclusive, safe and vibrant community
-A thriving local economy
-Effective management of infrastructure, heritage and environment
-To apply for the Shire of Coolgardie Community Assistance Fund, please see the links below.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Assistance Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentTown of East FremantleGrant scheme has previously provided support for events, equipment and general support4428444340Visit LinkY
Community Assistance Partnership FundLocal GovernmentShire of Murray Community Assistance Partnership Fund
The Community Assistance Partnership Fund (CAPF) is a partnership between Alcoa and the Shire of Murray that provides support to community organisations to build and strengthen their organisational capacity, host events and deliver services within the Shire of Murray that effectively contribute to building vibrant, inclusive and healthy communities. Applications will be invited three times a year with a maximum grant allocation of $3,000 (plus GST).
Round 1- 1/7
Round 2- 1/11
Round 3- 1/3
Round 1- 31/8
Round 2- 31/12
Round 3- 30/4
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Community Assistance ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of BusseltonThe City of Busselton makes provision in its annual budget to support eligible groups and individuals with sponsorship that assists them to pursue and achieve endeavours with direct benefit to the broader community. Allocation of these funds is in accordance with the guidelines below and is at the discretion of the City of Busselton CEO (under delegated authority of Council), subject to funding availability.

• Applicants must be City of Busselton residents or, in the case of a group or team, must be operating from and based in the City of Busselton.
• As a general rule, applicants will only be eligible to apply for funding once within any financial year.
• For consideration, completed applications must be received by the City of Busselton prior to the date of the event / activity.
• The application must specify the event or activity date.
• Applicants must demonstrate that their pursuit has a direct benefit to the local community.
• Applicants must identify sponsorship recognition opportunities for the City of Busselton.
• Applicants must identify the impact (if any) that failure to receive funding would have on the event or activity
Round 9- 19/3/21
Round 10- 23/4/21
Round 11- 21/5/21
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Community Care PackageLocal GovernmentShire of Augusta-Margaret RiverThe Shire's Community Care Package has been initiated in response to the escalating coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, which is having a considerable economic and social impact on the community.
The package includes up to $2million of Shire reserve funding for local business initiatives and community services which respond to needs arising from the pandemic. This fund is open from the 26 March 2020, with assessments to be completed on a rolling basis.
The fund can be used to support projects or services that:
-Responds to immediate need in our community as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
-Connects neighbours and community members to assist and support each other
-Enhances people’s access to critical information and resources
-Enables transportation and delivery of services and supplies
-Supports people who need urgent accommodation due to the impact of the pandemic
-Provides access to mental health and counselling services
-Delivers technology to enable people to access information, resources and connect with other people and services
-Continue support services through business networks and associations
-Develops toolkits and other supports to assist businesses through the pandemic
-Provides access to information resources for businesses
-Delivers financial advice for the business community
-Delivers advice for businesses who are redefining their business model in response to the pandemic
-Supports businesses who are providing a community service in response to the pandemic, and
-Supports businesses for activation and marketing, when they are able to reopen.
23/3/2020Open all yearVisit Link
Community ChestLocal GovernmentShire of BrooktonThe Community Chest Fund replaces the Les McMullen Memorial Recreation Grants Fund and increases the opportunity for all Not for Profit community groups based in the Shire of Brookton to apply for funding.
There are several new categories of funding available for Community groups. These are:
-Annual Grants - up to a maximum of $10,000 in one year.
Matched Funding Grants including:
-Community Support Grants – up to a maximum of $3000 cash support per financial year.
-Equipment Purchase grants – Up to $500 cash support per financial year.
-Community Donations including:
-Individuals – up to $500 cash per year per financial year.
-Not for Profit Community groups donation – up to $500 cash per group per financial year &
-Community NFP Utilities Financial Assistance donations – for utility costs up to $750 PA.
The pool of funding across all the funding types is set at $20,000 per annum.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Chest FundLocal GovernmentShire of NarroginIn the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, the Shire of Narrogin has increased the limits on individual Community Chest Fund applications up to a maximum $5,000 cash or in-kind support.

The Shire wishes to support the recovery of eligible community groups with the delivery of activities and programs that demonstrate benefit to the Narrogin community. To further support the social and economic recovery of the Narrogin community, successful applicants from 19/20 and 18/19 will also be eligible to apply for funding in this current round.
Round 1- 15 July
Round 2- 1 February
Round 1- 31 August
Round 2- 28 February
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Community Contribution FundLocal GovernmentTown of ClaremontWho we can support
We can assist:
-Community groups and services
-Charitable organisations
-Social enterprises
As our community grants are about benefiting the Claremont community, unfortunately we're unable to assist groups or individuals that are:
Based in Claremont, but aiming to enhance or support communities beyond Claremont
Eligible for funding at a State or Federal Government level, eg from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Grant amounts
We usually award small grants of up to $2,000 depending on the project and benefits to the community.

We will consider grants above this amount for larger-scale initiatives that demonstrate an ongoing benefit to a significant portion the community.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Contribution FundLocal GovernmentCity Of BelmontAre you looking for funds to run or start a project?_x000D_
The City of Belmont Community Contribution Fund (CCF) has been established to provide financial support to organisations and groups within the City of Belmont to further community projects and initiatives up to the value of $5,000 (conditions apply). There are two rounds of funding per year with the next round opening on 1 August 2020.
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Community Development GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of SubiacoThe City offers a variety of community grants designed to support innovative cultural and community activities. Individuals, community-based organisations and local groups that enhance the provision of programs, services and support to the Subiaco community are encouraged to apply.

Community Development Grants
The City of Subiaco supports projects and activities that promote wellbeing and a sense of belonging to Subiaco’s community by funding not for profit community organisations and groups via the community development grants program. Funding of up to $5000 is available for not for profit incorporated organisations and up to $1000 for not for profit unincorporated organisations and groups. Not for profit unincorporated organisations and groups can apply for a grant of up to $5000 providing they are under the auspices of an incorporated organisation.
Round 1- 30 March 2021
Round 2- 6 July 2021
Round 3- 21 September 2021
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Community Development GrantsLocal governmentCity of SubiacoThe City of Subiaco supports projects and activities that promote wellbeing and a sense of belonging to Subiaco’s community by funding not for profit community organisations and groups via the community development grants program. Funding of up to $5000 is available for not for profit incorporated organisations and up to $1000 for not for profit unincorporated organisations and groups. Not for profit unincorporated organisations and groups can apply for a grant of up to $5000 providing they are under the auspices of an incorporated organisation. Open30 March 2021
6 July 2021
21 September 2021
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Community EventsLocal GovernmentCity of AlbanyThe Community Events Grant is a small sponsorship program for grants up to $5,000 to support Community Events. The focus of the program is for community driven events that demonstrate innovation, community engagement, high quality planning and capacity for growth and sustainability over time._x000D_
The City will provide two opportunities to apply for Community Events Grants and applications will be assessed according to specific criteria.
OpenUnitl ExhaustedVisit LinkY
Community Event GrantLocal GovernmentShire of MundaringAwarded up to a maximum of $5000 for groups wishing to run fetes, festivals, markets, sporting/recreational carnivals, exhibitions, small performances and training related to the event.Open Now2021-03-15 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Community Facility FundLocal GovernmentShire of Murray Community Facility Fund
The Shire of Murray Community Facility fund aims to assist community groups in the Shire of Murray to upgrade, extend or construct sport, recreation and community facilities. Applications will be invited once a year for Council consideration with groups able to apply for up to one third of the total project cost. Applications close 30 April each year.
Open44316Visit LinkY
Community FundingLocal GovernmentTown of ClaremontThe Claremont Community Funding Program provides financial assistance to groups and individuals who aim to benefit the Town by encouraging social activity, vibrancy, community participation, and sustainability within Claremont.Open all yearApplications must be at least 4 weeks priorVisit LinkY
Community Funding GrantLocal GovernmentCity of South PerthCommunity Funding Grants provide grants of up to $5,000 available throughout the year (until the pool of funds is exhausted) for both non-incorporated and incorporated community organisations including for COVID-19 relief.N/AApplications must be at least 8 weeks priorVisit Link
Community Funding ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of GosnellsThis category provides funding for community organisations and individuals to support the delivery of programs, events, training, minor capital projects and the purchase of equipment.

Category 1 has two levels of funding available to the community.

Level 1 – To support small-scale, local initiatives, this category will support up to 100% of your Total Project Cost, with a maximum grant of $2,000 available.

Level 2 – To support community projects run by eligible not-for-profit organisations, this category will support up to 50% of your Total Project Cost, with a maximum grant of $8,000 available.
Level 1- Open All Year
Level 2- 10/3/2021
Level 1- Open All Year
Level 2- 16/4/2021
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Community Funding ProgramLocal governmentCity Of GosnellsThe Community Funding Program reflects Council’s commitment to support community organisations to deliver quality programs and services to the local community, and assist individuals to achieve in their chosen field of endeavour.
There are two categories in the Community Funding Program which are available for community organisations and individuals to apply for. It is highly recommended that applicants read the 'Guidelines for Applicants' document which provides information about the requirements of the program.

Category 1- Community Grants
This category provides funding for community organisations and individuals to support the delivery of programs, events, training, minor capital projects and the purchase of equipment.

