Competition Rules Review Form "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 4 25% Step 1: Rule for ReviewPlease ensure you have reviewed the latest Football West Competition Rules here: Select which document the rule belongs to:*Select OneCompetition RulesCompetition Rules – National Premier Leagues WAAnnexure 1 – State LeagueAnnexure 2 – Player PaymentsAnnexure 3 – Amateur League CompetitionsAnnexure 4 – Men's Senior Sunday CompetitionsAnnexure 5 – Women's Community CompetitionsAnnexure 6 – Community JuniorsAnnexure 7 – Night Series RulesAnnexure 8 – FFA Cup WA Preliminary RoundsAnnexure 9 – State Cup FinalAnnexure 10 – State Reserves CupAnnexure 11 – State 18s CupMatch Scheduling PolicyNPL Compliance Regulations1.1 Select the article (Competition Rules):*Click here to view the Competition RulesSelect One1. General2. Matches3. Postponed, Delayed or Abandoned Matches4. Forfeited Matches5. Playing Strip6. Match Officials7. Match Documentation8. Broadcasting and Livestreaming9. Players10. Ineligible Players11. Proof of Registration12. Representative Teams1.2. Select the section (1. General):*Select one or multiple. 1. The Rules contained within this document are valid for all Football West competitions with the exception of the National Premier Leagues unless otherwise specified. For clarity this includes, but is not limited to, the Men’s and Women’s Community Competitions, consisting of their respective State Leagues, Amateur Leagues and Senior Sunday Competitions, and the Community Junior Competitions. 2. Where a rule in this document appears to conflict with a rule in an Annexure, the rule in the Annexure takes precedence. 3. The Definitions set out in the Disciplinary and Grievance Regulations apply to this document and all of its annexures. 4. Football West may alter, add to, clarify or delete any ofthese Rules at its discretion. Any changes to these Rules will be communicated to Clubs. 5. Notwithstanding any other Rule in any Competition, Football West may investigate any alleged breach of these Rules regardless of the source of the alleged breach. Whether a matter is investigated or not is entirely at the discretion of Football West. 6. A participant breaching any of these Rules or those of the accompanying Annexures is liable to a Penalty. Whether a Penalty is imposed or not, or whether a Penalty is reduced or varied is at the sole discretion of Football West. Football West reserves the right to issue a warning for any breach of a competition rule prior to the imposition of any penalties, but whether a warning is issued is at the sole discretion of Football West. A Penalty may not be appealed to the Tribunal on the basis that the party is seeking an exercise of this discretion. 7. Where a Penalty is not specified in these Rules, Football West reserves the right to use its discretion to determine and impose a Penalty. 8. In the case of a rule being interpreted in two or more different ways, Football West reserves the right to determine which interpretation is valid. Any such determination isfinal. 9. In the case of a circumstance not being governed by these Rules, Football West reservesthe right to make a ruling on that circumstance. Any such ruling isfinal. 10. A club may apply for an exemption to these Rules where it can demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist. Football West will consider any application and determine whether or not the circumstances are exceptional. Any such determination is final and not subject to any further challenge. 11. Football West reserves the right to request the removal of any national flags, slogans or emblems at any time. Refusal to comply with any such request may result in disciplinary action. 12. Football West may, from time to time, organise Matches outside the normal league and cup season between the winning Team of any division and another Team from Western Australia, another Member Federation or another National Association. It is a condition of entry of Football West competitions that if such a Match is organised, the Team chosen MUST participate in that Match. Penalty for Breach: $1,000 13. Should a vacancy occur in any division for any reason prior to the commencement of the season the vacancy will be filled through a process to be determined by Football West in consultation with the relevant standing committee. For the avoidance of doubt the right to enter a Team in a certain division belongs to the club rather than the Players of that Team. 14. In the event any competition season, including the NPL seasons must be cancelled for any reason at any point Football West has complete discretion to declare a Team the winner of that competition or declare that there is no winner for that season. 15. In the event any Competition Season, including the NPL seasons must be modified for any reason at any point Football West has complete discretion to declare that the Competitions are to be conducted under a modified set of Rules. 16. Clubs are not entitled to rely upon a Match Official’s interpretation of these Rules. 1.2. Select the section (2. Matches):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West Matches must be played in accordance with these Rules, the accompanying Annexures and the Football West Match Scheduling Policy. 2. All Football West Matches must be played on grass or an artificial surface that has been approved in writing by Football West. 3. The venues, dates and times of Matches will be fixed and published by Football West as soon as practicable prior to the commencement of each season, and except as otherwise provided in these Rules, Matches will be played at those venues and on those dates thusfixed. 4. A club is required to participate in its allocated Matches unless otherwise specified in these Rules. Penalty for Breach: Forfeit 5. Football West reserves the right to change the date, time and venue of any Match. Football West may consult with and take into account any representations made by the Clubs participating in the Match in question, and with any other club or Clubs which may be affected thereby before doing so. 6. In the event that a Team is not ready to commence the Match within 15 minutes following the scheduled kick-off time, the Match may not proceed. Penalty for Breach: Forfeit 7. A Match may be played wholly or partly under floodlights if the floodlight installation has been approved by Football West as suitable for the conduct of Matches. 8. In the event of inclement weather, Clubs are obliged to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken in order that the scheduled Matches may proceed. 9. In the event that a Match is ended in a manner inconsistent with the Competition Rules, for example by extra time rather than proceeding directly to kicks from the Penalty mark, or vice versa, Football West reserves the right to allow the Match result to stand, as long as the Match was concluded in a manner consistent with the FIFA Laws of the Game. If allowing the Match result to stand would result in unfairness, the entire Match will be replayed. The decision of Football West in these circumstances is final and cannot be challenged. 10. It is the responsibility of the home club to enable the ground inspection to be carried out by the Referee. 11. Nets affixed to goalposts must be used in all Football West Matches. The Referee must not allow the Match to proceed without nets. 12. The club named first in any Match is deemed to be the home Team regardless of the venue at which the Match is played. 1.2. Select the section (3. Postponed, Delayed or Abandoned Matches):*Select one or multiple. 1.a. A Match may not be postponed, delayed or abandoned except: on the instructions of the Referee; or 1.b. A Match may not be postponed, delayed or abandoned except: by order of the police or other authority exercising its statutory powers to that effect;or 1.c. A Match may not be postponed, delayed or abandoned except: on the instructions of or with the prior written consent of Football West. 2.a. If the appointed Referee postpones, delays or abandons a Match, he must, within 30 minutes of making such a decision, inform: The home club;” 2.b. If the appointed Referee postpones, delays or abandons a Match, he must, within 30 minutes of making such a decision, inform: The visiting club; and 2.c. If the appointed Referee postpones, delays or abandons a Match, he must, within 30 minutes of making such a decision, inform: The Referee Allocator 3. A Match postponed in accordance with paragraph 1 may only be replayed at a date and time mutually agreed by both Clubs except in the circumstances specified in paragraphs 6 and 7. The details of the rearranged Match must be communicated to Football West at least 3 business days prior to the Match. 4. If a club requests the postponement of a Match, Football West reserves the right to require that an alternative date, time and venue are agreed before any such request is granted. 5. If a Match is postponed in accordance with paragraph 1, and the Clubs involved are not able to reach an agreement as to when the Match will be played, Football West will determine the date, time and venue of the Match and any such decision is final. If the rescheduled Match incurs a cost, Football West may pass on that cost to either one or both Clubs depending on the circumstances which led to the postponement 6. If a postponed Match cannot be rescheduled in accordance with paragraph 6, or cannot be completed for any other reason, Football West reserves the right to declare the Match a 0-0 draw. 7. A club or participant found to have caused the abandonment of any Match, will be sanctioned in accordance with the Disciplinary & Grievance Regulations and will forfeit that Match. 8. If a Match is abandoned prior to half time, then the Match will be replayed in accordance with paragraph 13, unless, in the opinion of the Referee, one of the participating Teams caused the abandonment of the Match or unless otherwise specified in these Rules or accompanying Annexures. 9. If a Match is abandoned at half time or after the commencement of the second half, then the score at the time of the abandonment of the Match will be deemed to be the Match result, unless, in the opinion of the Referee, one of the participating Teams or a club associate from one of the participating Teams caused the abandonment of the Match. If the Referee does not express an opinion on the party responsible for the abandonment, Football West may make a decision about which party or parties are responsible for the abandonment. 10. Paragraphs 8 and 9 do not apply to the MiniRoos League. Abandoned Matches in the aforementioned league will not be replayed under any circumstances. Where results are recorded by Football West, the result will stand as it was at the time of the abandonment. 11. If a Match is abandoned, and that Match is one in which the outcome must be that one of the Teams must be declared a winner on the day, for example a knock out cup Match, and at the time of the abandonment scores are level, then that Match will be replayed in full, unless in the opinion of the Referee, one of the participating Teams or a club associate from one of the participating Teams caused the abandonment of theMatch. If the Referee does not express an opinion on the party responsible for the abandonment, Football West may make a decision about which party or parties are responsible for the abandonment. 12. An abandoned Match that is to be replayed may be arranged at a mutually convenient time and venue by the participating Clubs. Football West must be notified in writing of the date, time and venue of the rescheduled Match within 10 business days of the original fixture. After 10 business days have passed, Football West will determine the date, time and venue for the Match and this Match may not be rescheduled. 13. If an abandoned Match cannot be rescheduled through mutual agreement, Football West will determine the date, time and venue of the Match and any such decision will be final. If the rescheduled Match incurs a cost, Football West may pass on that cost to either one or both Clubs depending on the circumstances that led to the abandonment. 14. If an abandoned Match cannot be rescheduled in accordance with paragraph 13, Football West reserves the right to declare the Match a 0-0 draw. If the abandoned Match is one in which the outcome must be that one of the Teams must be declared a winner, Football West reserves the right to determine the outcome of the Match using any method it chooses. 15. A Match that is normally played between Teams of 11 Players may not continue if either Team is reduced to fewer than 7 Players. 1.2. Select the section (4. Forfeited Matches):*Select one or multiple. 1.a.i. A Team that forfeits a Match may be sanctioned with the following Penalty at the discretion of Football West: Mens State League, Mens Amateur League & Women’s State Leagues; Written notice to Football West with at least one business day’s notice: $200 1.a.ii. A Team that forfeits a Match may be sanctioned with the following Penalty at the discretion of Football West: Mens State League, Mens Amateur League & Women’s State Leagues; With no notice or notice on a non-business day: $400 1.b.i. A Team that forfeits a Match may be sanctioned with the following Penalty at the discretion of Football West: FA Cup; Written notice to Football West with at least one business day’s notice: $150 1.b.ii. A Team that forfeits a Match may be sanctioned with the following Penalty at the discretion of Football West: FA Cup; With no notice or notice on a non-business day: $300 1.c.i. A Team that forfeits a Match may be sanctioned with the following Penalty at the discretion of Football West: Metropolitan, Masters & Women’s Amateur and Metropolitan Leagues; Written notice to Football West with at least one business day’s notice: $100 1.c.ii. A Team that forfeits a Match may be sanctioned with the following Penalty at the discretion of Football West: Metropolitan, Masters & Women’s Amateur and Metropolitan Leagues; With no notice or notice on a non-business day: $200 1.d.i. A Team that forfeits a Match may be sanctioned with the following Penalty at the discretion of Football West: Junior Boys, Junior Girls & MiniRoos Leagues; Written notice to Football West with at least one business day’s notice: $50 1.d.ii. A Team that forfeits a Match may be sanctioned with the following Penalty at the discretion of Football West: Junior Boys, Junior Girls & MiniRoos Leagues; With no notice or notice on a non-business day: $100 1.e.i. A Team that forfeits a Match may be sanctioned with the following Penalty at the discretion of Football West: Cup competitions; In accordance with the level of competition and length of notice. 2. The result of a forfeited Match will be awarded to the opposition club by a margin of 3-0, unless that score disadvantages the non-offending Team. 3. A Team which forfeits three consecutive Matches or any four Matches may, at the discretion of Football West, be deemed to have withdrawn from the competition. 4. In circumstances in which both Teams participating in a Match commit offences which carry the sanction of a forfeit, Football West reserves the right to declare the Match played, and award each Team zero points and zero goals, or if that Match occurs in a knockout competition, disqualify both Teams from that competition. 5.a. In circumstances in which a Team is retrospectively penalised with forfeiting a Match, all Match data resulting from the Match will be retained. These data include, but are not limited to: Goals scored; 5.b. In circumstances in which a Team is retrospectively penalised with forfeiting a Match, all Match data resulting from the Match will be retained. These data include, but are not limited to: Fairest and Best votes; 5.c. In circumstances in which a Team is retrospectively penalised with forfeiting a Match, all Match data resulting from the Match will be retained. These data include, but are not limited to: Substitutions; 5.d. In circumstances in which a Team is retrospectively penalised with forfeiting a Match, all Match data resulting from the Match will be retained. These data include, but are not limited to: Yellow cards; 5.e. In circumstances in which a Team is retrospectively penalised with forfeiting a Match, all Match data resulting from the Match will be retained. These data include, but are not limited to: Red cards. 1.2. Select the section (5. Playing Strip):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Player’s shirt must display on its back a unique number clearly distinguishable from a reasonable distance. The number must be a whole number between 1 and 99. The number 1 may only be worn by a goalkeeper. Penalty for Breach: $50 2. No part of the Player’s attire or the uniform worn by a Club Official may incorporate national flags, slogans or emblems. 3. The home Team will wear its designated home strip unless an exemption is granted by Football West in writing or if otherwise provided for in these Rules. 4. Advertising on a strip is permitted except for advertisements which contravene state or federal laws (such as tobacco advertising), Football West Rules, Regulations and By-Laws, advertise products, brands or companies which are in direct conflict with Football West protected sponsors or damage the reputation of the league or Football West. No advertising relating to alcoholic beverages may appear on the playing strip of any Player under the age of 18. Football West reserves the right to require that sponsorship advertising is removed from a playing strip if it deems the advertisement breaches this rule. 1.2. Select the section (6. Match Officials):*Select one or multiple. 1. Clubs are responsible for the payment of Match Official fees in accordance with these Rules. A club may not refuse to pay an officially appointed Referee regardless of whether payment is due on the day or by invoice from Football West. 2. A Referee arranged by the home club in accordance with these Rules in the absence of an officially appointed Referee assumes the same powers and responsibilities as an official Referee for the duration of the Match. Any Match Official who was not officially appointed to a Match by Football West is not entitled to payment, but may request payment from the club(s) that are normally responsible for the payment of Match Officials. It is at the discretion of the club(s) involved as to whether to make such requested payment. 