Application into the Football West Amateur League Competition Please state your club's name(Required)Does your club already have a Team participating in the Football West Men's Amateur League Competition?(Required)YesNoHas your club previously participated in the Football West Men's Amateur League Competition?(Required)YesNoHas your club participated in the Football West Men's Metropolitan League for a minimum of two years?(Required)YesNoWhat grounds would your Amateur Team play on?(Required)Which of the below facilities do these grounds have:(Required) Changerooms Separate Match Official Changerooms Female Changerooms Canteen Public Amenities Clubhouse Flood Lights (min 100 LUX) Flood Lights (min 50 LUX) Parking What is the number of registered participants who would have been eligible to play in the Football West Men's Amateur League Competition at your club in the previous season.(Required)Does your club have a strategic plan? Please explain you club's vision for the next 5 years.(Required)Please upload any supporting documentationMax. file size: 128 MB.Please tick all that apply(Required) Our club has junior teams Our club does not have junior teams Our club hopes to have junior teams Which Football West programs or initiatives has your club taken part in the previous season?(Required) NCDP/Game Plan Participation Agreement Hyundai Car Raffle Healthway Think Mental Health Member Protection Framework Other Why should Football West consider allowing your club to enter a Team in the Football West's Men's Amateur League Competition?(Required)Please state your name(Required)Please state the club's best email contact.(Required)