Category 2- Competition Sponsorships
This category provides funding assistance to support individuals who are representing either Western Australia or Australia in their chosen field of endeavour. Applicants must be either residents or ratepayers of the City of Gosnells.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community GrantLocal governmentCity of ArmadaleThe Community Grants program allows community organisations and groups to access funding for initiatives which benefit the local community. The provision of funding encourages local groups and organisations to continue to provide valuable opportunities for Armadale residents. Applications that address one or more of the identified social priorities and address the general strategic objectives of the City will be given priority.

-Projects or outcomes must be shown to primarily benefit residents of the City of Armadale;
-Not-for-profit groups or organisations must be based in or primarily service residents of the City of Armadale;
-Organisations seeking funding must be incorporated or auspiced by another organisation with incorporation;
-Applicants must discuss their project with a relevant member of the Community Services team prior to submitting their application;
-Projects must be considered to be a worthy contribution made on behalf of City of Armadale residents;
Round 2: 2/03/20212021-03-30 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Community Grant Lvl1Applications for up to $500 are open all year until the total funding pool of $5,000 has been exhausted. 100% of the total project cost is available to be funded.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit Link
Community Grant Lvl2Local GovernmentShire of DardanupLevel 2

Applications for up to $1,000 are open twice per year August and February. 100 per cent of the total project cost is available to be funded.
Applications are open now, closing 4.00pm, Monday 14 September.
Open44260Visit LinkY
Community Grant Lvl3Local GovernmentShire of DardanupLevel 3

Applications for between $1,001 and $5,000 are open are open twice per year August and February. The applicant must contribute at least 50% of the total project cost from either the applicant’s organisation or confirmed funding or in-kind support from other sources.
Applications are open now, closing 4.00pm, Monday 14 September.
Open44260Visit LinkY
Community GrantsLocal governmentCity of NedlandsThe purpose of the Community Grants Fund is to provide small grants for events and projects that contribute to community spirit and help build a more inclusive community in the City of Nedlands. The project to be funded must show a direct benefit to the local community. The fund also aims to support the building of local relationships, networks, community interaction, support and the gathering and socialising of residents within their local communities. All events, except street parties, must be open to the whole community to qualify for funding.Open all yearApplications must be made 4 weeks prior to eventVisit Link
Community GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of East PilbaraGrant 1: This is for in-kind contributions up to the value of $500. In-kind contributions can be for the costs associated with hiring shire facilities such as:

Facility Hire
Oval Hire
Equipment hire
Grant 1 applications can be made at any time of the year and eligible organisations are able to receive a Grant 1 up to four times a year.

Grant 2: This grant can be for up to $1,000 cash or in-kind supporter a combination of both. Grant 2 applications can be made at any time of the year. Eligible organisations are able to receive only one Grant 2 per year.

Grant 3: This grant is offered twice a year in January and July and is for amounts between $1,000 and 6,000 of cash or in kind support or a combination of both. These grants are approved at the Council meetings in February and August. Eligible organisations are able to receive only one Grant 3 per year.

Grant 3 is currently postponed until later in the 20/21 year. Contact Community Wellbeing for more information.
Grant 4: This grant is open at any time of year and aims to support individuals under 21 years of age to attend sports competitions or cultural events at State, National or International level.
Grant 1- Open all year

Grant 2: Open all year

Grant 3- Postponed

Grant 4- Open all year
Grant 1- Open all year

Grant 2: Open all year

Grant 3- Postponed

Grant 4- Open all year
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Community GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of ArmadaleCommunity grants_x000D_
The City provides two rounds of community grant funding each financial year, with the aim of supporting community-based initiatives developed by groups located in the district._x000D_
Round 1, 2019/2020 closed Tuesday 1 October 2019._x000D_
Round 2, 2019/2020 opens 3 March 2020, and closes 4.30pm
4425744285Visit LinkYY
Community GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of FremantleFunding is available for projects delivered in the City of Fremantle that:

Facilitate informal learning opportunities and skills development to complement formal education provision, and for community strengthening
Engage in partnership development that will deliver sustainable outcomes and build community strength
Enhance access and inclusion, mental health physical wellbeing and social cohesion.
Funding available for Community Grants is up to $10,000, however funding between $1500 and $5000 is more commonly allocated.
4425644286Visit LinkY
Community GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of Gnowangerupfor applications from $501.00 - $5,000.00 aimed at supporting community groups with small capital projects, events, projects etc.OpenSupport- Open all year
Assistance- 15/3/2021
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Community GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of Manjimup​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Every year the Shire of Manjimup reserves 2% of the prior year's rates revenue and gives it back to the community in the form of grants. There are three different types of community grants; general, event and youth. Council assesses each application during budget deliberations and grants funds to projects and events that they deem to have merit. For conditions and further information on the community grants program, please see Council's policy 3.1.3 Community Funds Allocation​.

Main points to remember when applying for a community grant:

​​​Groups need to be incorporated associations to receive funds. Groups which are not incorporated are still able to apply, however, must nominate the name and ABN details of an auspicing organisation to receive funds on their behalf if successful.
Only one application per group, per category, will be funded each financial year unless approved by the Council.
Applicants must illustrate​ that effort has been made to secure funding from alternative sources including other funding bodies, sponsorships, memberships and fundraising activities etc.
Open44281Visit LinkY
Community Grants and DonationsLocal GovernmentShire of Boyup BrookThe Shire of Boyup Brook is offering the provision of financial assistance to all local community groups in the form of a Community Grant or Donation. The objective of this assistance is to promote and support community-based initiatives that are beneficial to the community and support the Shire of Boyup Brook’s Strategic Community Plan._x000D_
To simplify the process and separate the requirements, donations ($1,000 and under) will apply through a letter outlining the project, community benefit and the applicant’s contribution. Grants ($1,001 and over) will be required to complete an application form (available under Forms in the Document Centre and by request) and supply additional supporting information.
Open44316Visit LinkY
Community Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentShire of DundasCommunity Grants Program_x000D_
Invitations are now open for Community Grants Program to help assist not for profit groups, community groups and individuals in seeking donations from the Shire. The Community Grants Program is offered by 3 different categories: 1) Sundry Donations (Funding up to $1,000) 2) Minor Projects & Events (Funding $1,001 - $10,000) 3) Three Year Service Agreement.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentShire of Esperance The Community Grants Program is the Shire’s principal community investment program.

The purpose of the program is to develop and actively support community organisations and individuals who positively contribute to community wellbeing and the cultural life of the region.

The grants program enables the Shire to recognise leadership and individual achievement, build community capacity and sustainability, develop cultural identity and support initiatives that respond to identified community needs.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentShire of ExmouthThe Shire of Exmouth's Community Grants program aims to support the development of self-sustaining community groups and clubs and promote local economic development.

Grants are offered in three different categories including Major Events, Community and Sporting Grants and Donations.

The Major Events Sponsorship Program offers grants of up to $5,000 for events that provide significant economic benefit to Exmouth. Applications for the Major Events Sponsorship Program can be made at any time throughout the year.

Community and Sporting Grants of up to $1,500 are available to not for profit and incorporated groups to support community capacity building activities and events. Grants for the 2020/21 financial year are available in two rounds opening in August 2020 and February 2021.
2020-08-01 00:00:002021-02-01 00:00:00Visit LinkYY
Community Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of KwinanaThe new Kwinana Community Funding Program provides financial support to community groups within the City that meet the Program's objectives in facilitating community development. The Program is a partnership between the City of Kwinana, Kwinana Community Bank branch of the Bendigo Bank and Kwinana Community Chest.

The Program welcomes applications of up to $5,000 from local community organisations to support capacity building and community engagement projects such as:

-Running of events
-Local group management
-Art projects
-Workshops and training courses
Organisations can also apply for funding for minor equipment such as sporting equipment, gardening tools, furniture or trailers.

All applications are considered through a grants assessment and approval process undertaken by a Panel of six representatives from the City of Kwinana, Kwinana Community Bank branch of the Bendigo Bank and Kwinana Community Chest.
Round 2- 1 March 2021Round 2- 12 April 2021Visit LinkY
Community Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of Greater GeraldtonThe aim of the City’s Community Grants Program is to provide assistance to local community groups and organisations that make positive contributions to the quality of life within the Greater Geraldton region.

It is anticipated that dates for the next round of funding through the Community Grants Program will be announced mid to late October 2020.
Round 1- July
Round 2- January
Round 1- September
Round 2- March
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Community Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of Swan The Swan Community Grants program provides up to $15,000 to support projects with community development objectives that will enhance the lives of residents and the City of Swan community. Applicants must be incorporated or supported by an auspice organisation. It is expected that applicants will make a significant contribution toward their projects.Level 1- January
Level 2- August
Level 1- March
Level 2- October
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Community Group GrantLocal GovernmentCity of Kalgoorlie-BoulderThe Community Group Grant (CGG), part of the Community Assistance Scheme, provides
financial assistance to not for profit community groups and organisations for projects that
strengthen and enhance the social wellbeing, development and sustainability of the City of
Kalgoorlie-Boulder community.
The program allows organisations to apply for funding for initiatives that align with the City’s
Strategic Community Plan 2020-30.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Group GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of NannupCommunity groups and Sporting associations are encouraged to apply for funding through the Shire of Nannup Community Group Grants. Funding priority will be given to projects that:

-Align with the Shire of Nannup Vision
-Have benefit to the community of Nannup as a major outcome
-Promote community involvement, groups / individuals working together incorporate a variety of sectors for example: youth, seniors, parents -Sports people, artists, people with disabilities, families
-Promote sustainability (rather than reliance on grants)
-Initiatives that demonstrate a creative approach
It is a key part of the application process that a documented financial statement of the group requesting funds is provided. Preference is also given to applications that demonstrate a commitment either in cash or in-kind toward a project. Funding for projects on private property are generally not approved.