3. With the exception of the Masters and Over 45s competitions, a Match Official arranged by the home club in accordance with these Rules in the absence of an officially appointed Referee, must be at least as old as the youngest eligible Player for the competition. For example, in senior men’s competitions, he must be at least 16 years old in the year of competition. For Masters and Over 45s competitions, he must be at least 18 years old in the year of competition. 4. Participants must identify themselves to the Match Officials upon request. Penalty for Breach: $100 5. Players and Team Officials must comply with any lawful instruction given to them by a Match Official officiating at a Football West Match. Penalty for Breach: $100 6. Match officials must not perform their duties in cases with an existing or potential conflict of interest. Any such conflict must be immediately disclosed to Football West. If there is any doubt as to whether or not any such conflict exists, the Match Official must declare it. 7. While performing their duties, Match Officials must avoid any situation that could lead to actual or perceived conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest arise if officials have, or appear to have, private or personal interests that detract from their ability to perform their duties as Match Officials with integrity in an independent and purposeful manner. Private or personal interests include gaining any possible advantage for himself, his family, relatives, friends or acquaintances. 8. A club which believes that a Match Official has an actual or perceived conflict of interest may report the matter to Football West and if the club chooses to report it, must detail the reasons for the alleged conflict. Any reports of alleged conflict which do not contain the reasons for the allegation will be dismissed immediately. 9. In the event that a conflict of interest, either actual or perceived, comes to the attention of Football West, Football West will decide on whether that conflict of interest exists, and what action is to be taken. 10. Neither Players nor Team Officials may approach a Match Official before, during or after a Match has ended unless invited to do so by the Match Official in question. 11. The decisions of the Referee regarding facts connected with play, including whether or not a goal is scored and the result of the Match, are final, even if the decision(s) of the Referee represents a technical error in the Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (7. Match Documentation):*Select one or multiple. 1. Electronic Match Sheets and Electronic Match Cards will be used in the 2021 season. 2. All competitions except for Under 5s, Under 6s and Under 7s will use Electronic Match Sheets and Electronic Match Cards. 3. The Rules governing Electronic Match Sheets and Electronic Match Cards are set out in the relevant annexure for each competition. 1.2. Select the section (8. Broadcasting and Livestreaming):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West may designate Matches to be livestreamed by Football West or by a third-party with approval from Football West. 2. The livestreaming of any Match must be approved by Football West at least 5 business days before the Match takes place 3. A Football West watermark must be displayed in the top-right corner of the broadcast, formatted as specified by Football West. 4. All footage supplied to Football West post-streaming must not include the Football West watermark or any other graphical overlays. 5. Advertising visible during the Broadcast must not promote unhealthy dietary choices or conflict with the interests of current Football Westsponsors. 6. Commentary used in any livestream must not conflict with the Football West or FA Code of Conduct. 1.2. Select the section (9. Players):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player must be registered with FA in accordance with the National Registration Regulations to be considered eligible to participate in any competitive Match approved by FootballWest. 2. A Player may register if he was born on or before 31 December 2016. 3. A registered Player may not participate in any Match approved by Football West if he is suspended or otherwise deemed ineligible by Football West, another Australian Member Federation, FA, AFC or FIFA. 4. It is the responsibility of the club to ensure that a Player participating in a Match is eligible to do so. 5. The first time a Player is registered the club must sight a proof of age document and must be satisfied that the Player is registering for the correct age group and with the correct date of birth. 6. The authorised representative of each club participating in the Match isresponsible forsatisfying himself that the opposition Players are properly registered with Football West. 7. A Player who has previously been validly registered on Play Football in the current season may register for a subsequent club in the current season before 5pm WST on 28th August 2021 in accordance with the National Registration Regulations. 8. The movement of Players between Clubs as described in paragraph 7, does not apply to MiniRoos, 12’s, Junior League and Junior Girls League. 9. Professional Players may only participate in the National Premier Leagues 10. Players may register until the 28th of August 2021. 1.2. Select the section (10. Ineligible Players):*Select one or multiple. 1.a. An ineligible Player is a Player who: is not registered in accordance with the National Registration Regulations; or 1.b. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays for a club with which the Player is not registered; or 1.c. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays without an ITC (International Transfer Certificate) where one is required; or 1.d. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays within a stand-down period due to a change of status; or 1.e. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays while registered for two Clubs at the same time withoutseeking an exemption to do so (note that the Player is eligible to play for the club with which he was registered first in these circumstances); or” 1.f. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays while under suspension; or 1.g. An ineligible Player is a Player who: does not have proof of registration in the form of an ID Player Card; or 1.h. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays for a club, Team or in a competition when not permitted to do so under Competition Rules (for example if he is “cup tied”); or” 1.i. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays in a Match when not listed on a Team list; or 1.j. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays in a Match in which his name has been added to the Team list after the Match has commenced; or” 1.k. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays for a Team which causes the maximum number of Players allowed to be listed on a Team list is exceeded; or” 1.l. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays using a name that is not his own; or 1.m. An ineligible Player is a Player who: plays while not eligible to do so for any other reason. 2. If a Player plays in a Match while ineligible, the club will be liable for a sanction as described in Appendix A of this document. In certain circumstances, the Player may also be sanctioned. 1.2. Select the section (11. Proof of Registration):*Select one or multiple. 1. Play Football must be used to generate proof of registration including a Player photograph for every Player participating in a Match with the exception of MiniRoos. 2. Evidence of registration without a valid Player photograph is not acceptable as proof of registration. The Player must be able to be identified from the Player photograph. A registration without a valid Player photograph renders the Player ineligible until a valid Player photograph is added. 3. All coaches must be registered on Play Football registration system before the start of their respective competition or as soon as practicable if they are appointed during the season. Penalty for each occurrence of breach: $50.00 4. Each Team must produce proof of registration for any or each of its Players on request from the opposition club prior to kick-off. 5. If a club is unable to produce proof of registration for any Player prior to kick-off after being requested to do so by the opposition club, the Match may proceed. However, the proof of registration requested must be produced before the end of the Match for that Player(s) to be deemed eligible to participate. If the club is unable to produce the proof by the end of the Match, the Player(s) will be deemed ineligible 6. The failure of a club to produce proof of registration to the opposition club must be reported to the Referee who must note that failure on the Team List. 7. Proof of registration MAY NOT be requested after the Match has commenced. 8. If a club has complied with all necessary requirements and wishes to subsequently lodge a protest based on Player eligibility, it must do so in accordance with the conditions specified in the Disciplinary & Grievance Regulations. 1.2. Select the section (12. Representative Teams):*Select one or multiple. 1. Players must be released for training, preparation and participation for representative Matches when requested in writing to do so by Football West. 2. Football West may be empowered to call upon the services of a Player for possible selection into a State Representative Team. A Player who misses a State Representative Team session without a valid medical certificate (or other extenuating circumstances) will be suspended from his/her club Team’s next game. Football West reserves the right to determine the validity of any extenuating circumstances and any such decision is final. 1.1. Select the article (Competition Rules – National Premier Leagues WA):*Click here to view the NPL WA Competition RulesSelect One1. General2. Competition Points3. Matches4. Postponed, Delayed, Suspended or Abandoned Matches5. Forfeited Matches6. Playing Strip7. Match Officials8. Match Documentation9. Player Registration & Eligibility10. Professional Player Registration Deadlines11. Non-Player Registration12. Proof of Registration13. Venue14. Technical Areas, Substitutes and Non-Playing Officials15. Match Scheduling16. Ground Marshals17. Playing Kit Allocation18. Match Balls19. Match Officials20. Representative Teams21. Qualification for Top Four Cup and National Finals (NPLWA Men’s Competition)22. Promotion and Relegation (NPLWA Men’s Competition)23. Promotion and Relegation Play-Off (NPLWA Men’s Competition)24. Player Rosters and Periods (NPLWA Men’s Competition)25. Visa Players (NPLWA Men’s Competition)26. Match Documentation (NPLWA Men’s Competition)27. Players (NPLWA Men’s Competition)28. Perth Glory Players (NPLWA Men’s Competition)29. Admission (NPLWA Men’s Competition)30. Prize Money (NPLWA Men’s Competition)31. Individual Awards (NPLWA Men’s Competition)32. Fair Play Award (NPLWA Men’s Competition)33. Competition Format (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)34. Players (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)35. Match Officials (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)36. Match Balls (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)37. Admission (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)38. Squad Lists (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)39. Player Rosters and Periods (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)40. Team Lists (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)41. Players (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)42. Admission (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)43. Prize Money (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)44. Individual Awards (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)45. Fair Play Award (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)46. Competition Format (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)47. Players (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)48. Match Officials (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)49. Match Balls (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)50. Admission (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)51. Squad Lists (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)52. Competition Format (Junior Teams)53. Junior Matches (Junior Teams)54. Modifications to the Laws of the Game (Junior Teams)55. Ground Marshals (Junior Teams)56. Match Documentation (Junior Teams)57. Players (Junior Teams)58. Match Officials (Junior Teams)1.2. Select the section (1. General):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West may at any time alter, add to, clarify or delete any of these rules at its discretion. Any changes to these rules will be communicated to Clubs. 2. The rules contained within this document are valid for all Football West National Premier Leagues Competitions. 3. Where a Rule in this document appears to conflict with a Rule in an Annexure, the Rule in the Annexure takes precedence. 4. Where a Rule in this Part 1 appears to conflict with a Rule in a Part of this document dealing with a specific Competition (for example the Part dealing with the NPL Juniors Competitions) then the Part dealing with the specific Competition takes precedence. 5. Anything that Football West may do under these rules (including but not limited to any action, direction, determination or decision) may be done, given or made, as the case may be, in Football West’s sole and absolute discretion unless explicitly stated to the contrary. 6. For the purposes of these rules, the term “Senior Teams” refers to the NPLWA-M first Team, the Under 20s Team and the Under 18s Team. And the NPLWA-W first Team and Under 23s Team. The term “Junior Teams” refers to Teams in the Under 13s to Under 16s age groups inclusive. 7. Notwithstanding any other Rule in any Competition, Football West may investigate any alleged breach of these Rules regardless of the source of the alleged breach. Whether a matter is investigated or not is entirely at the discretion of Football West. 8. A participant breaching any of these rules or those of the accompanying Annexures is liable to a Penalty. Whether a Penalty is imposed or not, or whether a Penalty is reduced or varied is at the sole discretion of Football West. Football West reserves the right to issue a warning for any breach of a Competition Rule prior to the imposition of any penalties, but whether a warning is issued is at the sole discretion of Football West. A Penalty may not be appealed to the Tribunal on the basis that the party is seeking an exercise of this discretion. 9. Where a Penalty is not specified in these rules, Football West reserves the right to use its discretion to determine and impose a Penalty 10. In the case of a Rule being interpreted in two or more ways, Football West reserves the right to determine which interpretation is valid. Any such determination is final. 11. In the case of a circumstance not being governed by these rules, Football West reservesthe right to make a ruling on that circumstance. Any such ruling is final. 12. A Club may apply for an exemption to these rules where it can demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist. Football West will consider any application and determine whether or not the circumstances are exceptional. Any such determination is final. 13. Football West reserves the right to request the removal of any national flags, slogans or emblems at any time. Refusal to comply with any such request may result in disciplinary action. 14. Football West may, from time to time, organise Matches outside the normal league and cup season between the winning Team of any division and another Team from Western Australia, another Member Federation or another National Association. It is a condition of entry into the NPLWA that if such a Match is organised, the Team chosen MUST participate in that Match. Penalty for Breach $1,000 15. Should a vacancy occur in any division for any reason prior to the commencement of the season the vacancy will be filled through a process to be determined by Football West in consultation with the relevant standing committee. For the avoidance of doubt the right to enter a Team in a certain division belongs to the Club rather than the Players of that Team. 16. In the event any Competition season, including the NPL seasons must be modified for any reason at any point Football West has complete discretion to declare that the Competitions are to be conducted under a modified set of rules. 17. Clubs are not entitled to rely upon a Match Official’s interpretation of these Rules. 18. Participation in, or promotion to, a Senior NPL Competition does not provide the club with the opportunity to compete in the NPL Juniors Competitions 1.2. Select the section (2. Competition Points):*Select one or multiple. 1. Three points will be awarded for a win, one point for a draw and no points for a defeat. 2. If two or more Teams are equal on points on completion of the season, the following criteria will be applied to determine the higher ranking Team. a) superior goal difference b) higher number of goals scored c) number of points gained in Matches between the Teams concerned d) superior goal difference in Matches between the Teams concerned e) greater number of goals scored away from home in Matches between the Teams concerned f) lower number of Red Cards g) lower number of Yellow Cards h) drawing of lots 1.2. Select the section (3. Matches):*Select one or multiple. 