Community groups who received funding in the present year are also required to fully acquit the grant before being eligible to apply for further funds.
Open Now2021-03-31 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Community Partnership Funding ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of MelvilleThere are five types of funding available through the City's Community Partnership Funding program. These include:

Level Two - Funding of up to $5,000 with funding available year-round. Submission by 31 August 2020, a new program will be launched in October 2020
Level Three - Funding of up to $1,000 with funding available year-round. Submission by 31 August 2020, a new program will be launched in October 2020
Non-monetary - Funding of up to $500 (in-kind) with funding available year-round. Submission by 31 August 2020, a new program will be launched in October 2020
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Sponsorship FundLocal GovernmentShire of Murray Community Sponsorship Fund
The Shire of Murray Community Sponsorship fund provides support to individuals or groups residing within the Shire of Murray who are selected in state, national or international representation. Written applications for funding assistance may be submitted at any time. Funding is limited to the following amounts: Individuals – $100.00 donation, Groups – $300.00 donation.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Sport GrantLocal GovernmentTown of Port HedlandThe revised Town of Port Hedland Grants Policy delivers more funding categories for community groups and organisations to apply for. Funding categories are now more targeted based on the interests of community members, further recognising the important role arts and culture plays in daily life.

What are the objectives of the new Grants Program?
-Better reflect the diversity in the types of community groups across Hedland
-Reach new organisations which may not have applied for funding in previous years
-Foster the establishment of new not for profit organisations
-Activate spaces across Hedland to foster a shared sense of community
-Increase the amount of money distributed to organisations compared to previous years
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit Link
Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund - Small Grants RoundState governmentDepartment of Sport, Local Government and Cultural IndustriesThe purpose of the program is to provide Western Australian Government financial assistance to community groups and local government authorities to develop basic infrastructure for sport and recreation.

The program aims to increase participation in sport and recreation, with an emphasis on physical activity, through rational development of sustainable, good quality, well-designed and well-utilised facilities.

Through CSRFF, the State Government will invest annually in the development of high-quality physical environments in which people can enjoy sport and recreation.
2021-02-01 00:00:002021-03-31 00:00:00Visit Link
Community Support GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of VincentDo you or your organisation have an idea for a project that will address a key social issue within our local community? Then the City of Vincent may be able to help with our Community Support Grants. Community Support Grants are aimed at programs and services that will build a strong and resilient community. Community Support Grants also support initiatives that ensure the ongoing financial sustainability of your community organisation.2020-07-01 00:00:00Round 3: 23 April 2021Visit Link
Country Sport Enrichment SchemeLocal GovernmentDepartment of Local Government, Sport and Cultural IndustriesThe primary objectives of the Country Sport Enrichment Scheme is to help regional Western Australia experience and conduct major sporting events and sport development initiatives by:
- Conducting international, national or state sporting events or competitions in regional WA
- Utilising elite athletes to promote the benefits of sport and physical activity and assist in delivering sport development opportunities in regional WA.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit Link
Crown Perth Commercial SponsorshipCorporateCrown PerthSponsorships play an essential role in Crown Perth’s support of local events, sporting teams, cultural activities and community-based programs._x000D_
Through these sponsorships we look for mutually beneficial and rewarding partnerships. Our approach ensures we continue to attract and participate in world-class events and tourism opportunities for Western Australia.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
DEM FundLocal GovernmentShire of DowerinThe DEM Fund provides financial assistance to Dowerin and surrounding community groups to conduct events and projects that are of benefit to their local community._x000D_
The purpose of the funding is to not replace funds that may be generated by volunteering at the Dowerin GWN7 Machinery Field Days, but rather provide an additional revenue stream for those clubs and organisations that cannot raise enough funds despite their best volunteering efforts._x000D_
Applications are invited during March and October each year for requests of up to $1000 for small projects or $5000 for large projects._x000D_
Each round will provide a total investment of $15000 into the local community.
March and OctoberMarch and OctoberVisit LinkY
Disability GrantCorporateThe Dylan Alcott FoundationThe Dylan Alcott Foundation is committed to helping young Australians with disabilities overcome the barriers of entry to sport and education by providing fundraising for grants, scholarships and mentoring.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
DonationsLocal GovernmentCity of CockburnEligible applicants include not-for-profit benevolent organisations that directly assist the disadvantaged and/or vulnerable within the Cockburn community. This does not include sports clubs, residents’ associations or other special interest groups.

Applicants must:
-Primarily serve and can demonstrate direct improved social outcomes for City residents and the Cockburn community.
-Be an established and incorporated not-for-profit organisation (or auspiced by an incorporated not-for-profit organisation).
-Demonstrate a high level of community support.
-Demonstrate financial viability and sound management. (For requests over $5,000, a copy of the most recent, audited financial statement must be provided with the application).

Priority will be given to applicants that can demonstrate:
-How they will provide direct outcomes for the disadvantaged and/or vulnerable in the Cockburn community.
-Overall benefits to City residents.
-Improved access to services or activities for Cockburn residents.
-Value for money and/or value adding as a result of the proposed funding.
-Other funding sources so that the funding is subsidising operations rather than relying solely on funding from the City.
-Alignment with the objectives in the City’s Strategic Community Plan.
March and SeptemberMarch and SeptemberVisit LinkY
DonationsLocal GovernmentCity of WannerooThe City’s Donations Program provides financial contributions to community organisations and groups to assist with delivery of activities and events which benefit City of Wanneroo residents.

Not-for-profit incorporated and/or charitable organisations which operate in the City of Wanneroo or with a primary interest in the City, may be eligible to apply for a donation.
ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Donations, Contributions and Subsidies FundLocal governmentCity of BusseltonThe aim of the Community bids is to grant financial assistance to organisations that provide services or activities that align wiuth the City's Strategic Plan and deliver sustainable social, environmental and or economic benefit to the City of Busselton community.April and October each yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Female Sport Participation GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of VincentParticipation in organised sporting activities offers many health and wellbeing benefits to our community including increasing self-esteem, networking opportunities and social inclusion. Despite these benefits, there are still low rates of participation in sport by women and girls in the City.

These grants of up to $2000 aim to assist clubs to establish activities, programs or projects that promote and encourage equal participation of women and girls in sports.

Activities, programs, projects and initiatives that will be considered eligible for grants will include (but not be limited to):

-Costs associated with the establishment of activities, programs, competitions or new teams aimed at increasing female participation in sport (come and try days, new female sporting competitions etc);
-Equipment required by female participants to take part in sport;
-Coaching accreditation;
-Umpire training; and
-Costs associated with developing gender equity strategies, policies or codes of conduct.
Open all yearApplications must be made 6 weeks prior to projectVisit LinkY
Financial assistance for Youth AcheivementLocal governmentTown of CambridgeThe Youth Achievement Grant provides financial assistance to individuals under the age of 25 years in recognition of excellence in sport, leisure, cultural, humanitarian, charitable and educational pursuits. This program is designed to offer travel assistance to young people who have been selected to represent their organisation/group interstate or overseas. Travel within Western Australia will be assessed individually and will only be considered when air travel is involved.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Financial Assistance FundingLocal GovernmentShire of IrwinThe Shire is committed to building a strong community and promoting and fostering a healthy and active community.

The Shire have adopted a Financial Assistance Funding Policy which provides an overarching framework for the Shire of Irwin to provide financial assistance to not for profit community based organisations, event organisers and individuals to support the promotion and development of social, economic, recreational, art and cultural projects that make a positive contribution to the quality of life within the Shire of Irwin.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Fortescue Community GrantsCorporateFortescue Metal GroupSmall grants are available to eligible applicants to support community projects within the Town of Port Hedland, Shire of East Pilbara, Shire of Ashburton and City of Karratha. At Fortescue, we believe our community investments are much more meaningful when we proactively identify and develop projects with community partners whose values and program objectives are aligned with ours. 2021-03-01 00:00:002021-03-31 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Giving Back ProgramCorporateBelmont ForumProvides small grants to local not-for-profit organisations.

Grant winners will be selected at the end of each quarter (September, December, March and June).
September, December, March, JuneSeptember, December, March, JuneVisit Link
Healthway Promotion Partnership GrantState governmentHealthwayUnder $5000: Our Partnership Program provides funding to sport, arts, racing, and community events to help WA communities create programs and activities that encourage good health now and into the future. As well as individual lifestyle choices, the places where people live, work, and play all influence health behaviours.
Over $5000: As above but 4 months prior
Open all yearApplications must be made 4 months prior to commencement of project. Visit LinkY
Healthway Promotion Project GrantState governmentHealthwayUnder $5000: Grants offered to support community-based incorporated organisations to pilot or deliver small health promotion programs and activities, typically over a three to twelve-month period. Applications must be received at least five calendar months prior to the commencement of the project.
Over $5000: Grants are offered to incorporated organisations to pilot or expand an evidence-based and innovative health promotion program. Projects may vary in size and can address health issues at a population or state level. Projects can be up to three years and applications must be received at least four months prior to the commencement of the project.
Open all yearApplications must be made 4 months prior to commencement of project. Visit LinkY
Helping &ndsCorporateP&N BankAt P&N, we believe in the power of &. We know that when people work together, individuals, families, groups and our community will flourish.