1. All NPLWA Matches must be played on grass or an artificialsurface that has been approved in writing by Football West. 2. The venues, dates and times of Matches will be fixed and published by Football West as soon as practicable prior to the commencement of each season, and except as otherwise provided in these rules, Matches will be played at those venues and on those dates thus fixed. 3. A Club isrequired to participate in its allocated Matches unless otherwise specified in these rules. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 4. Football West reservesthe right to change the date, time and venue of any Match. Football West may consult with and take into account any representations made by the Clubs participating in the Match in question, and with any other Club or Clubs which may be affected thereby before doing so. 5. n the event that a Team is not ready to commence the Match within 15 minutes following the scheduled kick-off time, the Match must not proceed. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 6. A Match may be played wholly or partly under floodlights if the floodlight installation has been approved by Football West as suitable for the conduct of Matches 7. In the event of inclement weather, Clubs are obliged to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken in order that the scheduled Matches may proceed. 8. In the event that a Match is ended in a manner inconsistent with the Competition Rules, for example by extra time rather than proceeding directly to kicks from the Penalty mark, or vice versa, Football West reserves the right to allow the Match result to stand, as long as the Match was concluded in a manner consistent with the FIFA Laws of the Game. If allowing the Match result to stand would result in unfairness, the entire Match will be replayed. The decision of Football West in these circumstances is final and cannot be challenged. 9. It is the responsibility of the home Club to enable the ground inspection to be carried out by the Referee. 10. Nets affixed to goalposts must be used in all NPLWA Matches. The Referee must not allow the Match to proceed without nets. 11. The Club named first in any Match is deemed to be the home Team regardless of the venue at which the Match is played. 12. A Match must not continue if either Team is reduced to fewer than 7 Players. 13. Football West may designate Matches to be livestreamed by Football West or by a third-party with approval from Football West. 14. The livestreaming of any Match must be approved by Football West at least 5 business days before the Match takes place. 15. All footage supplied to Football West post-streaming must not include watermarks or any other graphical overlays. 16. Advertising visible during the Broadcastmust not promote unhealthy dietary choices or conflict with the interests of current Football Westsponsors. 17. Commentary used in any livestream must not conflict with the Football West or FA Code of Conduct. 1.2. Select the section (4. Postponed, Delayed, Suspended or Abandoned Matches):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Match must not be postponed except with the prior written consent of Football West. 2.a. A Match must not be suspended except: on the instructions of the Referee; 2.b. A Match must not be suspended except: by order of the police or other authority exercising its statutory powers to that effect; or 2.c. A Match must not be suspended except: on the instructions of or with the prior written consent of Football West. 3. A Match must not be delayed or abandoned except on the instructions of the Referee. 4.a. If the appointed Referee delays, suspends or abandons a Match, he must, within 30 minutes of making such a decision, inform: The home Club; 4.b. If the appointed Referee delays, suspends or abandons a Match, he must, within 30 minutes of making such a decision, inform: The visiting Club; and 4.c. If the appointed Referee delays, suspends or abandons a Match, he must, within 30 minutes of making such a decision, inform: The Referee Allocator. 5. A postponed Match may only be replayed at a date and time mutually agreed by both Clubs except in the circumstances specified in paragraphs 7 and 8. The details of the rearranged Match must be communicated to Football West at least 3 business days prior to the Match. 6. If a Club requests the postponement of a Match, Football West reserves the right to require that an alternative date, time and venue are agreed before any such request is granted. 7. If a Match is postponed and the Clubs involved are not able to reach an agreement as to when the Match will be played, Football West will determine the date, time and venue of the Match and any such decision is final. If the rescheduled Match incurs a cost, Football West may pass on that cost to either one or both Clubs depending on the circumstances which led to the postponement. 8. If a postponed Match cannot be rescheduled in accordance with paragraph 7, or cannot be completed for any other reason, Football West reserves the right to declare the Match a 0- 0 draw. 9. If a Match is abandoned prior to halftime, then the Match will be replayed, unless, in the opinion of the Referee, one or both of the participating Teams caused the abandonment of the Match. 10. If a Match is abandoned at half time or after the commencement of the second half, then the score at the time of the abandonment of the Match will be deemed to be the Match result, unless, in the opinion of the Referee, one or both of the participating Teams or a Club associate from one of the participating Teams caused the abandonment of the Match. If the Referee does not express an opinion on the party responsible for the abandonment, Football West may make a decision about which party or parties are responsible for the abandonment. 11. If a Match is abandoned, and that Match is one in which the outcome must be that one of the Teams must be declared a winner on the day, for example a knock out cup Match, and at the time of the abandonment scores are level, then that Match will be replayed in full, unless in the opinion of the Referee, one or both of the participating Teams or a Club associate from one of the participating Teams caused the abandonment of the Match. If the Referee does not express an opinion on the party responsible for the abandonment, Football West may make a decision about which party or parties are responsible for the abandonment. 12. An abandoned Match which is to be replayed may be arranged at a mutually convenient time and venue by the participating Clubs. Football West must be notified in writing of the date, time and venue of the rescheduled Match at least 3 business days prior to the rescheduled kick-off time. 13. If an abandoned Match cannot be rescheduled through mutual agreement, Football West will determine the date, time and venue of the Match and any such decision will be final. If the rescheduled Match incurs a cost, Football West may pass on that cost to either one or both Clubs depending on the circumstances which led to the abandonment. 14. If an abandoned Match cannot be rescheduled in accordance with paragraph 13, Football West reserves the right to declare the Match a 0-0 draw. If the abandoned Match is one in which the outcome must be that one of the Teams must be declared a winner, Football West reserves the right to determine the outcome of the Match using any method it chooses. 1.2. Select the section (5. Forfeited Matches):*Select one or multiple. 1.a.i. A Team which forfeits a Match will be sanctioned with the following Penalty: Senior Teams Written notice to Football West with at least one business days notice: $500 1.a.ii. A Team which forfeits a Match will be sanctioned with the following Penalty: Senior Teams With no notice or notice on a non-business day $1,000 1.b.i. A Team which forfeits a Match will be sanctioned with the following Penalty: Junior Teams Written notice to Football West with at least one business days notice $200 1.b.ii. A Team which forfeits a Match will be sanctioned with the following Penalty: Junior Teams With no notice or notice on a non-business day $400 2. Nothing in paragraph 1 prevents Football West from also issuing a breach notice under the NPL Compliance Regulations for a forfeit of a Match. Football West may also choose to issue a breach notice under the NPL Compliance regulations rather that an infringement notice under paragraph 1. 3. The result of a forfeited Match will be awarded to the opposition Club by a margin of 3-0, unless that score disadvantages the non-offending Team. 4. A Team that forfeits three consecutive Matches or any four Matches may during a season, at the discretion of Football West, be deemed to have withdrawn from the Competition. 5. In circumstances in which both Teams participating in a Match commit offences which carry the sanction of a forfeit, Football West reserves the right to declare the Match played, and award each Team zero points and zero goals, or if that Match occurs in a knockout Competition, disqualify both Teams from that Competition. 6. In circumstances in which a Team is retrospectively penalised with forfeiting a Match, all Match data resulting from the Match will be retained. These data include, but are not limited to: Goals scored (with the exception of those scored by an ineligible Player); Fairest and Best votes (with the exception of those earned by an ineligible Player); Substitutions; Yellow cards; Red cards. 1.2. Select the section (6. Playing Strip):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Player’s shirt, including the goalkeeper’s shirt, must display on its back a unique number clearly distinguishable from a reasonable distance. The number must be a whole number between 1 and 99. Penalty for Breach $50″ 2. The number 1 may only be worn by a goalkeeper. A substitute goalkeeper must have a unique number on the back of hisshirt. That is, where a Team has a substitute goalkeeper, the substitute goalkeeper may NOT have the same number as the starting goalkeeper. 3. Each Player’s shirt must display the NPL Logo on the right chest in accordance with the instructions issued by Football West. For the avoidance of doubt, this requirement applies to both the home strip and the change strip for NPLWA-M and NPLWA-W First Teams only. 4. Nothing may be placed on a Player’s shirt that covers any part of the NPL Logo. This particularly applies to captain’s armbands or black armbands. 5. No part of the Player’s attire or the uniform worn by a Club Official may incorporate national flags, slogans or emblems. 6. The home Team will wear its designated home strip unless an exemption is granted by Football West in writing or if otherwise provided for in these rules. 7. Advertising on a strip is permitted except for advertisements which contravene state or federal laws (such as tobacco advertising), Football West or Football Australia Rules, Regulations and By-Laws, advertise products, brands or companies which are in direct conflict with Football West protected sponsors or damage the reputation of the league or Football West or Football Australia. No advertising relating to alcoholic beverages may appear on the playing strip of any Player under the age of 18. Football West reserves the right to require that sponsorship advertising is removed from a playing strip if it deems the advertisement breaches this rule. 1.2. Select the section (7. Match Officials):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Referee arranged by the home Club in accordance with these rules in the absence of an officially appointed Referee assumes the same powers and responsibilities as an official Referee for the duration of the Match. 2. A Referee or assistant Referee arranged by the home Club in accordance with these rules in the absence of an officially appointed Referee, must be at least as old as the youngest eligible Player for the Competition. 3. Participants must identify themselves to the Match Officials upon request. Penalty for Breach $100 4. Players and Team Officials must comply with any lawful instruction given to them by a Match Official officiating at an NPLWA Match. Penalty for Breach $100 5. Neither Players nor Team Officials may approach a Match Official at any time before, during or after the Match unless invited to do so by the Match Official in question. 6. Match officials must not perform their duties in cases with an existing or potential conflict of interest. Any such conflict must be immediately disclosed to Football West. If there is any doubt as to whether or not any such conflict exists, the Match Official must declare it. 7. While performing their duties, Match Officials must avoid any situation that could lead to actual or perceived conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest arise if Match Officials have, or appear to have, private or personal interests that detract from their ability to perform their duties as Match Officials with integrity in an independent and purposeful manner. Private or personal interests include gaining any possible advantage for himself, his family, relatives, friends or acquaintances. 8. A Club which believes that a Match Official has an actual or perceived conflict of interest may report the matter to Football West and if the Club chooses to report it, must detail the reasons for the alleged conflict. Any reports of alleged conflict which do not contain the reasons for the allegation will be dismissed immediately. 9. In the event that a conflict of interest, either actual or perceived, comes to the attention of Football West, Football West will decide on whether that conflict of interest exists, and what action is to be taken. 10. The decisions of the Referee regarding facts connected with play, including whether or not a goal is scored and the result of the Match, are final, even if the decision(s) of the Referee represents a technical error in the Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (8. Match Documentation):*Select one or multiple. 1. Electronic Match Card and Sheets will be used in the 2021 season. 2. An Electronic Match Card is the online form which is used to enter the details of a Match. 3. An Electronic Match Sheet is the printable version of the Electronic Match Card which may be brought to a Match 4. All NPLWA Competitions will use Electronic Match Cards and Sheets 5. Electronic Match Cards must be completely and accurately filled out 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. Penalty for Breach (no Team list submitted) Forfeit & $200 Fine 6. A complete Match Card includes: a) All Player names; b) All Players assigned a correct shirt number; c) All Team Officials listed; d) Eligible overage Players denoted; and e) Starting Players assigned. 7. A Team must enter a complete Match Card for every Match Penalty for Breach $100 Fine 8. A Player whose name appears on an Electronic Match Card or an Electronic Match Sheet is deemed to have participated in the Match as either a Player or a named substitute. 9. The Team list received by Football West will be accepted as the facts relating to the Match, with an Electronic Match Card taking preference over the Electronic Match Sheet. 10. A Club may contact Football West if it believes that the details on the Match documentation have misidentified a goal scorer or substitute. 11. Goal scorer(s) for a particular fixture cannot be contested following the commencement of a subsequent round. 12. Any contest of goal scorers or substitutes should be submitted to Football West with evidence of video footage and must include the following details: a) Fixture details; b) Time of goal scored/substitution; c) Name and shirt number of misidentified goal scorer/substitute; d) Name and shirt number of alleged goal scorer/substitute; and e) Must be submitted by the Club 1.2. Select the section (9. Player Registration & Eligibility):*Select one or multiple. 1. Subject to paragraph 2, an amateur Player may register with an NPLWA Club before 5:00 pm WST on Tuesday 29 June 2021 in accordance with the National Registration Regulations and the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players. 2. An Australian amateur Player who has not previously been registered with an Australian Club in 2021, may register with any Club before 5:00 pm WST on Friday 23 July 2021 in accordance with the National Registration Regulations and the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players. 3. A Player must be registered with FA in accordance with the National Registration Regulations to be considered eligible to participate in any competitive Match. 4. A registered Player must not participate in any Match approved by Football West if he or she is suspended or otherwise deemed ineligible by Football West, another Australian Member Federation, FA, AFC or FIFA. 5. It is the responsibility of the Club to ensure that a Player participating in a Match is eligible to do so. 6. The authorised representative of each Club participating in the Match isresponsible for satisfying himself that the opposition Players are properly registered with Football West. 7. Football West reserves the right to allow elite female Players to participate in any male Competition appropriate to their skill level regardless of age or normal eligibility criteria otherwise described in these rules. In such cases, Football West will determine the most appropriate Competition for those Players on a case by case basis. “8.a. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: is not registered in accordance with the National Registration Regulations; 8.b. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays for a Club with which the Player is not registered; or 8.c. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays without an ITC (International Transfer Certificate) where one is required; or 8.d. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays within a stand-down period due to a change of status; or 8.e. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays while under suspension; or 8.f. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays while registered for two Clubs at the same time without seeking an exemption to do so (note that the Player is eligible to play for the Club with which he was registered first in these circumstances); or” 8.g. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: does not have proof of registration as described in these rules; or 8.h. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays for a Club, Team or in a Competition when not permitted to do so under these rules; or” 8.i. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays in a Match when not listed on a Team list; or 8.j. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays in a Match in which his name has been added to the Team list after the Match has commenced; or” 8.k. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays for a Team which causes the maximum number of Players allowed to be listed on a Team list is exceeded; or” 8.l. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays under an assumed identity; or 8.m. A Player is ineligible to play if the Player: plays while not eligible to do so for any other reason. 9. If a Player plays in a Match while ineligible, the Club will be liable for a sanction as described in Appendix A of this document. In certain circumstances, the Player may also be sanctioned. 1.2. Select the section (10. Professional Player Registration Deadlines):*Select one or multiple. 1. Professional Players may only be registered during the prescribed registration periods as follows and in accordance with the National Registration Regulations and the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players: 1.a.i. Men: Between Sunday 8 November 2020 and Sunday 3 January 2021; 1.a.ii. Men: Between Tuesday 16 February 2021 and Monday 15 March 2021; 1.a.iii. Men: Between Monday 12 April 2021 and Monday 10 May 2021; and 1.a.iv. Men: As prescribed by FIFA. 1.b.i. Women: Between Sunday 15 November 2020 and Saturday 9 January 2021; 1.b.ii. Women: Between Wednesday 31 March 2021 and Tuesday 27 April 2021; 1.b.iii. Women: Between Monday 21 June 2021 and Monday 19 July 2021; and 1.b.iv. Women: As prescribed by FIFA. 2. A professional Player may be registered outside a prescribed registration period if the Player is a goalkeeper and the Club can supply evidence from a certified medical practitioner declaring that the usual goalkeeper is unfit to play at the time of the registration. 3. A Player registered as a Professional in the W-League may re-register as an amateur immediately after their last Match as a professional on the condition that the playing contract with their associated W-League Club has ended. 4. Paragraph 3 is an exception to the 30-day stand-down period set out in clause 3.3(a) of the National Registration Regulations. 1.2. Select the section (11. Non-Player Registration):*Select one or multiple. 1. All coaches, assistant coaches, goalkeeper coaches, Team managers, sports trainers, physiotherapists or other medical staff in all age groups of all NPLWA Clubs must be registered on PlayFootball. Penalty for Breach $100 2. Other Team Officials who sit in the technical area during any NPLWA Match must be registered on PlayFootball. Where no technical area is marked, Team Officials who are actively involved in any NPLWA Match must be registered on PlayFootball. Penalty for Breach $100 1.2. Select the section (12. Proof of Registration):*Select one or multiple. 1. PlayFootball must be used to generate proof of registration including a Player photograph for every Player participating in a Match. 2. Evidence of registration without a Player photograph is not acceptable as proof of registration. The Player must be able to be identified from the Player photograph. A registration without a valid Player photograph renders the Player ineligible until a valid Player photograph is added. 3. Each Team must produce proof of registration for any or each of its Players on request from the opposition Club prior to kick-off. 4. If a Club is unable to produce proof of registration for any Player prior to kick-off after being requested to do so by the opposition Club, the Match may proceed. However, the proof of registration requested must be produced before the end of the Match for that Player(s) to be deemed eligible to participate. If the Club is unable to produce the proof by the end of the Match, the Player(s) will be deemed ineligible. 5. The failure of a Club to produce proof of registration to the opposition Club must be reported to the Referee who must note that failure on the Team list. 6. Proof of registration MAY NOT be requested after the Match has commenced. 7. If a Club has complied with all necessary requirements and wishes to subsequently lodge a protest based on Player eligibility, it must do so in accordance with the conditions specified in the Disciplinary & Grievance Regulations 1.2. Select the section (13. Venue):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home venue of all Senior NPLWA Clubs must meet the relevant criteria set down by Football West 2. The home venue of a NPLWA Junior Club must meet the criteria of a Class D venue as specified in the Football West Competition Management Regulations. 3. Four parking spaces inside the venue must be provided free of charge for Match Officials on Match day for all Matches. 4. A Club may request to change its home ground venue but may do so only by written application to Football West. Football West reserves the right to refuse any application if the facilities do not meet the criteria as specified by Football West. 5. The home Club, at its own expense, must ensure that a nominated groundskeeper is on duty during all scheduled Senior NPLWA Matches at its home ground, from at least one hour prior to the first scheduled Match. Penalty for Breach $300 6. Football West reserves the right to require that its sponsors’ signage, and that of the FA and NPL, is prominently displayed at all Matches. 7. Football West reserves the right to take whatever action is deemed necessary in the event that NPLWA Matches are affected by changes to the availability of any venue or venues. 1.2. Select the section (14. Technical Areas, Substitutes and Non-Playing Officials):*Select one or multiple. 1. A technical area must be clearly marked for each Senior NPLWA Match in accordance with the Laws of the Game. Each technical area must have seating for 10 people. 2. All substitutes, substituted Players and non-playing officials must remain in the technical area while the Match is in progress with the exception of substitutes who are warming up. For the avoidance of doubt, any person who is named on the Team list as either a Player or a nonplaying Team Official is required to occupy the technical area unless directed otherwise by the Referee or unless warming up if that person is a substitute 3. Substitutes who are warming up must: 3.a. warm up inside the confines of the perimeter fence; 3.b. wear a bib which is a different colour to both Teams and the Match Officials; and 3.c. not warm up with a football. 4. Each Senior NPLWA Team may nominate a maximum of 5 substitutes 5. The 2021 Senior NPLWA Competition Season will be conducted under temporarily amended version of the Laws of the Game allowing for 5 substitutes to be made. In Senior NPLWA Matches: 5.a. Each team will be permitted to use a maximum of five substitutes 5.b. To reduce disruption to the match, each team will have a maximum of three opportunities to make substitutions during the game; substitutions may also be made at half-time 5.c. If both teams make a substitution at the same time, this will count as one of the three opportunities for each team. 5.d. Unused substitutions and opportunities are carried forward into extra time. 5.e. Where competition rules allow an additional substitution in extra time, teams will each have one additional substitution opportunity; substitutions may also be made before the start of extra time and at half-time in extra time. 6. Each Team may nominate a maximum of 5 non-playing Team Officials. 1.2. Select the section (15. Match Scheduling):*Select one or multiple. 1. With the exception of abandoned Matches, each period of a senior NPLWA Match must last for a minimum of 35 minutes in order that a result may be recorded. 2. Subject to paragraph 3 the duration of the half time interval is to be 15 minutes 3. The Referee must adjust the duration of an Under 23s, Under 20s or Under 18s Match when necessary to ensure that the First Team Match commences at the scheduled kick-off time. The half time interval is to be first shortened. The half time interval must be at least 8 minutes long. 4. When a Match is shortened in accordance with paragraph 3, each Match Official is entitled to receive the full amount of his normal Match fee. 5. In the event that a NPLWA-W Club does not have sufficient Players to field an Under 23s and a First Team, the First Team will take priority. 6. In the event that a NPLWA-M Club does not have sufficient Players to field an Under 20s and a first Team, the first Team will take priority. 7. In the event that a NPLWA-M Club does not have sufficient Players to field an Under 18s and an Under 20s Team, the Under 20s Team will take priority 8. Spectators are not permitted inside the barrier which separates the field of play from the rest of the venue while the Match is in progress. 9. Once Match schedules have been published, no changes may be made unless otherwise provided for in these rules. A Club may request a Match change if it can demonstrate exceptional circumstances, in writing, not less than six weeks prior to the scheduled kick-off date. This request may or may not be approved by Football West in its discretion. Any request for a Match change must be accompanied by written consent from the opposition Club. 10. A Club which has been granted a Match change in accordance with paragraph 9 is responsible for all costs associated with the rearranged Match. 11. The home Club must provide one stretcher which is to be placed between the technical areas in a safe and accessible position. The stretcher must be in position before the commencement of the first Match of the day until the conclusion of the final Match of the day unless being utilised. 12. Football West reserves the right to instruct home Clubs to increase the minimum-security arrangements for any Match at any time. The cost of any additional security arrangements is to be borne by the home Club. 13. Football West may appoint a Match commissioner at any NPLWA Match as its representative. 14. The Match commissioner must submit a report to Football West following each Match attended. 15. Should the Match commissioner report that a Club has breached any rules or regulations of Football West, then the Club may be sanctioned accordingly. A Match commissioner is classified as a Match Official with the same status as a Referee, assistant Referee, fourth official and Referee inspector 1.2. Select the section (16. Ground Marshals):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home Club must appoint ground marshals whose duties are: 1.a. to provide an escort for the Match Officials to and from the field of play at the start and finish of each playing period. 1.b. to liaise with Club officials and emergency services if required; and 2. The home Club in a NPLWA-W fixture must provide at least two ground marshals for the Under 23s and First Team Match. Penalty for Breach $100 3. The home Club in a NPLWA-M fixture must provide at least two ground marshals for each Under 18s and Under 20s Match. Penalty for Breach $100 4. The home Club in a NPLWA-M fixture must provide at least four ground marshals for each first Team Match. Penalty for Breach $100 5. It is the responsibility of each Club to ensure that the ground marshals are fully briefed on their responsibilities. 6. All ground marshals must have access to all areas of the ground at all times. Ground marshals may not be limited to a specific location (for example, the person collecting gate fees may not be a ground marshal). 7. Ground marshals must be visible at all times. 8. The ground marshals may not smoke or drink alcohol while on duty. 9. All ground marshals must identify themselves to the appointed Referee at least fifteen minutes prior to the commencement of each Match. 1.2. Select the section (17. Playing Kit Allocation):*Select one or multiple. 1. All Clubs must nominate a home and alternative playing strip. The colours of the home strip’s shirts and socks must be significantly different from those of the alternative strip. 2. Nomination for home and alternative playing strips must be submitted by 15 th February 2021 in the format supplied by Football West. Penalty for Breach – $200 per week outstanding 3. In any Match, if the shirts or socks of the participating Teams are alike or similar, or are in the opinion of the Referee likely to cause confusion, then Players of the away Team will be required to change its shirts or socks or both. In the event of any dispute in regards to the strip to be worn by either Team, the Referee’s decision is final. 4. All Teams must comply with the kit allocated by Football West for the fixture. Penalty for Breach $100 1.2. Select the section (18. Match Balls):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home Club in each Senior NPLWA Match will provide the Referee with a minimum of three Match balls no later than ten minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. All Senior NPLWA Matches must use the Football West designated ball. 3 Match balls will be provided free of charge to each Senior NPL Club for use by its senior Teams. Penalty for Breach $200 2. All NPL Juniors Matches must use at least two of the Football West designated ball. Two Match balls will be provided free of charge to each Junior Team 3. In NPL Juniors fixtures the home Club will provide the Referee with two Match balls no later than 5 minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. 1.2. Select the section (19. Match Officials):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home Club is responsible for the payment of all Match Official fees. Football West will determine the fees payable and publish the rates prior to the commencement of each season. 2. The allocation of Match Officials will be determined by Football West. No Club may request the attendance or non-attendance of any particular Match Official. 3. In the absence of one or both assistant Referees, each Team will provide a Club assistant Referee to assist the Referee. If either Club does not comply, then the Match may not proceed. 4. A Club must not refuse to allow an allocated Match Official to officiate at that allocated Match. 5. When a Match is forfeited by a Club, the Match Officials are entitled to receive 100% of the prescribed Match fee to be paid by the Club which forfeited the Match, unlessthe forfeiting Club informed Football West in writing at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled kick-off. 6. When a Match is abandoned, the Match Officials are entitled to receive 100% of the Match fee. 1.2. Select the section (20. Representative Teams):*Select one or multiple. 1. If a Club has 4 or more outfield Players or 2 goalkeepers from one Team participating in a representative Match, it may seek the postponement of any Club Match which clashes with the representative Match. 2. To be considered as a qualifying Player under paragraph 1, and subject to the conditions of paragraph 3, the Player must have been recorded on that Team’s Electronic Match Sheets for a minimum of 80% of all Matches up to and including the date of the request to postpone 3. If the Player isrequired to participate in a representative Match prior to round six of the season, Football West will determine the Team of a Player from the Electronic Match Cards available. Football West’s decision in determining the Team of a Player is final. 4. Players must be released for training, preparation and participation for representative Matches when requested in writing to do so by Football West. 5. Football West may select a Player for a State Representative Team. A selected Player who has accepted selection who misses a State Representative Team session without a valid medical certificate (or other extenuating circumstances) will be suspended from his or her Club Team’s next game. Football West reserves the right to determine the validity of any extenuating circumstances and any such decision is final. 1.2. Select the section (21. Qualification for Top Four Cup and National Finals (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Teams will be ranked in their divisions according to the number of Competition points they accrue over the season as specified in Article 2. 2. The Teams which occupy the highest 4 positions in the first, Under 20s and Under 18s divisions will compete in The Top Four Cup. 3. The Club whose first Team finishesin 1st place at the end of the season will qualify for the National Finals Series. Should Perth Glory finish in first place at the end of the regular season, the Club whose first Team finishes in 2nd place will qualify for the National Finals Series. 1.2. Select the section (22. Promotion and Relegation (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Promotion and relegation refers to the processes set out in Articles 22 & 23 and expressly excludes any restructure of the NPLWA-M Competition. 2. The NPLWA-M Club whose first Team finishes in last place at the end of the regular home and away season will occupy a relegation position. 3. Should the Club whose first Team finishesin first place in State League 1 meet the NPL Promotion Eligibility Criteria by the date stipulated for each criterion, the last place NPLWA-M Club will be relegated to State League 1 in the first Team, Under 20s and Under 18s age groups. The first placed State League 1 Club will be promoted to the NPLWA-M. 4. Should the Club whose first Team finishes in first place in State League 1 not meet the NPL Promotion Eligibility Criteria by the date stipulated for each criterion, the Club’s first Team that finishes in second position in State League 1, and meets the NPL Promotion Eligibility Criteria by the date stipulated for each criterion, will compete in a two-legged play-off tie against the first Team of the last placed NPLWA-M Club as described in Article 23. 