Helping Hands is a program which supports those in need in our community. It enables P&N members to nominate deserving WA individuals or community groups to receive much needed financial or services support.

You can nominate

an individual who is facing hardship, or who may have basic needs that are not being met and/or
a community group who needs a Helping Hand.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkYY
IGA Community ChestCorporateIGAEvery day across the country IGA Community Chest raises funds to support local communities, charities and other worthwhile causes. It could be in response to a major event like floods or bush fires or something as simple as new soccer balls for the local under 8’s.

The money is raised in a number of ways but predominately through the purchase of products with an IGA Community Chest logo on the label or ticket.

When you purchase a product with the IGA Community Chest logo printed on the label a percentage is credited to that store’s IGA Community Chest account
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit Link
Innovation Challenge ProgramState governmentDepartment of Local Government, Sport and Cultural IndustriesThe Innovation Challenge Program, administered by the department in partnership with Healthway, is a grants program for organisations, providing investment for innovative projects that increase physical activity participation in the community.
The program is designed to encourage business innovation and the use of technology to drive and grow sport and recreation. Projects will be supported based on community need, innovation, sustainability of outcomes and consideration of return on investment.
Open2021-03-30 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Junior Sport Travel Assistance ProgramLocal governmentCity of CockburnHelps young local athletes by providing financial assistance for travel to state or national competitions.
Eligibility Criteria involves:
- Travelling more than 100km outside the City of Cockburn
-Selected by the State or National sporting body to represent WA or Australia
-Resident of Cockburn aged 18 or under (as of the competition closing date)
-Available once in a 12month period
Applications accepted three months before date of travelFirst Friday of March, June, September and DecemberVisit Link
Junior Sport Travel Assistance ProgramLocal governmentCity of StirlingJunior sports travel assistance is available to City of Stirling residents under 18 years of age who have been selected to represent their chosen sport at a state, interstate or national level. Applicants may be awared granted a donation of $100 towards travel costs. Open all yearApplications must be made three months before travel dateVisit Link
KidSportState governmentDepartment of Sport, Local Government and Cultural IndustriesKidSport enables Western Australian children to participate in community sport and recreation.
KidSport enables eligible Western Australian children aged 5 to18 years to participate in community sport by offering them financial assistance of up to $150 per calendar year towards club fees.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit Link
Local Organisation AssistanceLocal GovernmentShire Of BoddingtonThe Shire of Boddington offers Local Organisation Assistance Funding (LOAF) to the local community organisations and sporting groups. This funding assists groups with events, capital works and building their organisation._x000D_
Please read the policy and guidelines carefully._x000D_
LOAF applications are accepted three times a year, cut off dates are as follows_x000D_
31st March_x000D_
31st July (extended to 31 August 2020)_x000D_
30th November_x000D_
Applications will be held till each cut off, assessed and ranked before being presented to Council.
Open31 March
31 July
30 November
Visit Link
Local Sporting ChampionsFederal GovernmentSports Aus and AIS The Local Sporting Champions program provides financial assistance for coaches, officials and competitors aged 12-18 participating in state, national or international championships.Open2021-03-31 00:00:00Visit Link
Macca's Junior Sports GrantCorporateMcdonaldsAims to increase participation in junior sports and encourage the habit of a healthy lifestyle amongst young West Australians. Provides grants to clubs or groups within regional WA to provide basic sporting infrastructure for a club of sporting group.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be a registered group, organisation or association that organizes or participates in junior sporting activities
- Must be a non-profit organisation
- Must be located within regional WA
- Must not have received a Macca's Junior Sport Grant within 9 months
Open Now31/03/2021
Visit Link
Major Event GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of Serpentine JarrahdaleMajor Event Grant funding is part of the Shire’s Community Grants program initiative. The grant is between $5,000 to $20,000 ex GST to provide direct financial assistance for registered not-for-profit organisations and incorporated community groups for initiatives relevant to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale community.

All funded applications must be completed and acquitted within 12 months of being advised they were successful.
Open2021-03-22 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Major GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of RockinghamThe City of Rockingham is committed to supporting incorporated not-for-profit
organisations/associations, or those limited by guarantee based or providing services within the
Rockingham community to assist with the delivery of programs and events that benefit the Rockingham
community. These guidelines relate to eligible organisations wishing to apply for a grant towards
programs and events that take place within the boundaries of the City of Rockingham. General grants
form part of the City’s Community Grants Program, designed to empower such groups to build capacity
and develop sustainability for the overall benefit of the community.
Open NowRound 1: 7 May 2021 Round 2: 23 July 2021 Round 3: 19 November 2021Visit LinkY
Mineral Resources Community InvestmentCorporateMineral ResourcesWe make a significant positive contribution to the community by capacity-building in the not-for-profit and charitable sectors. All corporate charitable contributions, sponsorships and in-kind services promote our business goals, create positive visibility and demonstrate our social responsibility.

Our contributions centre around health and wellbeing, employment and education, supporting organisations that help others in need as well as community programs, clubs and schools in regional areas, where our project sites and workshops can make a difference in the local community.

We support events and programmes that seek to enrich local communities in the following areas:

-Health & Wellbeing
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
North West Travel Subsidy State governmentDepartment of Sport, Local Government and Cultural IndustriesNorth West Travel Subsidy aims to assist young athletes from the North West with travel costs.
It aims to encourage participation in identified sport and recreation activities for athletes living in the regions of the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne.
North West Travel Subsidy is not an open funding scheme and is only available to athletes by way of application from their Regional or State Sporting Association or another relevant not-for-profit organisation approved by the department.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Quick GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of MundaringThis grant offers up to $500 to community groups for the purchase of small equipment, training and any other small projects that benefit the community.​2021-04-16 00:00:002021-05-17 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Quick Response Community GrantLocal GovernmentShire of DardanupLevel 1
Quick Response Community Grant – Up to $500 – Open all year
Applications for up to $500 are open all year until the total funding pool of $5,000 has been exhausted. 100% of the total project cost is available to be funded.

Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Regional Organisation GrantsState governmentDepartment of Local Government, Sport and Cultural IndustriesRegional Organisation Grants is a funding scheme only available to peak bodies considered regionally or culturally significant and have the ability to fulfill specific objectives of the department.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Seeding GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of VincentAre you or your group or organisation based within the City of Vincent? Are you looking at starting a new, innovative project that will benefit the local community? Then the City of Vincent may be able to help with Seeding Grants.

A one-off amount up to $5,000 may be available for each individual project through this funding category. Grant applications are assessed and approved by Administration based on funding guidelines and criteria.

We offer two different type of Seeding Grants:

Cultural Kickstart Grants are available for new projects related to cultural development, artistic development, community art projects or events.
Community Innovation Grants are available for new projects related to community development, education or recreation.
Open NowRound 3: 23 April 2021Visit Link
Small Community GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of KarrathaThe City of Karratha’s Community Grants and Contribution Scheme aims to offer community, sporting, cultural, service groups, associations and individuals operating within the City of Karratha, financial assistance to foster high quality programs, community events, projects and services that will benefit the whole community.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Small GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of CanningThe Small Grant is to support low-cost and quick-turnaround activities which meet the ‘Can –
Do’ Grants requirements. Any equipment (or non-consumable items) purchased with the
grant must be durable i.e. last over 12 months.
Activities which have already received City of Canning grant funding through another grant
category are not a priority for support. Applications may be considered where unexpected
costs relating to the activity have arisen after the earlier grant approval.
Open2021-05-28 00:00:00Visit Link
Sport and Recreation Club Assistance FundLocal GovernmentCity of StirlingThe Sport and Recreation Club Assistance Fund has been developed as part of the City of Stirling Economic Stimulus and Community Recovery package in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund has been created to support sport and recreation clubs who have and will continue to be negatively impacted. This funding assistance will be allocated to clubs to support clubs immediate and ongoing financial viability to ensure community sport continues to thrive throughout Stirling.Open Now2021-03-26 00:00:00Visit LinkYY
Sport, Recreation and Community Facilities GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of CanningMajor and minor upgrades to facilities may be submitted to this round, as follows:
- Up to $5,000 is available for small upgrades and improvements to facilities used by
sporting, recreation and community groups in the City of Canning. Evidence of a lease for
at least a further 12 months is a condition of this grant if the property is not owned by the
City of Canning
- Facilities improvements over $5,000 to improve sporting, recreation and community
facilities owned by the City of Canning.
Small Grants: Open Now

Sport and Community Equiptment: 11 Feb 2021

Disability Access and Inclusion: 11 Feb 2021

Can-Do Grants: 11 Feb 2021
Small Grants:28 May 2021

Sport and Community Equiptment: 11 March 2021

Can-Do Grants: 11 March 2021

Disability: 11 March 2021
Visit Link
Sporting DonationLocal governmentCity of BelmontSporting and Cultural Donations support local residents within the City of Belmont that have been successful in representing their field of excellence on behalf of Western Australia or Australia in a sporting or cultural activity. Assistance is given for travel, fees and costs. A clear selection process entitling the person to represent the State or National body must be demonstrated. A letter of selection from that State or National body must accompany the applicationOpen all yearApplications must be made at least 4 weeks prior to project or event. Visit LinkY
Sporting Equipment GrantLocal governmentCity of CockburnTo assist local clubs, the Sports Equipment Grant (SEG) has been developed to reflect our commitment to support local sporting clubs by contributing to the purchase of essential sports equipment. The maximum amount available is $1,000 per year with Council's contribution not to exceed 50 per cent of the total cost. The key focus of the grant is to help upgrade sporting equipment to increase community participation in sport and recreation. The SEG is available to Incorporated and not-for-profit sport and recreation clubs operating within the City of Cockburn. Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Sporting Travel GrantLocal GovernmentShire of Serpentine JarrahdaleResidents of the Shire can apply for financial assistance towards travel expenses associated with being selected to compete in a national or international sporting competition. This includes selection on a state or national team that is sanctioned by a state or national sporting body.Open all yearApplication must be made at least 14 days prior to competition dateVisit Link
Stronger Communities ProgrammeFederal GovernmentDepartment of Industry, Innovation and Science
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
The program supports the Australian Governments commitment to deliver social benefits in communities across Australia by funding small capital projects in each of the 151 Federal electorate. The intended outcomes of the program are to improve local community participation and contribute to vibrant and viable communities.

Community consultation is a critical element of the program. In consultation with their community, each MP must identify potential applicants and projects in their electorate and invite them to apply for a grant. Invited applications will be assessed against the programs eligibility criteria through a closed non-competitive process. Grant funding will be up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs. Eligible applicants will be required to provide matched cash or in-kind contribution towards their eligible project. To apply you will need to receive an email invitation from your MP with an application link. You will need to fill in the online application form and attach any mandatory attachments.
Open2021-03-22 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Travel Subsisdy GrantLocal governmentCity of RockinghamA Travel Subsidy Grant is available to individuals and teams who are authorised by their associations governing body to participate in accredited interstate and international competitions travelling outside of Western Australia, for the following maximum amounts. Applicants must be residents of the City of Rockingham who are selected to represent theirchosen activity (sport and recreation; cultural; leadership; educational) at local, national orinternational level at an accredited event held outside of Western Australia or Australia.Open all yearApplications must be made at least 4 weeks prior to project or event. Visit LinkY
Venue Support GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of PerthThe City of Perth has the ability to provide assistance to eligible groups via waiving of venue and reserve hire fees through Venue Support Grants. Venue Support Grants are intended for use by the community, in order to increase the use of Council managed venues and reserves for meetings, forums, projects, activities and events.Open all yearApplications can must be submitted at least 12 weeks prior to the use of the reserve or venueVisit LinkYY
Women Leaders in SportFederal GovernmentSport AusThe WLIS Individual Development Grants program supports individual women to gain skills, knowledge and qualifications to progress on their leadership pathway. $10,000 available for individuals and $20,000 for organisations.2021-02-12 00:00:002021-03-17 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Young People Fly High GrantLocal governmentCity of CanningThe Young People Fly High Grant assists young people recognised for their achievements in sport and recreation, arts, and/or academic achievement with the cost of travel to represent WA at state, national or international level. Applicants must be 25 or under at the start date of the activity and live within the City of Canning boundaries. Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Youth Participation and Junior Sport Equipment GrantsLocal governmentCity of StirlingThese grants aimt to encourage young people to participate in physical activity at clubs and groups located within the City of Stirling. They include structured and non-structured sports and recreational pursuits that promote ongoing involvement in physical activity. Open all yearOpen all yearVisit Link
Youth SponsorshipLocal governmentCity of WannerooOrganisations or groups can request a donation on behalf of individuals who are participating in Regional/State, National or International events (ie. Sporting championships, tournaments, etc).Open all yearApplications must be made at least 2 weeks prior to project or event. Visit LinkY
Youth Sport GrantLocal GovernmentCity of MelvilleThe City of Melville is proud to provide grant funding to its young residents to assist with travel, fees and costs associated with State or National Sport Representation or its Sporting Clubs who are participating at a National Event.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Small Grants FundLocal GovernmentShire of MorawaThe Community Small Grants Fund (the Fund) is a pool of funding discreet to the funding opportunities already provided by the Morawa Sinosteel Future Fund. The total funding amount available for this grant across a financial year (1 July to 30 June) is capped at a total of $5,000. No single application can exceed $1000 and once the total $5,000 limit is reached no other applications will be considered in that financial year. More information is contained in the guidelines and application pack that will be made available soon.Open all yearCurrently exhausted until 1 JulyVisit LinkYY
Lotterywest COVID 19 Relief Funds GrantFederal GovernmentLotterywestIn response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the State Government, through Lotterywest, has allocated all profits of the Lottery (up to $159 million) directly into the newly created COVID-19 Relief Fund.

This Fund will assist the Western Australian community through COVID-19 and respond to the impacts of the crisis on individual and community wellbeing through targeted and impactful community grants.

The focus is community directed and avoids duplication of Government services. Grants will remain as one-off, time limited investments.
Prioritising funding for communities and organisations supporting COVID-19 recoveryTBDVisit LinkY
Community Funding ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of KalamundaLocal residents and community groups are invited to apply for funding through the City of Kalamunda’s many financial assistance programs.

The Community Funding Programs are a one-off contribution to assist local community groups and individuals to deliver projects that:

-Increase community participation and involvement within the City of Kalamunda
-Build the skills and knowledge of association and/or community members
-Increase volunteering pride and/ or celebrate the diversity within our community
On hold for 2020/2021On holdVisit LinkY
Kalamunda Sports AwardLocal governmentCity of KalamundaThis award recognises the acheivement of local athletes who have represented their state or country in their chosen sport. On hold for 2020/2021On holdVisit LinkY
Perth Airport Community Boost ProgramCorporatePerth AirportAll applications must also align with at least one of Perth Airport’s key areas of support which include:
Youth – education, skills attainment, self-development and high achievement.
Community – activities such as arts and cultural events that benefit a significant number of members in the communities in which Perth Airport operates.
Environment – projects that engage local community groups or schools and seek to maintain, enhance and protect local environments in which Perth Airport operates, including community-based conservation and rehabilitation programs.
Indigenous – projects that preserve and celebrate the culture of indigenous groups with a focus on the Noongar people connected to airport land.
Tourism – activities that build and promote tourism to the communities in which Perth Airport operates.
Sport – Projects or events run by groups within the communities that surround Perth Airport.

Must be located within these city Councils: Town of Bassendean, City of Bayswater, Belmont, Canning, Gosnells & Swan, Shire of Mundaring & Kalamunda
Program put on hold until further noticeOn holdVisit LinkY
Sporting ScholarshipLocal governmentShire of CollieThe Shire of Collie awards Sporting Scholarships to assist by way of covering out-of-pocket expenses, for local sporting individuals who have been selected in aWestern Australian State or Australian National representative team.On hold for 2020/2021On holdVisit LinkYY
Sports Development ProgramLocal governmentCity of JoondalupThe Sports Development Program provides financial assistance to local community sport and recreating clubs for projects, programs and events that benefit the development of sport and recreating to residents of the City of Joondalup. The program provides large grants ($10,001-$20,000) offered annually in August and small grants ($10,000 and lower) offered twice a year in August and February. Dates TBD for 2020/2021Dates TBD for 2020/2021Visit LinkY
Westfund Community GrantCorporateWestfundSupports community organisations that inspire the principles of health and wellbeing, fitness for life, family and community.