5. The NPL Promotion Eligibility Criteria, and the date by which each criterion must be met, are listed at Appendix B. 6. Football West will in its sole discretion determine whether a Club meets the NPL Promotion Eligibility Criteria. 7. For the avoidance of doubt, and despite anything stated in these rules or the NPL Compliance Regulations, to be eligible for promotion to the NPL, a State League 1 Club is not required to meet any criteria other than those listed in Appendix B as the NPL Promotion Eligibility Criteria. 8. If none of the State League 1 Clubs that finishes in the top 2 positions meets the NPL Promotion Eligibility Criteria, there will be no promotion and relegation between the NPLWAM and State League 1. 1.2. Select the section (23. Promotion and Relegation Play-Off (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Should the circumstances described in Article 22.4 be met the two Clubs will take part in a Promotion and Relegation Play-Off. 2. The Club that wins the play-off tie will earn the right to compete in the NPLWA-M Seniors in the next season and the Club that loses the play-off tie will compete in State League 1 in the first Team, Reserves and under 18s age groups. 3. The play-off tie will be played under the following conditions: 3.a. The venue for each leg must comply with the standards set out in Appendix B of the NPL Compliance Regulations. A Club whose regular home venue does not meet these requirements is responsible for arranging a compliant venue at its own cost; 3.b. The State League 1 Club must comply with the following Articles of these rules in relation to the Player Points System and Visa Players: 3.b.i. i. Article 24.2; 3.b.ii. Article 24.3; 3.b.iii. Article 24.4 (the State League 1 Club is entitled to a 20 point discount as provided for in the Player Point System); 3.b.iv. Article 24.5; 3.b.v. Article 24.6; Article 24.7; 3.b.vii. Article 24.8 3.b.viii. . Article 24.13; and 3.b.ix. Article 22. 4. The winner of the play off tie will be determined as follows: 4.a. The tie will comprise two Matches 4.b. One Match at will be played at each Club’s home venue. Should a Club’s home venue not be available, that Club will be responsible for sourcing an alternative venue at its own cost. 4.c. The dates and times of the Matches will be determined by Football West and may not be challenged by either Club. 4.d. The order of the Matches will be determined by Football West 4.e. The winner of the tie will be the Club that scores the most goals over the two legs. 4.f. Should both Teams score an equal number of goals over the two legs, the winner of the tie will be the Club that scores the most goals in its “away” leg. For the avoidance of doubt, the Club playing its “away” leg is the second-named Club in the Match, regardless of the venue at which the Match is played. 4.g. If a winner cannot be determined through paragraphs e) and f), then two periods of extra time of 15 minutes per period will be played in accordance with The Laws of the Game at the conclusion of the second leg. 4.h. At the end of the second period of extra time, the conditions of paragraph e) will be applied to determine the winner of the tie. The conditions of paragraph f) do not apply once the Match moves into extra time. 4.i. If a winner cannot be determined through the application of paragraphs e) after extra time, the winner of the tie will be decided by kicks from the Penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (24. Player Rosters and Periods (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Every Club must submit a valid Player Roster no later than 10:00am WST on Monday 8 2. A Player Roster must comprise at least 20 Players and no more than 23 Players. Player Rosters that do not comprise a number of Players in this range will not be accepted and will be deemed not valid. 3. To be eligible to play in First Team Matches a Player must be on the Club’s Player Roster, subject to the exemption in paragraph 14. 4. Each Player on the Player Roster will be assigned a points value in accordance with the Player Points System as promulgated by Football Australia from time to time. 5. The total points value of all Players on the Player Roster as calculated in accordance with the Player Points System must not exceed 200. Rosters that have Player points totalling more than 200 will not be accepted and will be deemed not valid. 6. A Player must be registered on Play Football in accordance with the National Registration Regulations before he can be named on a Player Roster. 7. A Player Roster is not official until it has been approved by Football West. 8. For each non-Visa Player on the Player Roster, the Club must provide a copy of either: 8.a. a)Australian Passport; or 8.b. b)Foreign Passport and permanent residency visa; or 8.c. c) Certificate of Australian Citizenship. 9. Other forms of proof of citizenship or permanent residency status may be accepted by Football West in its absolute discretion. 10. Once submitted and approved by Football West, no Players may be added to a Club’s Player Roster except: 10.a. Before 10:00am WST on Monday 8 March 2021; 10.b. Between 9:00am WST Sunday 25 April 2021 and 5:00pm WST Wednesday 28 April 2021; 10.c. In the case of a Player under the age of 20 who has played in more than 10 first Team Matches of any NPL Club in the current season; 10.d. In the case of an amateur Player whose last registration is with a Club in Western Australia that does not have a Senior NPL Team and the Player has played at least 5 Matches for that Club in the current season. Player Point System value will be determined by Football West. 10.e. In the case of an amateur Player previously registered outside Western Australia; 10.f. In accordance with the Long Term Injury Policy; 10.g. In the case a Player originally listed on the Player Roster is removed in accordance with Paragraph 10 the Club may replace the Player with another Player registered for the Club’s U/20’s or U/18’s as long as the replacement Player is already registered with the same Club; and 11. Once submitted and approved by Football West, no Playersmay be removed from a Club’s Player Roster except: 11.a. Before 10:00am WST on Monday 8 March 2021; 11.b. Between 9:00am WST Sunday 25 April 2021 and 5:00pm WST Wednesday 28 April 2021 11.c. In the case of a Player who is unable to play in the NPL due to a change in work or personal circumstances accompanied by evidence acceptable to Football West; and 11.d. In accordance with the Long Term Injury Policy. 12. A Player removed from a Club’s Player Roster in accordance with paragraph 11(c) may not be added onto any Club’s Player Roster later in the same season. 13. No Player may be added to a Clubs Player Points System outside of the transfer windows if their previous registration is with another NPL Club, regardless of any exceptions. 14. Players under the age of 20 may play for the First Team even if they are not on the Player Roster for an unlimited number of games during the 2021 season. 1.2. Select the section (25. Visa Players (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. An Australian Player is any Player who is: 1.a. A citizen of Australia; or 1.b. A Permanent Resident of Australia (where Permanent Resident means a person resident in Australia on a “permanent” visa class issued by the Australian Government, evidenced by either the person’s Visa Grant Notice or as a listed entitlement on the person’s online Visa Entitlement Verification); or 1.c. The holder of a refugee visa, humanitarian visa or protection visa issued by the Australian Government. 2. A Visa Player is a Player who is not an Australian Player 3. Each Club may name a maximum of 2 Visa Players on its Player Roster 4. For each Visa Player on the Player Roster, the Club must provide a copy of the Foreign Passport with the Player’s entry visa into Australia. 1.2. Select the section (26. Match Documentation (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Club must make available a Team list to the Referee on Match day. A copy of the Team list should be retained by the Club. Copies of the Team list must also be made available to: 1.a. Opposition Club; and 1.b. Home Club Media Officer. 1.c. Football West Match Reporter 1.d. Football West Videographer 2. The Team list must contain the full names of Players and non-playing officials who intend to occupy the technical area. For the avoidance of doubt, a Player or non-playing official whose name does not appear on the Team list may not enterthe field of play, the surrounds of the field of play or the technical area while the Match is in progress. 3. All sections of the Team list must be completed including FA numbers, Team Officials and formation if applicable. 4. Non-playing officials who sit in the technical area during any NPLWA-M Match must be registered on PlayFootball. Penalty for Breach $300 fine per unregistered official 5. Only Players whose names appear on the Club’s Player Roster may be listed on the Team list of the first Team with the exception of the circumstances detailed in Article 24. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 1.2. Select the section (27. Players (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. To be eligible to play in the NPL for any Club except Perth Glory, a Player must meet the following age criteria. 1.a. Under 18s – born in 2003, 2004, 2005 or 2006; 1.b. Under 20s – born 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 or 2005 (subject to paragraph 2); 1.c. First Team – born in 2005 or earlier. 2. An Under 20s Team may include a maximum of 4 Players who were born in 2000 or earlier on the Team list for any Match. Each of these Players must be so denoted on the Team list with an asterisk next to each overage Player’s name. Penalty for Breach (no denotement) $200 Penalty for Breach (5 or more overage) Forfeit 3. An overage player playing for the Under 20’s under paragraph 2 must be registered on the First Team Player Roster during the Registration Window before they are eligible to participate in First Team Matches. 1.2. Select the section (28. Perth Glory Players (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. To be eligible to play in the NPL every Perth Glory Player must meet the following age criteria. 1.a. Under 18s – born in 2003, 2004, 2005 or 2006; 1.b. Under 20s – born in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 or 2005; 1.c. First Team – born in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 or 2005. 2. All Players on the Perth Glory First Team Player Roster must have a relationship between the Player and Club that complies with the National League Player Contracting Regulations. 3. The Perth Glory First Team on any one Match day may include at most 4 Players born between 1997 and 2001. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 4. The first Team may also include a maximum of 1 goalkeeper who was born in 2000 or earlier on the Team list for any Match provided that the goalkeeper has not started more than 2 ALeague games in the previous season and provided that written approval is granted by both FA and Football West. 1.2. Select the section (29. Admission (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A maximum of 63 people from the visiting Club must be provided with free entry to the venue for any one Match day for use by the Players, Club officials or a Club’s official guests. The visiting Club must inform the home Club in writing the names to be granted free entry by noon on the last Business Day prior to the Match. 2. The Football West videographer and Match reporter for a NPLWA-M Match must be permitted to park inside the venue free of charge. 3. Any person, including a Match Official who is not appointed to the Match, who produces an official Football West pass must be granted free entry into any venue for any Match. 4. All Football West passes are valid only for Football West Matches and may be revoked by Football West at any time. 5. General entry admission fees may be charged to the maximum amounts listed below: 5.a. General Entry – $10 5.b. Students, Pensioners or concession holders with evidence of status – $5 5.c. People under the age of 15 – Free 6. Holders of Football West Sponsors Discount Entry Programme Tickets (as advised by Football West from time to time) must be granted access to grounds at the pre-determined discounted admission price. No Club is permitted to refuse entry on these conditions under any circumstances. Penalty for Breach $100 7. Any person who produces official Sportradar accreditation must be granted free entry into any venue for any Match. No Club may refuse admission to a person with the correct accreditation. Penalty for Breach $200 1.2. Select the section (30. Prize Money (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The Club whose first Team finishes in first position will receive $12,000 prize money. 2. The Club whose first Team finishes in second position will receive $4,000 prize money. 3. The Club whose first Team finishes in third position will receive $2,000 prize money. 4. The Club whose first Team finishes in fourth position will receive $1,000 prize money. 5. Perth Glory FC is not eligible to win prize money. In the event that Perth Glory FC finishes in one of the top 4 positions, the prize money will be redistributed to include the 5th placed Team. 1.2. Select the section (31. Individual Awards (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Fairest and Best prize will be awarded to the best Player in each division of the NPLWA-M. 2. A medal will be awarded to the Player born in 2001 or later who achieves the most votes in Senior First Team Matches, subject to the same conditions set out in paragraph 6. 3. The Referee for each Match will award votes. Three votes will be awarded to the best Player, two votes to the next best Player and one vote awarded to the third best Player. 4. The Player who receives the most votes over the course of the season will win the Fairest and Best prize for his division. 5. If two or more Players tie for the highest number of votes, then a prize will be awarded to each of those Players. 6. If a Player receives a suspension as a result of being shown a Red Card, or as a result of a sanction imposed by the Disciplinary & Grievance Tribunal during the regular season, he will be ineligible to win the Fairest and Best Award for that season. For the avoidance of doubt, if that Player receives a Red Card which is subsequently rescinded as a result of mistaken identity or an obvious error, the Player will be eligible to win the Fairest and Best Award. 7. An award will be presented to the Player who scores the most goals in his division in league Matchesthroughout the season of the Senior NPL. If two or more Playersscore an equal number of goals, an award will be presented to each of those Players. 8. An award will be presented to the best first Team goalkeeper of the year based on votes cast by the Referees at each game in the first Team of the NPL. If two or more goalkeepers have an equal number of votes, an award will be presented to each of those Players. 9. If a goalkeeper receives a suspension as a result of being shown a Red Card, or as a result of a sanction imposed by the Disciplinary & Grievance Tribunal during the regular season, he will be ineligible to win the Goalkeeper of the Year Award for that season. For the avoidance of doubt, if that goalkeeper receives a Red Card which is subsequently rescinded as a result of mistaken identity or an obvious error, the Player will be eligible to win the Goalkeeper of the Year Award. 1.2. Select the section (32. Fair Play Award (NPLWA Men’s Competition)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West will present a Fair Play Award to the Clubs whose NPLWA-M first Teams receive the fewest number of Penalty points during the regularseason. Penalty points are accrued according to the following: 1.a. Each single Yellow Card issued 1 point 1.b. Each indirect Red Card issued (two Yellow Cards to a single Player) 3 points 1.c. Each direct Red Card issued 5 points 1.d. Each non-playing official expelled from the technical area 5 points 1.e. Five or more Players cautioned or sent off in a single Match 5 points 1.f. Three or more Players sent off in a single Match 10 points 2. The winner of the Fair Play Award will receive $2,000. 3. In the event that two or more Clubs receive the fewest Penalty points, the prize money will be shared. 4. Perth Glory FC is not eligible to win the Fair Play Award. In the event that Perth Glory FC finishes the fewest number of Penalty points, the prize will be awarded to the 2nd placed Team. 1.2. Select the section (33. Competition Format (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The Teams that occupy the highest 4 positions of each NPLWA-M division (First Team, Under 20s and Under 18s) following the completion of the regular season will compete Top Four Cup. 2. The Matches of each division of Top Four Cup will be structured as follows: 3. The designated home Team of each Match is as follows: 3.a. Match A – the Team finishing 1 st 3.b. Match B – the Team finishing 3 rd 3.c. Match C – the losing Team of Match A 3.d. Grand Final – the winner of Match A 4. The venues of all Matches will be determined by Football West. 5. For all Matches except the first Team Match, should scores be level at the full-time whistle, the outcome of the Matches will be decided by kicks from the Penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 6. In the first Team Matches, should scores be level at the full-time whistle, two periods of extra time of 15 minutes per period will be played in accordance with the FIFA Laws of the Game. 7. Should scores be level at the end of the second period of extra time, the outcome of the Match will be decided by kicks from the Penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 8. One additional substitute may be used when a Match goes into extra time (whether or not the Team has already used the full number of permitted substitutes). 9. The Grand Final winner in each age group will be known as Top Four Cup Winner. 10. The Club whose First Team wins the Grand Final will receive $10,000 prize money. 11. The Club whose First Team loses the Grand Final will receive $4,000 prize money 12. The Club whose First Team loses Match C will receive $2,000 prize money. 13. The Club whose First Team loses Match B will receive $1,000 prize money. 14. No prize money will be awarded for the Under 20s or Under 18s. 15. Perth Glory FC is not eligible to win any prize money. Should Perth Glory qualify for the finals, Prizemoney will be distributed in amannerstipulated by Football West. FootballWest’s decision on the redistribution of prize money under this paragraph is not subject to challenge. 1.2. Select the section (34. Players (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player must have played in a minimum of 5 Matches for a Club in the current season to be eligible to play in any of that Club’s Teams in Top Four Cup, subject to other eligibility criteria. 2. A Player who has played in multiple age groups for a particular NPL Team in his Club is ineligible to participate in any Top Four Cup Matches in a lower age group than the highest age group Team for which he has played, unless they have played 50% or more of their Matches for a lower age group. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 3. A Player is exempt from the restrictions specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 if that Player is a goalkeeper, and the Club can establish to the satisfaction of Football West that no other eligible goalkeeper is available to participate. Absence due to injury must be accompanied by a medical certificate at least 2 Business Days before the Match. Football West’s decision on any application is final. 4. Once a Player has started for a Team they are no longer eligible to play in a lower age group than the Team for which they have played for in the Top Four Cup. 5. In Senior Matches, an unused substitute is deemed NOT to have played. 6. A Player who accumulates 2 Yellow Cards in a post-season Competition or finals series must serve an Automatic Match Suspension of 1 Match as set out in the Disciplinary and Grievance Regulations. 1.2. Select the section (35. Match Officials (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)):*Select one. 1. The host Club will pay the Match Official fees for all Matches 1.2. Select the section (36. Match Balls (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)):*Select one. 1. The host Club will provide the Match balls for all senior Matches except the Grand Finals. Football West will supply all Match balls for the Grand Finals. 1.2. Select the section (37. Admission (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)):*Select one. 1. A maximum of 21 people from each Team will be provided with a free entry pass to the venue for any one Match day for use by the Players, Club officials or a Club’s official guests only. The visiting Clubs must inform the host Club in writing the. 1.2. Select the section (38. Squad Lists (NPLWA-M Top Four Cup)):*Select one. 1. Football West reserves the right to request a squad list for each competing Team in a Match. If requested, such a list must be provided in writing 4 business days prior to the Match. 1.2. Select the section (39. Player Rosters and Periods (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Every Club must submit a valid Player Roster Composition no later than 10:00am WST on Friday 2 April 2021. Penalty for Breach $300 2. A Player Roster Composition must comprise at least 18 Players and no more than 23 Players. Rosters that do not comprise a number of Players in this range will not be accepted and will be deemed not valid. 3. A Player must be registered on PlayFootball in accordance with the National Registration Regulations before she can be named on a Player Roster Composition. 4. A Player Roster Composition is not official until it has been approved by Football West. 5. Once submitted and approved by Football West, no Players may be added to a Club’s Player Roster Composition except: 5.a. Before 10:00am WST on Friday 2 April 2021; 5.b. Between 9:00am WST Monday 5 July 2021 and 10:00am WST Monday 12 July 2021; 5.c. In the case of a Player under the age of 23 inclusive who has played in more than 8 First Team Matches in the current season; 5.d. In the case of an amateur Player previously registered with a Club in Western Australia that does not have a NPLWA-W Team; 5.e. In the case of an amateur Player previously registered outside Western Australia; and 5.f. In accordance with the Long-Term Injury Policy. 6. Once submitted and approved by Football West, no Players may be removed from a Club’s Player Roster Composition except: 6.a. Before 10:00am WST on Friday 2 April 2021; 6.b. Between 9:00am WST Monday 5 July 2021 and 10:00am WST Monday 12 July 2021; 6.c. In the case of a Player who is unable to play in the NPLWA-W due to a change in work or personal circumstances accompanied by evidence acceptable to Football West; and 6.d. In accordance with the Long-Term Injury Policy 7. A Player removed from a Club’s Player Roster Composition in accordance with paragraph 6 c) and d) may not be added onto any Club’s Player Roster Composition later in the same season. 8. No Player may be added to a Clubs Player Roster Composition outside of the transfer windows if their previous registration is with another NPLWA-W Club, regardless of any exceptions. 9. A Club’s Player Roster Composition may not include more than three W-League Players from the immediately preceding W-League season, for clarity this means the W-League season that began on 27 December 2020. 10. Football West may grant an exemption to the limit set out in paragraph 9 on application by a Club that can show exceptional reasons as to why this limit should not apply. An NTC Team will have a presumption that exceptional reasons exist in relation to this limit. 1.2. Select the section (40. Team Lists (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Club must submit an Electronic Team Sheet to the Referee on Match day. A copy of the Electronic Team Sheet should be retained by the Club. Copies of the Electronic Team Sheet must also be provided to: 1.a. Opposition Club; 1.b. Home Club Media Officer; 1.c. Football West Match Reporter; and 1.d. Football West Videographer 2. The Electronic Team Sheet must contain the full names of Players and non-playing officials who intend to occupy the technical area. For the avoidance of doubt, a Player or non-playing official whose name does not appear on the Team list may not enter the field of play, the surrounds of the field of play or the technical area while the Match is in progress. 3. All sections of the Electronic Team Sheet must be completed including FA numbers, Team Officials and formation if applicable. 4. Non-playing officials who sit in the technical area during any NPLWA-W Match must be registered on PlayFootball. Penalty for Breach $300 fine per unregistered official 5. Only Players whose names appear on the Player Roster Composition may be listed on the Team list of the First Team with the exception of the circumstances detailed in paragraph 6. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 6. A Club may promote a Player from its NPLWA-W U23s Team to play for its First Team up to a maximum of 8 Matches throughout an NPLWA-W season without being required to include such a Player on the First Team Player Roster Composition. Any such Player must meet the age eligibility criteria of the Team from which she is being promoted. For the avoidance of doubt, an overage Player playing in the Under 23s Team may not be promoted unless she is listed on the Player Roster Composition. 7. Once an Under 23s Player has played more than 8 Matches for the First Team in a single NPLWAW season, the Player must be included on the NPLWA-W Club’s First Team Player Roster before she is eligible to play her ninth Match. Forthe avoidance of doubt, an unused substitute is deemed NOT to have played. 1.2. Select the section (41. Players (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)):*Select one or multiple. 1. To be eligible to play in the NPLWA-W for any Club, a Player must meet the following age criteria. 1.a. Under 23s – born 1998-2006 inclusive (subject to paragraph 2); 1.b. First Team – born in 2006 or earlier. 2. Only female Players are eligible to compete in the NPLWA-W. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 3. An Under 23s Team may include a maximum of 4 Players who were born in 1997 or earlier on the Team list for any Match. Each of these Players must be so denoted on the Team list with an asterisk next to each overage Player’s name. Penalty for Breach (no denotement) $200 per Player Penalty for Breach (5 or more overage) Forfeit 4. A Player who was in the starting Team or who took the field as a substitute in 5 or more fixtures in the most recent W-League season may not play for any Team in the Women’s Leagues except for a Club’s NPLWA-W First Team and Under 23s. 5. A W-League Player may not play for any Team in the Women’s League except for a Club’s NPLWA-W Team. 6. A Player who was born in 2006 or later may apply to Football West to be assessed as being competent to play in the NPLWA-W, but is ineligible to play until such competency has been provided to the Club in writing. 7. Once a Player has played for the NPLWA-W First Team, she may not participate in the Womens Metropolitan League in the same season. As a goalkeeper is a specialised position, goalkeepers are exempt from this Competition Rule but must participate as a goalkeeper in the Womens Metropolitan league only. 8. Once a Player has taken the field for a Team of the NPLWA-W First Team on 9 occasions, she may not participate in any Matches for any other Team in the Women’s Amateur League for the remainder of the season. 9. A Player who has taken to the field for the NPLWA-W First Team, may not be listed on the Team list of a Team in the Women’s Amateur League on the same day. 10. Once a Player has been listed on a Team sheet of the NPLWA-W Under 23s on 9 occasions, she may not appear on the Team list of any Team in the Women’s Metropolitan League for the remainder of the season. 11. Once a Player has been listed on a Team sheet of the NPLWA-M Competition on 9 occasions for any Team, she may not appear on the Team list of any Team in the NPLWA-W for the remainder of the season. 1.2. Select the section (42. Admission (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A maximum of 42 people from the visiting Club must be provided with free entry to the venue for any one Match day for use by the Players, Club officials or a Club’s official guests. The visiting Club must inform the home Club in writing the names to be granted free entry by noon on the last working day prior to the Match. 2. The Football West videographer and Match reporter for an NPLWA-W Match must be permitted to park inside the venue free of charge. 3. Any person, including a Match Official who is not appointed to the Match, who produces an official Football West pass must be granted free entry into any venue for any Match. 4. All Football West passes are valid only for Football West Matches and may be revoked by Football West at any time. 5. General entry admission fees may be charged to the maximum amounts listed below: 5.a. General Entry – $10 5.b. Students, Pensioners or concession holders with evidence of status – $5 5.c. People under the age of 15 – Free 6. Holders of Football West Sponsors Discount Entry Programme Tickets (as advised by Football West from time to time) must be granted access to grounds at the pre-determined discounted admission price. No Club is permitted to refuse entry on these conditions under any circumstances. Penalty for Breach $100 7. Any person who produces official Sportradar accreditation must be granted free entry into any venue for any Match. No Club may refuse admission to a person with the correct accreditation. Penalty for Breach $200 1.2. Select the section (43. Prize Money (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The Club whose First Team finishes in first position will receive $12,000 prize money 2. The Club whose First Team finishes in second position will receive $4,000 prize money 3. The Club whose First Team finishes in third position will receive $2,000 prize money. 4. The Club whose First Team finishes in fourth position will receive $1,000 prize money. 5. Hyundai Football West NTC is not eligible to win any prize money. Should Hyundai Football West NTC qualify for the finals, prize money will be distributed in a manner stipulated by Football West. Football West’s decision on the redistribution of prize money under this paragraph is not subject to challenge. 1.2. Select the section (44. Individual Awards (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Fairest and Best prize will be awarded to the best Player in each of the First Team and Under 23s divisions. 2. The Referee for each Match will award votes. Three votes will be awarded to the best Player, two votes to the next best Player and one vote awarded to the third best Player. 3. The Player who receives the most votes over the course of the season will win the Fairest and Best prize for her division. 4. If two or more Players tie for the highest number of votes, then a prize will be awarded to each of those Players. 5. A medal will be awarded to the Player born in 2001 or later who achieves the most votes in Senior First Team Matches, subject to the conditions in paragraph 6. 6. If a Player receives a suspension as a result of being shown a Red Card, or as a result of a sanction imposed by the Disciplinary & Grievance Tribunal during the regular season, she will be ineligible to win the Fairest and Best Award for that season. For the avoidance of doubt, if that Player receives a Red Card which is subsequently rescinded as a result of mistaken identity, the Player will be eligible to win the Fairest and Best Award. 7. An award will be presented to the Player who scores the most goals in her division in league Matches throughout the season of the NPLWA-W. If two or more Players score an equal number of goals, an award will be presented to each of those Players. 8. An award will be presented to the best First Team goalkeeper of the year based on votes cast by the Referees at each game in the First Team of the NPLWA-W. If two or more goalkeepers have an equal number of votes, an award will be presented to each of those Players. 9. If a goalkeeper receives a suspension as a result of being shown a Red Card, or as a result of a sanction imposed by the Disciplinary & Grievance Tribunal during the regular season, she will be ineligible to win the Goalkeeper of the Year Award for that season. For the avoidance of doubt, if that goalkeeper receives a Red Card which is subsequently rescinded as a result of mistaken identity, the Player will be eligible to win the Goalkeeper of the Year Award. 1.2. Select the section (45. Fair Play Award (NPLWA Women’s Competitions)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West will present a Fair Play Award to the Clubs whose NPLWA-W F ir s t T eams receive the fewest number of Penalty points during the regularseason. Penalty points are accrued according to the following: 1.a. Each single Yellow Card issued 1 point 1.b. Each indirect Red Card issued (two Yellow Cards to a single Player) 3 points 1.c. Each direct Red Card issued 5 points 1.d. Each non-playing official expelled from the technical area 5 points 1.e. Five or more Players cautioned or sent off in a single Match 5 points 1.f. Three or more Players sent off in a single Match 10 points 2. The winner of the Fair Play Award will receive $2,000. 3. In the event that two or more Clubs receive the fewest Penalty points, the prize money will be shared. 4. Hyundai Football West NTC is not eligible to win prize money. Should Hyundai Football West NTC win the Fair Play Award, prize money will be distributed in a manner stipulated by Football West. Football West’s decision on the redistribution of prize money under this paragraph is not subject to challenge. 1.2. Select the section (46. Competition Format (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The Teams that occupy the highest 4 positions of each NPLWA-W division (First Team and Under 23s) following the completion of the regular season will compete in the Top Four Cup 2. The Matches of each division of Top Four Cup will be structured as follows: 3. The designated home Team of each Match is as follows: a. Match A – the Team finishing 1st b. Match B – the Team finishing 3rd c. Match C – the losing Team of Match A d. Grand Final – the winner of Match A 4. The venues of all Matches will be determined by Football West. 5. For all Matches except the First Team Match, should scores be level at the full-time whistle, the outcome of the Matches will be decided by kicks from the Penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 6. In the First Team Matches, should scores be level at the full-time whistle, two periods of extra time of 15 minutes per period will be played in accordance with the FIFA Laws of the Game. 7. Should scores be level at the end of the second period of extra time, the outcome of the Match will be decided by kicks from the Penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 8. One additional substitute may be used when a Match goes into extra time (whether or not the Team has already used the full number of permitted substitutes). 9. The Grand Final winner will be known as Top Four Cup Winner. 10. The Club whose First Team wins the Grand Final will receive $10,000 prize money. 11. The Club whose First Team loses the Grand Final will receive $4,000 prize money. 12. The Club whose First Team loses Match C will receive $2,000 prize money. 13. The Club whose First Team loses Match B will receive $1,000 prize money. 14. Hyundai Football West NTC is not eligible to win any prize money. Should Hyundai Football West NTC qualify for the finals, prize money will be distributed in a manner stipulated by Football West. Football West’s decision on the redistribution of prize money under this paragraph is not subject to challenge. 