- Events promoting health and fitness activities in Communities.
- Charitable organisations that require assistance with the purchase of health related products.
- Events that support and encourage health and wellbeing in families.
-Events and projects that promote and encourage general wellbeing and health in communities.
- Projects that look to educate communities about health and health related activities.
- Members applications will be given preference.
Will reopen in 2021Will reopen in 2021Visit LinkY
Westpac Community GrantCorporateWestpac$10,000 to local community organisations delivering educational opportunities, training or employment pathways.
Non-financial support including our Community Ambassador program to help drive impact and access to financial capability programs.
Will reopen in 2021Will reopen in 2021Visit LinkY
Telstra Kids FundCorporateTelstraTelstra Kids is an initiative of the Telstra Foundation. We fund and champion digital learning experiences for community-based organisations that help kids thrive. This is done through amazing and inspiring projects that are funded by a Telstra Kids cash grant of $1,200. We know that one size doesn't fit all, which is why we love to fund cash grant applications that build a bunch of skills that enable kids to create, play and learn. We fund all types of projects from digital-making and coding with tech, to art supplies for the classroom or a summer veggie patch. ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Jetstar Flying Start 30kCorporateJetstarJetstar flying start program invites community groups and organisations across Australia to apply for a grant to fund a project that will enrich the lives of people in their local community. Entry is open to not-for-profit community groups and organisations of any size, who are seeking funding to help enhance the lives of people in their local community. $30,000 grants are awarded twice a year. ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Lendlease Community GrantsCorporateLendleaseLendlease recognises and rewards the volunteering efforts of our employees and the community through our Lendlease Foundation Community Grants program._x000D_
Lendlease Foundation partners with Bendigo Bank’s Community Enterprise Foundation™ to aid not-for profit community organisations and charities. _x000D_
In Australia, Lendlease Foundation doubled the number of grants available, with 10 grants of up to $10,000 awarded to bushfire affected communities and the organisations that support them. _x000D_
This is in addition to 10 grants of up to $10,000 for community organisations and charities, bringing this year’s total Community Grants funding up to $200,000 for twenty worthy community organisations. _x000D_
With over 100 applications received, employees voted to short-list the top ten organisations in need of funding. _x000D_
Successful applicants have been given a financial boost to address a range of community needs, including community development, diversity and inclusion, skilling, training and employment, health and wellbeing._x000D_
ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Move It Aus - Particpation CorporateSports Aus and AIS The Move It AUS - Participation Grant Program provides support to help organisations get Australians moving and to support the aspiration to make Australia the worlds most active and healthy nation.
If successful, applicants will receive grants up to $1 million to implement community-based activities that align to the outcomes of Sport 2030.
ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Community Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of KatanningThe Shire of Katanning is committed to recognising the value of all community organisations and has
developed a clear and powerful vision of “Together we are building Katanning’s future”.
Each year the Shire of Katanning allocates an amount of funds within the budget to provide financial support
to community organisations that meet the objectives of the Community Grants Program (CGP).
There are three CGP categories that are available to community organisations:
1. Minor community grant under $5,000 (ex GST)
2. Major community grant over $5,000 (ex GST)
3. Triennium community grant (Minor and Major available)
The CFAP will be spread over two funding rounds (subject to available funds) as follows:
1. Round 1 – May/June with funding announced following budget approval by Council; and
2. Round 2 – December/January with funding announced in February.
ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Community Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentTown of Victoria ParkCommunity grants provide an opportunity for the groups and individuals to build the capacity and wellbeing of Town of Victoria Park community. The objectives of a community grant align with the Towns Strategic Community Plan. Specifically, a community grant should promote sustainable, connected, safe, and diverse places for everyone and achieve the following strategic outcomes:

S1 - A healthy community.
S2 - An informed and knowledgeable community.
S3 - An empowered community with sense of pride, safety and belonging.
S4 - A place where all people have an awareness and appreciation of arts, culture, education and heritage.
En4 - A clean place where everyone knows the value of waste, water and energy.
En5 - Appropriate, inviting and sustainable green spaces for everyone that are well maintained and well managed.

There are three levels of funding available:

Level 1 grant: up to $500 (unincorporated and incorporated groups)
Level 2 grant: $501 to $4,999 (incorporated groups only)
Level 3 grant: $5,000 to $10,000 (incorporated groups only)
ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Community Living and Particpation Grants Local governmentNational Disability Services The Community Living and Participation Grants (CLPG) provides grants of up to $10,000 to enable people with disability to participate in community life.ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
50/50 EquipmentLocal GovernmentCity of CanningFunding is available to purchase equipment which will support the viability of not-for-profit
organisations and help deliver local community services. All purchases must be new, durable
(i.e. last over 12 months), accessible to members, be used frequently, and must not be for
personal use. If permission is required for use or installation of the equipment, this should be
obtained prior to making an application due to the tight timeline for this grant.
ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Australia Post Community Grants CorporateAustralia PostThe 2020 Australia Post Community Grants program aims to support projects that help improve
connection and mental wellbeing in local communities. We’re looking for projects that:
-Support mental health awareness and early intervention to help people understand more
about how to stay mentally well.
-Increase the opportunity for individuals to experience meaningful connections that
enhance mental wellbeing.
-Help people access mental health support at a local level.
2021-06-01 00:00:00ClosedVisit LinkY
Community BudgetLocal governmentShire of MooraThe Shire of Moora awards up to $60,000 in funding each year to assist sporting and community groups who apply for funding to assist with theirgiven project or event. Applications must be from eligible organisations within the Shire of Moora. The funding will support a proportion of the total project costs. In-kind services and volunteer labourare eligible components of the total project costs. Successful projects will have at least one defined priority area or clearly identified and provided an explanation of need for the projectClosedclosedVisit LinkY
Community Capital RequestsLocal GovernmentCity of BayswaterIn consideration for the budget process each year, the City opens applications for capital works funding requests from community and sporting organisations wishing to improve facilities and infrastructure within the City of Bayswater, or City-leased facilities.

Applications open: Early November 2020

Applications close: Late January 2021 (pending Council reporting cycles)

Please note that all applications received are considered on a case by case basis and a received application does not guarantee funding.
If the organisation has a lease with the City, organisation must obtain approval from the President or Executive Officer of the Association or Committee named in the lease agreement, prior to submitting an application.
For any project involving works on City buildings, the club is required to discuss its submission with a City Project Officer prior to seeking quotes.
Please see below example of previous documents (for information only) from the Community Capital Request 2020-21 funding round.
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Community Development GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of Christmas IslandThe Indian Ocean Territories (IOT) Community Development Grants Programme for the Territories of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands is an Australian Government initiative which funds projects supporting economic development and livability.
The objective of the IOT Community Development Grants Programme is to contribute to the sustainability of the local economy and support community amenity by investing in a diverse range of community and infrastructure projects.
It is an open and competitive grants programme, with applicants required to meet eligibility criteria. Eligible applications are assessed on their individual and relative merits against appraisal criteria, and that the project would be a proper use of Australian Government funds.
The Programme provides successful applicants with grants up to $200,000.
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Community Development GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of Cocos IslandsThe Indian Ocean Territories (IOT) Community Development Grants Programme for the Territories of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands is an Australian Government initiative which funds projects supporting economic development and livability._x000D_
The objective of the IOT Community Development Grants Programme is to contribute to the sustainability of the local economy and support community amenity by investing in a diverse range of community and infrastructure projects._x000D_
It is an open and competitive grants programme, with applicants required to meet eligibility criteria. Eligible applications are assessed on their individual and relative merits against appraisal criteria, and that the project would be a proper use of Australian Government funds._x000D_
The Programme provides successful applicants with grants up to $200,000.
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Community EventsLocal GovernmentTown Of CambridgeThe purpose of this grant is to support community events and programs that enhance social capital and encourage participation in local community life. Three levels of funding are available:_x000D_
Category 1. Large events or projects (attracting 500+ community members) - funding up to $2,000_x000D_
Category 2. Medium size events (attracting 100-499 community members) - funding up to $1,000_x000D_
Category 3. Small community or club events and programs (attracting up to 99 community members) - funding up to $250
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COVID19 Shire Reserve ReliefLocal GovernmentShire of Augusta The Shire's Community Care Package has been initiated in response to the escalating coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, which is having a considerable economic and social impact on the community.
The package includes up to $2million of Shire reserve funding for local business initiatives and community services which respond to needs arising from the pandemic. This fund is open from the 26 March 2020, with assessments to be completed on a rolling basis.
The fund can be used to support projects or services that:
-Responds to immediate need in our community as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
-Connects neighbours and community members to assist and support each other
-Enhances people’s access to critical information and resources
-Enables transportation and delivery of services and supplies
-Supports people who need urgent accommodation due to the impact of the pandemic
-Provides access to mental health and counselling services
-Delivers technology to enable people to access information, resources and connect with other people and services
-Continue support services through business networks and associations
-Develops toolkits and other supports to assist businesses through the pandemic
-Provides access to information resources for businesses
-Delivers financial advice for the business community
-Delivers advice for businesses who are redefining their business model in response to the pandemic
-Supports businesses who are providing a community service in response to the pandemic, and
-Supports businesses for activation and marketing, when they are able to reopen.
To apply, download the Community Care Package Guidelines and contact the Community Recovery Team at (08) 9780 5255 or recovery@amrshire.wa.gov.au
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Resilience GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of CanningThe City offers grants for activities in Canning which contribute to an inclusive, safe and vibrant community and create a welcoming and thriving City._x000D_
The grants have now closed for the 2019/2020 financial year as the budget has been fully expended.
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Special Requests Community GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of Gnowangerupor applications from $5000.00 - $20,000.00 aimed at supporting community groups with large capital projects, events, projects etc. The purpose of the grant is not to fund operating costs.ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Sport4EveryoneCorporateAustralian Sports FoundationSport4Everyone is a grants program of the Australian Sports Foundation, funding projects and activities that increase participation in grassroots and community sport through small grants. Sport4Everyone provides grants of up to $10,000 for projects and activities that will positively impact on or more of the four focus areas outlined below.
1) Increasing the number of Women and Girls in sport
2) Physical activity--- getting more kids, more active
3) Improving leadership and decision making through sport
4) Diversity and Inclusion-- Increasing participation among minority groups
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Targeted Particpation Program State governmentDepartment of Sport, Local Government and Cultural IndustriesThe Targeted Participation Program (TPP) provides funding for organisations to promote participation and active engagement of Western Australian communities in sport and active recreation.

The focus is on evidence-based low participation groups. The 2019/20 targeted populations are:
-Disengaged youth
-Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD)
-People with disability
-Seniors (60+)
-Insufficiently active
-Adolescent girls (12 to 17)
-Low socio-economic
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Volunteer GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of KentGrants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are available to help community organisations to support the efforts of Australia’s volunteers. The grants can be used to buy small equipment for volunteers or for the reimbursement of volunteer fuel, transport or training costs.

The grants should be used to support a diverse range of priorities such as: drought; environmental conservation; youth services such as scouting groups or local sports clubs; community organisations supporting older Australians such as Meals on Wheels or Men’s Sheds; arts groups; or supporting rural fire services, first aid providers or State Emergency Services. This list is not exhaustive and there may be community organisations using volunteers to engage in other activities that are important to the local community.

Eligible organisations can send their details direct to rick.wilson.mp@aph.gov.au by the 10th February 2020 and need to include the name and address of the organisation, name of the key contact person and the email address and phone number of the key contact person. Your nomination should also include what the grant will be used for and the grant amount.

A community consultation committee will assist me in identifying suitable projects for nomination.
The Department of Social Services Community Grants Hub will then send an application form direct to each nominated organisation between the 10th March 2020 and the 6th April 2020 with grant announcements in June 2020.
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Woodside Community Grant Program - ExmouthCorporateWoodsideGrants of up to $5,000 are available to support community initiatives in the Shire of Exmouth. It’s part of our commitment to building local capacity and developing opportunities for community wellbeing. If you’re a club or organisation with a great idea or in need of some extra support we want to hear from you.ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Youth Encouragement GrantsLocal governmentMosman Park Youth Advisory Council (MPYAC)*The Youth Encouragement Grants are an exciting youth initiative offered by the Mosman Park Youth Advisory Council (MPYAC) and are designed to assist young people to achieve their goals and participate in the community. Not only for high acheivers, these grants are aimed at assisting young people to reach the goals they have set for themselves and the money can be put towards a variety of areas including tuition, coaching and purchasing specialised equipment. ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Youth Encouragement GrantsLocal GovernmentTown of Mosman ParkThe Youth Encouragement Grants are an exciting youth initiative offered by the Mosman Park Youth Advisory Council (MPYAC) and are designed to assist young people to achieve their goals and participate in the community.

Not only for high achievers, these grants are aimed at assisting young people to reach the goals they have set for themselves and the money can be put towards a variety of areas including tuition, coaching and purchasing specialised equipment.

There are four $1,000 grants available and applications can be made in any of the following categories:

- Academic Study
- Sport and Recreation
- Music and the Arts
- Community Service
- Leadership
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Youth Week WACorporateState GovernmentFunding of up to $1,500 for individual events and up to $3,000 for collaborative community-wide events are available for eligible organisations to host an event during Youth Week WA 2020. ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Youth Engagement Grants ProgramCorporateDepartment of CommunitiesUp to $10,000 for local governments and community organisations to implement projects that engage young people (10–18 years old) in creative ways and help achieve positive outcomes.ClosedClosedVisit LinkYY
WA Day GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of CanningEligible activities will take place in Canning over the WA Day long weekend, culminating on
the public holiday, Monday 1 June 2020. This grant supports events which best meet the
goals of WA Day, as described on the Celebrate WA website
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Regional Economic Development GrantsLocal GovernmentDepartment of Primary Industries and Regional DevelopmentApplications are now open for Round 3 of the State Government's Regional Economic Development Grants.
These grants are designed to support projects and initiatives in regional Western Australia that will expand economic growth and development.
For Round 3, the program objectives include:
Sustainable jobs
Expanding or diversifying industry
Developing skills or capabilities
Attracting new investment in the region
Maximising recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic impacts.
The program objective of maximising recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic impacts is a new objective specific to this round.
The Mid-West Development Commission website has all the information.
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Major FundingLocal GovernmentShire of Donnybrook BalingupCommunity groups & non-profit organisations operating within the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup are encouraged to apply for assistance through the 2020/2021 Community Funding Scheme. Your group/organisation may be eligible for funding under a series of categories. Grants for individual endeavour are also available.
COMMUNITY GRANTS Major – up to $2,000
EVENTS SPONSORSHIP Major – up to $2,000
BUDGET REQUESTS/RECURRENT FUNDING Council may also consider financial requests for projects that fall outside of the Community Grants Scheme. These requests must be submitted in writing providing full details, including other funding sources and the benefit of the project to the community.
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Minara Community Foundation Grant CorporateMinara resourcesConsideration is given to a wide range of charitable projects to build community capacity in one or more of the following areas in the Shires of Laverton, Leonora and Menzies:

Education, including training opportunities;
-Economic development
-Programs and initiatives for youth and future generations; and
-Culture and heritage, including the protection of Indigenous culture.
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Minor Community GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of CapelWe love to support our local community through our community grants and event sponsorship program. We’ve helped many community groups achieve their goals with grants for projects costing up to $10,000._x000D_
We want to help local community groups to achieve their goals. Community groups, clubs and organisations needing financial help can apply.
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Quick GrantsLocal GovernmentShire of Gnowangerup For applications up to $500.00, primarily for volunteer support.ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
EMRC Community Grants ProgramLocal governmentEastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC)*The Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC) is an active member and proud supporter of Red Hill and surrounding communities. The EMRC is seeking quality applications from groups that demonstrate the need to deliver real benefit to the wider community and/or environment in Gidgegannup, Hovea, Parkerville and/or Stoneville. The EMRC will provide funding to community groups that can demonstrate the greatest community and/or environmental need for programs, activities, events or facilities that align with one or more of the four grant categories: sustainability, cultural/community, social and/or recreational.ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Financial Assistance FundingLocal GovernmentShire of PlantagenetThis policy relates to financial assistance by the Council to incorporated
organisations and clubs occupying land owned by, or vested in the Council.

A) Financial assistance will not be given to clubs and organisations
occupying Crown Land not vested in the Council or private property.
This policy shall only apply where works of a capital nature over
$5,000.00 are being undertaken.

B) Organisations and clubs are not to expect as a right any financial
assistance from the Council, as requests will only be considered in
respect to the overall priorities of other projects within the Shire and will
also be subject to the availability of finance.

C) The Council reserves the right to either fund within its budgeted works
program or oversee any project applied for under this policy.
d) Funds will only be provided for capital works on the subject land and
ownership of all infrastructure ultimately vests in the Council on behalf of
the Community.
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General Grant FundingLocal GovernmentShire of Serpentine JarrahdaleGeneral Grant funding is part of the Shire’s Community Grants program initiative. The grant is available up to $5,000 ex GST to provide direct financial assistance for registered not-for-profit organisations and incorporated community groups for initiatives relevant to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale community.ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Grant Funding ProgramLocal GovernmentCity of Bunbury The City of Bunbury provides funding for a range of programs, events and activities each year to enhance the community and economy. The Grant Program aims to be thorough yet transparent and enable a range of quality and diverse events to take place. An additional $90,000 has been allocated to a new one off category, ‘Capacity and Resilience’ in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim to support and help build the capacity of Bunbury-based community groups and organisations through quality training and skill development opportunities.

There are four categories to choose from:

· Arts (for projects up to $5000);

· Community​ (available for capital projects worth up to $25,000 or one-off projects up to $5000);

· Events ​and CDB Summer Event​ (available for events up to $15,000 for minor events or major events up to $40,000 along with one grant up to $15,000 for a CBD Summer Event)

· Capacity and Resilience (for projects up to $5,000)
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Grants for WomenLocal GovernmentDepartment of CommunitiesGrants of up to $10,000 are available for local governments and community service organisations to implement projects that focus on addressing the unique issues faced by women.
Funding of up to $5,000 is available for one-off activities or initiatives, with a duration of up to six months that contribute to the program's priority areas.
Funding of up to $10,000 is available for longer term (over six months), strategic initiatives involving a range of partners that will contribute to creating sustainable or systemic change in the program's priority areas.
Projects should address one or more of the following project priority areas:
-Women's economic independence
-Women in leadership
-Women's Consultative Fora Outcomes
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Grass Roots Community Grants ProgramCorporateCBH GroupOur Grass Roots Fund provides financial assistance to grain growing communities for projects which contribute to the health and vitality of their community2021-08-01 00:00:00ClosedVisit LinkY
Large Community GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of KarrathaThe City of Karratha’s Community Grants and Contribution Scheme aims to offer community, sporting, cultural, service groups, associations and individuals operating within the City of Karratha, financial assistance to foster high quality programs, community events, projects and services that will benefit the whole community.ClosedVisit LinkYYY
Community Project SupportLocal governmentCity of Greater GeraldtonThe aim of the City's Community Project Support Program is to aid local community groups and organisations that make positive contributions to the quality of life within the Greater Geraldton region.ClosedVisit LinkY
Community Projects and Significant EventsLocal GovernmentShire of Shark BayThe Shire of Shark Bay administers three grant rounds per financial year, for local grants for community and sporting groups within the Shire of Shark Bay.