1.2. Select the section (47. Players (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player must have played in a minimum of 5 Matches for a Club in the current season to be eligible to play in any of that Club’s Teams in The Top Four Cup, subject to other eligibility criteria. 2. A Player who has played in 10 or more Matches for the NPLWA-W First Team in her Club is ineligible to participate in any Top Four Cup Matches in the Under 23s Team. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 3. A Player is exempt from the restrictions specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 if that Player is a goalkeeper, and the Club can establish to the satisfaction of Football West that no other eligible goalkeeper is available to participate. Absence due to injury must be accompanied by a medical certificate at least 2 business days before the Match. Football West’s decision on any application is final. 4. Once a Player has played for the First Team in the Top Four Cup they are no longer eligible to play in the Under 23s Team for which they have previously played in the Top Four Cup. 5. An unused substitute during an NPLWA-W fixture is deemed NOT to have played. 6. A Player who accumulates 2 Yellow Cards in a post-season Competition or finals series must serve an Automatic Match Suspension of 1 Match as set out in the D&G Regulations. 1.2. Select the section (48. Match Officials (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)):*Select one. 1. The host Club will pay the Match Official fees for all Matches 1.2. Select the section (49. Match Balls (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)):*Select one. 1. The host Club will provide the Match ballsfor allsenior Matches except the Grand Finals. Football West will supply all Match balls for the Grand Finals. 1.2. Select the section (50. Admission (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)):*Select one. 1. A maximum of 21 people from each Team will be provided with a free entry pass to the venue for any one Match day for use by the Players, Club officials or a Club’s official guests only. The visiting Clubs must inform the host Club in writing the names to be granted free entry by noon on the last working day prior to the Match. 1.2. Select the section (51. Squad Lists (NPLWA-W Top Four Cup)):*Select one. 1. Football West reserves the right to request a squad list for each competing Team in a Match. If requested, such a list must be provided in writing 4 business days prior to the Match. 1.2. Select the section (52. Competition Format (Junior Teams)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Teams will be allocated into 3 conferences for the first 14 rounds of the season before being separated into 4 divisions, based on conference results, for the final 10 rounds. 2. Teams will be ranked in their conferences and divisions according to the number of Competition points they accrue over the season. The order in which Teams finish the Competition will be determined by the criteria specified in Article 2. 1.2. Select the section (53. Junior Matches (Junior Teams)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Junior Matches must be held in accordance with the Football West Match Scheduling Policy. 2. The home Club must provide one stretcher per venue which is to be placed in a safe and accessible position. The stretcher must be in position before the commencement of the first Match of the day until the conclusion of the final Match of the day unless being utilised. 3. Each Team must have a first aid kit available at the venue on the date of the Match. 4. Spectators may only watch the Match from behind the touch line. For the avoidance of doubt, the home Club must ensure that no spectators are situated behind the goal line while the Match is in progress. 1.2. Select the section (54. Modifications to the Laws of the Game (Junior Teams)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Matches in the Under 13s and Under 14s age groups will be played over two equal periods of 30 minutes. With the exception of abandoned Matches, each period must last for a minimum of 20 minutes for a result to be recorded. 2. Matches in the Under 15s age group will be played over two equal periods of 35 minutes. With the exception of abandoned Matches, each period must last for a minimum of 25 minutes for a result to be recorded. 3. Matches in the Under 16s age group will be played over two equal periods of 40 minutes. With the exception of abandoned Matches, each period must last for a minimum of 25 minutes for a result to be recorded. 4. Substitutes in junior Matches are not bound by the condition in Law 3 of the Laws of the Game forbidding further participation in the Match. All substitutes in junior Matches are able to be substituted on and off the field of play on multiple occasions. All such substitutions must take place at the halfway line. 5. The duration of the half time interval will be 5 minutes. 6. No more than five named substitutes may be listed on the Team list of which a maximum of five may be used in any one Match. 7. Matches in the Under 13s age group must use a size 4 football. 8. The Referee must adjust the duration of a Match to ensure that a following Match on the same field of play commences at the scheduled kick-off time. 9. When a Match is shortened in accordance with paragraph 9, each Match Official is entitled to receive the full amount of his normal Match fee. 10. No time may be added to the end of each period for stoppages or injuries. 11. The Referee has the power to show yellow or Red Cards and temporarily dismiss a Player. 12. Temporary Dismissal System B as described in the Laws of the Game shall apply only to the cautionable offence of dissent by word or action. 13. A Player who is cautioned for dissent by word or action will be punished by a temporary dismissal period of ten (10) minutes for Matches greater than 60 minutes in duration or five (5) minutes for Matches of 60 minutes or less in duration. 14. Temporary Dismissals are not recorded on the Match card submitted by the Referee and do not count towards accumulation of cautions. 15. In the event of a technical error in the Laws of the Game by the Referee with regard to temporary dismissals, the decision made by the Referee is final. 16. All Clubs must have a technical area marked at all NPL Juniors Matches 1.2. Select the section (55. Ground Marshals (Junior Teams)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Club must appoint ground marshals whose duties are: 1.a. to liaise with Club officials and emergency services if required; and 1.b. to ensure the security of the venue, Players, Match Referees and Club officials. 2. If the Club is using one field of play on a Match date, the Club must appoint at least one ground marshal. 3. If the Club is using more than one field of play on a Match date, the Club must appoint at least two ground marshals 4. Neither the coach nor manager of a Team involved in a Match may act as ground marshal for that Match. 5. It is the responsibility of each Club to ensure that the ground marshals are fully briefed on their responsibilities. 6. All ground marshals must have access to all areas of the ground at all times. Ground marshals may not be limited to a specific location (for example, the person working in a canteen may not be a ground marshal). 7. Ground marshals must be visible at all times 8. The ground marshals may not smoke or drink alcohol while on duty. 9. All ground marshals must identify themselvesto the appointed Match Referee, if present, at least five minutes prior to the commencement of each Match. 1.2. Select the section (56. Match Documentation (Junior Teams)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player whose name appears on a Electronic Match Sheet or Electronic Match Card is deemed to have played in the Match. For the avoidance of doubt, a pre-printed squad list which has been stuck to a Match card will be deemed to be the official Team list, and no concession will be given to any inaccuracies in that pre-printed list. 2. Electronic Team Sheets are to include columns for Shirt number, Name, FA number, Goals, Yellow cards and Red cards. 3. At the conclusion of the Match, the Referee will ensure that the Team list is signed by the representatives of both Clubs. A picture of the Team list must then be taken by a home Club representative before returning to the Referee for submission to Football West. 4. The Referee must ensure that the completed Electronic Team Sheet is delivered to Football West electronically within 24 hours of the completion of the Match. 5. The Referee must complete a Match report according to the instructions dictated by the Referees Technical Committee. Such reports are to be lodged with Football West within 2 Business Days of the completion of the Match. 6. The result of each Match must be entered into SportsTG by the home Club no later than 8:00pm on the day of the Match, unless the Match kicks off after 3:30pm in which case it must be completed by 5pm of the next day. Penalty for Breach – $50 for each breach 1.2. Select the section (57. Players (Junior Teams)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Players are eligible to play in competitions according to the following table: 2. Regardless of the eligible years above, which create a presumption that a player may participate in those age groups, a Player seeking to participate in an age group more than one year older than his actual age, i.e. a 13 year old seeking to play Under 15s, must be made in writing to Football West in accordance with the Football West Playing Out of Age Group Process. Such a request may be granted after the Player has been assessed by Football West. The Player is ineligible to participate in the requested age group until written approval has been received from Football West. 3. A male Player may not under any circumstances compete in an age group lower than that for which he is eligible. 4. Once a Player has taken the field of play in ten Matches of NPL, State League or Amateur Competition in the Under 18s, Under 20s/Reserves or First Team, they are no longer eligible to participate in the NPL Juniors and the Junior Boys League during the same season. These Senior Matches may comprise any combination of First Team, Under 20s/Reserves and 18s Team Matches as long as no more than nine Under 18s Matches, no more than five Under 20s/Reserves Matches and no more than one first Team Match is played. Following the ninth Match for the senior Teams, a Player must choose to play in either the NPL Seniors/State League/Amateurs or NPL Juniors and the Junior Boys Team(s) for which they are eligible. 5. A maximum of two Players may play in the next lowest ranked Team in a lower division to that in which those Players normally play including the case where a Player’s normal Team is in the NPL. If there is disagreement about the Team in which any such Player normally plays, Football West will make a determination and any such determination isfinal. For the avoidance of doubt, a Player may not play in a Team which is below the Club’s next lowest ranked Team under any circumstances. A Player will be deemed an NPL Player if he has appeared on the Electronic Match Card of his Club’s NPL Teams on at least 50% of Matches played by that Player to that date. “The next lowest ranked Team” is defined as either the NPL Team in the age group immediately below the Player’s normal Team or the highest ranked junior Team in the same age group that is not an NPL Team. Penalty for Breach Forfeit + $500 fine 6. A Player may not play in any age group of the NPL and any age group of the Junior Boys League on the same weekend. Penalty for Breach Forfeit of Second Match 7. An NPL Player may not play in any division below Junior League-Division 3 under any circumstances. 8. NPL Clubs must not register more than sixteen (16) Players per age group 1.2. Select the section (58. Match Officials (Junior Teams)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Club is responsible for 50% of Match Official fees. Football West will determine the fees payable and publish the rates prior to the commencement of each season. 2. Match official fees are payable in cash to the Match Official(s) on the day. 3. The allocation of Match Officials will be determined by Football West. No Club may request the attendance or non-attendance of any particular Match Official. 4. In the event that a Referee is not allocated to the Match by Football West, or that none of the Match Officials allocated to a Match isready and able to commence the Match within 15 minutes of the scheduled kick-off time, then the home Club will allocate a Referee. 5. If a Referee is appointed by the home Club in accordance with paragraph 4, that Referee must be at least two years older than the age group of the Match in the year of Competition. 6. In the absence of one or both assistant Referees, each Team will provide a Club assistant Referee to assist the Match Referee. If either Club does not comply, then the Match may not proceed. 7. If the appointed Referee suspends or delays any Match that is not completed on the scheduled day, he must submit a report in writing to Football West within 3 business days of the scheduled conclusion of the Match outlining the reasons for his actions. The appointed Referee is entitled to 50% of the prescribed Match fee for a suspended or delayed Match and 100% of the Match fee for a suspended or delayed Match, which is subsequently completed or abandoned. 8. When a Match is forfeited by a Club, the Referee is entitled to receive 100% of the prescribed Match fee to be paid by the Club which forfeited the Match, unless the forfeiting Club informed Football West in writing at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled kick-off. 9. When a Match is abandoned, the Match Officials are entitled to receive the full amount of their normal Match fees. 1.1. Select the article (Annexure 1 – State League):*Click here to view Annexure 1 – Mens State LeagueSelect One1. Competition Format (State League Competition Rules)2. Competition Points (State League Competition Rules)3. Promotion to the National Premier Leagues WA (State League Competition Rules)4. Promotion and Relegation Play-Off (State League Competition Rules)5. State League Inter-Divisional Promotion Play-Off Matches (State League Competition Rules)6. Promotion & Relegation to Amateur Premier (State League Competition Rules)7. Individual Awards (State League Competition Rules)8. Venue (State League Competition Rules)9. Technical Areas, Substitutes and Non-Playing Officials (State League Competition Rules)10. Matches (State League Competition Rules)11. Ground Marshals (State League Competition Rules)12. Match Documentation (State League Competition Rules)13. Players (State League Competition Rules)14. Playing Strip (State League Competition Rules)15. Match Balls (State League Competition Rules)16. Match Officials (State League Competition Rules)17. Admission (State League Competition Rules)18. Representative Teams (State League Competition Rules)19. Fair Play Award (State League Competition Rules)20. General (State League Top Four Cups)21. Players (State League Top Four Cups)22. State League Top Four Cup (State League Top Four Cups)1.2. Select the section (1. Competition Format (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All participating Clubs in the State League are required to field a senior Team, a reserves Team and an under 18s Team. A Club that fails to field a Team in 3 consecutive Matches in a State League age group, or any 4 Matches in a State League age group Regular Season will be considered to have breached thisrule. Penalty for Breach Deduction of 10 competition points from the first Team; and Club is ineligible for promotion in the currentseason. 2. Teams will be ranked in their divisions according to the number of competition points they accrue over the season as specified in Article 2. 3. The Club whose first Team finishes in first place of Division 2 at the end of the season will play in Division 1 in the following season. 4. The Club whose first Team finishes in last place in Division 1 at the end of the season will be relegated to Division 2 in the following season. 5. The Club whose first Team finishes in last place in Division 2 will occupy a relegation position. Should the Club that finishes in first position in the Mens Amateur Premier Division exercise its option of promotion to the State League, the Club in last place in Division 2 will be relegated to the Amateur Premier Division. 6. Should a vacancy be created before the commencement of the season, then that vacancy may be offered to another Club chosen by Football West in consultation with the State League Standing Committee. 7. Football West reserves the right not to fill any vacancy. 8. The Club whose first Team finishes in first position of Division 1 will receive $4,000 as prize money. 9. The Club whose first Team finishes in second position of Division 1 will receive $1,000 as prize money. 10. The Club whose first Team finishes in first position of Division 2 will receive $2,000 as prize money. 11. The Club whose first Team finishes in second position of Division 2 will receive $500 as prize money. 1.2. Select the section (2. Competition Points (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Three points will be awarded for a win, one point for a draw and no points for adefeat. 2. If two or more Teams are equal on points on completion of the regular season, the following criteria are applied in order to determine the higher ranking Team. 2.a. the Team with the superior goal difference 2.b. the Team with the higher number of goals scored 2.c. the number of points gained in Matches between the Teams concerned 2.d. the superior goal difference in Matches between the Teams concerned 2.e. the Team with the lower number of Red Cards 2.f. the Team with the lower number of Yellow Cards 2.g. the drawing of lots 1.2. Select the section (3. Promotion to the National Premier Leagues WA (State League Competition Rules)):* 1. Three points will be awarded for a win, one point for a draw and no points for adefeat. 