NOW OPEN - Round 1 2020/2021 Community Projects & Significant Events

The Shire of Shark Bay invites local community groups to apply for Round 1 of the 2020/2021 Community Assistance Grants. Eligible applications received, will be recommended to the September Ordinary Council Meeting and funding will be made available to successful applicants in October. Applications close Friday 4 September 2020. Significant Event Sponsorship funding pool is open all year round.
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Community Small Grants FundLocal GovernmentShire of CollieNo description providedClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Community Support GrantsLocal governmentShire of AshburtonApplications may include the following: Community based activities/programs; regional sporting events or championships; club participation in regional/state championships; club equipment; professional sports or community development such as clinics, courses and seminars; facility development and maintenance; individual sports or education scholarship for regional/state/national/international competition participation; community events; other purposes assessed on broad community benefit.ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Community Wellbeing GrantsLocal governmentCity Of PerthThe Community Wellbeing Grants are designed to assist the City to rebound and recover post COVID-19 and make our city a better place in which to live, work and visit. The City of Perth recognises that community-led projects, programs and services build strong and resilient communities and can address key issues at a local level. Community Wellbeing Grants offer up to $20,000 to facilitate a diverse range of projects, programs and services that help build strong, connected and inclusive communities and deliver practical and sustainable outcomes. Funding may be used to assist the development and facilitation of a new community program, expand on an existing program or for other innovative and creative community projects and services that demonstrate clear community benefit and align to the City's Strategic Community Plan.ClosedClosedVisit LinkY
Community FundingLocal GovernmentShire of HarveyThe Shire’s COVID-19 Community Grants Program is currently open to community groups and organisations to apply for a one-off grant up to $5000 towards a community project that will create and deliver innovative solutions to meet the changing needs of the community due to the impact of COVID-19.

Business Funding

The Shire of Harvey’s COVID-19 Business Response Grant Program provides funding of up to $5,000 in the form of a one-off grant to deliver direct financial support to local small businesses and associations providing business and industry support services. The grants will deliver direct financial support to local businesses and organisations within the Shire of Harvey who innovate, adapt and foster business continuity to assist with economic recovery.

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Events and Activation Quick Response GrantsLocal GovernmentCity of PerthThe City acknowledges the significant impact that COVID-19 has had on the events industry and aims to support the recovery and rebound of the sector to be stronger and more resilient than before. Events and activation will be critical in welcoming people back to the city as restrictions on large gatherings are relaxed. The City of Perth offers two streams of Event Sponsorship; Community Stream and Commercial Stream. Please contact a Sponsorship Officer before commencing your application to determine the appropriate stream for your event.2021-06-30 00:00:00Visit LinkY
Every Club Grant SchemeLocal GovernmentDepartment of Local Government, Sport and Cultural IndustriesThe Every Club Grant Scheme aims to ensure clubs are supported to build their organisational capacity and capability through accessible and flexible club development services.
The department provides funding to eligible Local Government Authorities and State Sporting Associations to:
- Provide education, training and professional development opportunities for the sport and recreation club workforce.
- Support clubs to adopt governance, planning and management practices.
- Facilitate partnerships between Local Government Authorities, State/Regional Sporting Associations and sport and recreation clubs.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Eye Play SportCorporateEye Play SportProvides financial and in-kind support through their grants programs to assist members of the community who are blind and vision impaired (B&VI) to participate in sport.

These range from funding athletes to compete at state, national or international competitions, to providing a local sporting club blind tennis balls so blind and vision impaired (B&VI) members of that community can actively participate. EPS offers 5 types of grants:
Athlete, Support Persons, Equipment, Event and Program.

The purpose of these grants are to provide funding for:
- Athletes to attend state, national and international sporting competitions and training camps
- Support persons to travel with athletes who are B&VI to assist at competitions or training camps
- Individuals and groups to purchase specific equipment such as tandem bicycles or blind cricket/tennis balls.
- Running programs that will offer B&VI members of the community an opportunity to participate in a sport & Rec program
- Organisation’s to host state, national or international competitions for athletes who are B&VI.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Community Grants and Events SponsorshipLocal GovernmentShire of Donnybrook BalingupThe Community Funding Scheme aims to build sustainable local communities and enhance social wellbeing within the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup.
The Shire welcomes submissions from individuals, community groups, not-for-profit and commercial organisations that are seeking support for projects, activities and events that address community needs.
Throughout the year your group/organisation may be eligible for funding in the following ways:
Applications can be submitted throughout the year. Please read the guidelines below to assist with your eligibility and application:
Community Grants – Minor projects – up to $500
Event Sponsorship – Minor events – up to $500
Waiver of Fees – Up to $500
Cash Donations - Up to $200
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Community Grants and Service AgreementsLocal GovernmentShire Of Bridgetown-GreenbushesTwo types of funding are available:
Community Grants provide a one-off, lump sum fund for projects including capital expenditure.
Service Agreements provide recurring funds each year for three years for ongoing projects.
Grant funds will be available to the successful applicants during the 2020-2021 financial year, once Council has adopted the annual budget. This usually occurs at the July or August Council meeting.
Funding applications are assessed by Council. Applications that address the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Strategic Community Plan will have a stronger likelihood of success.
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Community Grants ProgramLocal GovernmentShire of KellerberrinThe Shire of Kellerberrin awards up to $30,000 in funding each year to local sporting and community groups who apply for funding to assist with there given project or event.
Applications are now open for this year’s round of funding and Council invites all sporting and community groups to apply for its Annual Community Grants under the following categories:

Community Donations – Max $2,000 per applicant
Public Relations – Max $300 per applicant
Community Grants – Max $3,000 per applicant
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DonationsLocal GovernmentTown Of CottesloeNo description providedClosedClosedVisit LinkY
RAC Community Sponsorships - Community ChestCorporateRACSupports small-scale initiatives across WA that have a local community focus.

Support will be provided to those requests which meet the following criteria:
- Provides a clear benefit to the local community
- Demonstrates how the initiative addresses at least one of the sponsorship priorities.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
RAC Community Sponsorships - Grass RootsCorporateRACSupports a diverse range of small-scale initiatives that will empower and strengthen local communities.

Support will be provided to those initiatives which can meet the following criteria to a high degree
- Demonstrates how the initiative addresses at least one of the sponsorship focus areas
- Provides a clear benefit to the community.
- Demonstrates community need for the initiative.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
RAC Community Sponsorships - ProjectCorporateRAC Supports initiatives that provide unique and enriching experiences for local communities.

Support will be provided to those initiatives which can meet the following criteria to a high degree:
- Demonstrates how the initiative addresses at least one of the sponsorship focus areas
- Demonstrates community need for the initiative
- Provides a clear benefit to the community
- Demonstrates strong project planning and the effective use of resources
- Demonstrates partnerships with key community groups, local governments, individuals and other
- Provides opportunities for RAC member and staff engagement.
Open all yearOpen all yearVisit LinkY
Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme State governmentDepartment of Sport, Local Government and Cultural IndustriesThe Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme provides funding assistance to regional Western Australian athletes who aspire to reach their full sporting potential.

The Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme (ATSS) is an initiative supporting regional athletes who have progressed into the high performance pathway of their chosen sport and are pursuing regional, state and national representation.
Eligible regional athletes can receive funding for out-of-pocket travel and accommodation expenses directly related to competitions and programs in accordance with the performance level categories and eligibility criteria outlined in the application guidelines.
Subsidies for regional athletes are provided through the State Governments Royalties for Regions Program.
Previously the Department has supported a travel subsidy for both regional and metropolitan athletes. Unfortunately over recent times funding provided to the sport and recreation industry has been impacted by a number of factors. This has required difficult decisions regarding allocation of budgets across a range of programs. In the current financial climate, funding is no longer available to support the continuation of the metropolitan component of this scheme.
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Community TAB Sports GrantCorporateRacing & Wagering WARWWA has been supporting the sport and recreation industry in WA for many years. Community TAB Sports Grants gave over $140,000 worth of grants to WA sporting clubs in regional and metropolitan communities over a two year period. Clubs were granted $2,000 or $4,000 grants.Open all yearOpen all yearVisit Link
Community Events GrantLocal GovernmentCity of BayswaterThe grant is a source of funding available to local groups or organisations who want to plan an event that will benefit their community.

The City values and strives to provide opportunities to partner with the community to deliver positive community outcomes which are consistent with, and complement, the City's strategic vision. The City encourages and supports the Community Events Grant funding to innovatively respond to social disadvantage, protection of the natural or built environment, partnerships, community development and capacity building.
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Community Financial Assistance ProgramLocal GovernmentShire of DenmarkCommunity Financial Assistance Program
The Shire of Denmark Community Financial Assistance Program is designed to provide financial assistance for community based (not for profit) organisations, that utilise the funds to benefit the community. Minor Community Grants ($201 to $5000) and Major Community Grants (Over $5000) are awarded to assist with projects, development and/or maintenance of facilities, relief from Council fees and charges, etc.
-To provide financial assistance for organisations and/or projects which benefit the community.
-To assist community based (not for profit) organisations to develop and maintain facilities.
-To provide community based (not for profit) organisations with relief from Council imposed fees and charges.
-To provide guidelines for the consideration and approval, or otherwise, of financial assistance applications.
-To minimise out of budget, ad hoc requests.
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Community GrantsLocal governmentTown of Victoria ParkCommunity grants provide an opportunity for the groups and individuals to build the capacity and wellbeing of Town of Victoria Park community. The objectives of a community grant align with the Towns Strategic Community Plan. Specifically, a community grant should promote sustainable, connected, safe, and diverse places for everyone and achieve the following strategic outcomes:

- A healthy community
- An informed and knowledgeable community
- An empowered community with sense of pride, safety and belonging
- A place where all people have an awareness and appreciation of arts, culture, education and heritage
- A clean place where everyone knows the value of waste, water and energy
- Appropriate, inviting and sustainable green spaces for everyone that are well maintained and well managed
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