2. If two or more Teams are equal on points on completion of the regular season, the following criteria are applied in order to determine the higher ranking Team. 2.a. the Team with the superior goal difference 2.b. the Team with the higher number of goals scored 2.c. the number of points gained in Matches between the Teams concerned 2.d. the superior goal difference in Matches between the Teams concerned 2.e. the Team with the lower number of Red Cards 2.f. the Team with the lower number of Yellow Cards 2.g. the drawing of lots 1.2. Select the section (4. Promotion and Relegation Play-Off (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Article 4 describes the process by which the State League 1 Club whose first Team finishes second position in State League 1 and meets the NPL Promotion Eligibility Criteria by the date stipulated for each criterion, may be promoted pursuant to Article 3 paragraph 2. 2. The Club that wins the play-off tie will earn the right to compete in the NPLWA-M in the next season and the Club that loses the play-off tie will compete in State League 1, in the first Team, reserves and under 18s age groups. 3. The play-off tie will be played under the following conditions: 3.a. The venue for each leg must comply with the standards set out in Appendix B of the NPL Compliance Regulations. A Club whose regular home venue does not meet these requirements is responsible for arranging a compliant venue at its own cost; 3.b. The State League 1 Club must comply with the following articles of the NPLWA Competition Rules in relation to the Player Points System and Visa Players: 3.b.i. Article 24, paragraph 2; 3.b.ii. Article 24, paragraph 3; 3.b.iii. Article 24, paragraph 4; (the State League 1 Club is entitled to a 20 point discount as provided for in the Player Point System); 3.b.iv. Article 24, paragraph 5; 3.b.v. Article 24, paragraph 6; Article 24, paragraph 7; 3.b.vii. Article 24, paragraph 8; and 3.b.viii. Article 25. 4. The winner of the play off tie will be determined as follows: 4.a. The tie will comprise two Matches – one Match at each Club’s home venue. Should a Club’s home venue not be available, that Club will be responsible for sourcing an alternative venue at its own cost. 4.b. The dates and times of the Matches will be determined by Football West and may not be challenged by either Club. 4.c. The order of the Matches will be determined by Football West. 4.d. The winner of the tie will be the Club that scores the most goals over the two legs 4.e. Should both Teams score an equal number of goals over the two legs, the winner of the tie will be the Club thatscoresthe most goalsin its “away” leg. Forthe avoidance of doubt, the Club playing its “away” leg is the second-named Club in the Match, regardless of the venue at which the Match is played. 4.f. If a winner cannot be determined through paragraphs d) and e), then two periods of extra time of 15 minutes per period will be played in accordance with The Laws of the Game at the conclusion of the second leg. 4.g. At the end of the second period of extra time, the provisions of paragraph d) will be applied to determine the winner of the tie. The provisions of paragraph e) do not apply once the Match moves into extra time. 4.h. If a winner cannot be determined through the application of paragraph d) after extra time, the winner of the tie will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (5. State League Inter-Divisional Promotion Play-Off Matches (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The Club whose first Team finishes in second last position in State League 1 and the Clubs whose first Teams finish in second, third or fourth positions in State League 2 will compete in a play-off tournament to determine which Club will play in State League 1 in the following season 2. Two semi-final ties will be played over two legs. One semi-final will be contested by the Club that finished second last in State League 1 and the Club that finished fourth in State League 2. The other semi-final will be contested by the Club that finished second in State League 2 and the Club that finished third in State League 2. 3. The losing Clubs from each semi-final will play in State League 2 in the followingseason. 4. The winners of each semi-final will play each other in the final, over 2 legs. 5. The winner of the final over two legs will play in State League 1 the following season. The loser of the final over two legs will play in State League 2 in the following season. 6. The ties will comprise two Matches – one Match at each Club’s home venue. Should a Club’s home venue not be available, that Club will be responsible for sourcing an alternative venue at its own cost. 7. The dates and times of the Matches will be determined by Football West and may not be challenged by either Club. 8. The order of the Matches will be determined by Football West. 9. The winner of the tie will be the Club that scores the most goals over the two legs. 10. Should both Teams score an equal number of goals over the two legs, the winner of the tie will be the Club that scores the most goals in its “away” leg. For the avoidance of doubt, the Club playing its “away” leg is the second-named Club in the Match, regardless of the venue at which the Match is played. 11. If a winner cannot be determined through paragraphs 9 and 10, then two periods of extra time of 15 minutes per period will be played in accordance with The Laws of the Game at the conclusion of the second leg. 12. At the end of the second period of extra time, the provisions of paragraph 9 will be applied to determine the winner of the tie. The provisions of paragraph 10 do not apply once the Match moves into extra time. 13. If a winner cannot be determined through the application of paragraph 9 after extra time, the winner of the tie will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (6. Promotion & Relegation to Amateur Premier (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Should the Club that finishes in first position in the Amateur Premier Division exercise its option of promotion to the State League, the Club in twelfth place in Division 2 will be relegated to the Mens Amateur Premier Division. 2. Should the Team that finishes in first position in the Mens Amateur Premier Division choose not to exercise its option of promotion to the State League, the Team finishing in second place has the right of a play-off with the Team that finishes in twelfth position in State League Division Two. 3. The winner of the play off tie will be determined as follows: 3.a. The tie will comprise two Matches – one Match at each Club’s home venue. Should a Club’s home venue not be available, that Club will be responsible for sourcing an alternative venue at its own cost. 3.b. The dates and times of the Matches will be determined by Football West and may not be challenged by either Club. 3.c. The order of the Matches will be determined by Football West. 3.d. The winner of the tie will be the Club that scores the most goals over the two legs. 3.e. Should both Teams score an equal number of goals over the two legs, the winner of the tie will be the Club thatscoresthemost goalsin its “away” leg. Forthe avoidance of doubt, the Club playing its “away” leg is the second-named Club in the Match, regardless of the venue at which the Match is played. 3.f. If a winner cannot be determined through paragraphs d) and e), then two periods of extra time of 15 minutes per period will be played in accordance with The Laws of the Game at the conclusion of the second leg. 3.g. At the end of the second period of extra time, the provisions of paragraph d) will be applied to determine the winner of the tie. The provisions of paragraph e) do not apply once the Match moves into extra time. 3.h. If a winner cannot be determined through the application of paragraph d) after extra time, the winner of the tie will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (7. Individual Awards (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Fairest and Best prize will be awarded to the best Player in Division 1 and Division 2 for senior and 18s Teams only. 2. The Referee for each Match will award votes. Three votes will be awarded to the best Player, two votes to the next best Player and one vote awarded to the third best Player. 3. The Player who receives the most votes over the course of the season will win the Fairest and Best prize for his division. 4. If two or more Players tie for the highest number of votes, then a prize will be awarded to each of those Players. 5. If a Player receives a suspension as a result of being shown a Red Card, or as a result of a sanction imposed by the Disciplinary Tribunal or Football West during the regular season, he will be ineligible to win the Fairest and Best Award for that season. For the avoidance of doubt, if that Player receives a Red Card which is subsequently rescinded as a result of mistaken identity or as an Obvious Error, the Player will be eligible to win the Fairest and Best Award. 6. An award will be presented to the Player who scores the most goals in his division and age group in league Matches throughout the season. If two or more Players score an equal number of goals, an award will be presented to each of those Players. 1.2. Select the section (8. Venue (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home venue of each Club must meet the criteria as set down by Football West from time to time. 2. Three parking spacesinside the venue must be specifically reserved for Match Officials on Match day for all Matches. 3. A Club may request to change its home ground venue but may do so only by written application to Football West. Football West reserves the right to refuse any application if the facilities do not meet the criteria as specified by Football West. 4. Football West reserves the right to reject any application for a change of venue if the proposed new venue is within 5 kilometres of another State League Club. 5. The home Club, at its own expense, must ensure that a nominated Groundskeeper is on duty during all scheduled Matches at its home ground, from at least one hour prior to the first scheduled Match. 6. Football West reserves the right to require that its sponsors’ signage is prominently displayed at all Football West Matches. 7. Football West reserves the right to take whatever action is deemed necessary in the event that State League Matches are affected by changes to the availability of any venue or venues. 1.2. Select the section (9. Technical Areas, Substitutes and Non-Playing Officials (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A technical area must be clearly marked for each senior Match in accordance with the Laws of the Game. Each technical area must have seating for 10 people. 2. All substitutes, substituted Players and non-playing officials must remain in the technical area while the Match is in progress with the exception of substitutes who are warming up. For the avoidance of doubt, any person who is named on the Team list as either a Player or a non-playing Team Official is required to occupy the technical area unless directed otherwise by the Referee or unless warming up if that person is a substitute. 3. Substitutes who are warming up must: 3.a. warm up inside the confines of the perimeter area; 3.b. wear a bib which is a different colour to both Teams and the Match Officials; and 3.c. not warm up with a football. 4. Each Team may nominate a maximum of 5 substitutes. 5. The 2021 Mens State League Competition Season will be conducted under temporarily amended version of the Laws of the Game allowing for 5 substitutes to be made. In Mens State League Matches: 5.a. Each team will be permitted to use a maximum of five substitutes. 5.b. To reduce disruption to the match, each team will have a maximum of three opportunities to make substitutions during the game; substitutions may also be made at half-time. 5.c. If both teams make a substitution at the same time, this will count as one of the three opportunities for each team. 5.d. Unused substitutions and opportunities are carried forward into extra time. 5.e. Where competition rules allow an additional substitution in extra time, teams will each have one additional substitution opportunity; substitutions may also be made before the start of extra time and at half-time in extra time. 6. Each Team may nominate a maximum of 5 non-playing Team Officials 1.2. Select the section (10. Matches (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A schedule of Matches will be developed by Football West. No consideration will be given to any perceived unfairness of the Match schedule. 2. With the exception of abandoned Matches, each period of a Match must last for a minimum of 35 minutes in order that a result may be recorded. 3. Subject to paragraph 4 the duration of the half time interval will be 15 minutes 4. The Referee must adjust the duration of an under 18s or reserves Match when necessary to ensure that the first Team Match commences at the scheduled kick-off time. The half time interval must first be shortened before playing time is adjusted. The half time interval must be at least 8 minutes long. 5. When a Match is shortened in accordance with paragraph 4, each Match Official is entitled to receive the full amount of his normal Match fee. 6. In the event that a Club does not have sufficient Players to field a reserve and first Team, the first Team will take priority. 7. In the event that a Club does not have sufficient Players to field a reserve and 18s Team, the reserves Team will take priority. 8. Spectators are not permitted inside the barrier which separates the field of play from the rest of the venue while the Match is in progress. If the barrier in place is only in place around part of the field of play, spectators may only watch the Match from behind that partial barrier. For the avoidance of doubt, there must be a barrier between a spectator and the field of play. It is the responsibility of the home Club to enforce this. 9. Once Matches have been published, changes may be made in accordance with the Football West Match Scheduling Policy. 10. A Club that requests and has been granted a Match change is responsible for all costs associated with the rearranged Match. 11. On days in which the temperature is expected to be high, the Referee may use his discretion to allow Players to take drink breaks. During any such break, all Players must remain on the field of play. 12. The home Club must provide one stretcher which is to be placed between the technical areas in a safe and accessible position. The stretcher must be in position before the commencement of the first Match of the day until the conclusion of the final Match of the day unless being utilised. Penalty for Breach $50 13. The result of each Match must be entered into Sports TG by the home Club within 2 hours of the completion of the Match. Penalty for Breach $100 14. Football West reserves the right to instruct home Clubs to increase the minimum security arrangements for any Match at any time. The cost of any additional security arrangements is to be borne by the home Club. 1.2. Select the section (11. Ground Marshals (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home Club must appoint ground marshals who are 18 years of age or older whose duties are: 1.a. to provide an escort for the Match Officials to and from the field of play at the start and finish of each playing period; and 1.b. to liaise with Club officials and emergency services if required. 2. The home Club must provide at least two ground marshals for each 18s Match. Penalty for Breach $100 3. The home Club must provide at least four ground marshals for each reserves and first Team Match. Penalty for Breach $100 4. It is the responsibility of each Club to ensure that the ground marshals are fully briefed on their responsibilities. 5. All ground marshals must have access to all areas of the ground at all times. Ground marshals may not be limited to a specific location (for example, the person collecting gate fees may not be a ground marshal). 6. Each ground marshal must wear the vests which have been supplied by Football West for the duration of the Match. Lost vests may be purchased from Football West. 7. Ground marshals must be visible at all times. 8. The ground marshals may not smoke or drink alcohol while on duty. 9. All ground marshals must identify themselves to the appointed Referee at least fifteen minutes prior to the commencement of each Match. 1.2. Select the section (12. Match Documentation (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Electronic Match Card and Sheets will be used in the 2021 season. 2. An Electronic Match Card is the online form which is used to enter the details of a Match. 3. An Electronic Match Sheet is the printable version of the Electronic Match Card which may be brought to a Match. 4. All State League competitions will use Electronic Match Cards and Sheets. 5. Electronic Match Cards must be completely and accurately filled out 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. Penalty for Breach (no Team list submitted) Forfeit & $200 Fine 6. A complete Match Card is defined as a sheet which includes: 6.a. All Player names; 6.b. All Players assigned a correct shirt number; 6.c. All Team Officials listed; 6.d. Eligible overage Players denoted; and 6.e. Starting Players assigned 7. A Team must enter a complete Match Card for every Match Penalty for Breach $100 Fine 8. A Player whose name appears on an Electronic Match Card or an Electronic Match Sheet is deemed to have participated in the Match as either a Player or a named substitute. 9. The Team list received by Football West will be accepted as the facts relating to the Match, with an Electronic Match Card taking preference over the Electronic Match Sheet. 10. All Team Officials who wish to sit in the Technical Area during any Match MUST be registered on Play Football as a coach or related role. Penalty for Breach $100 Fine 11. The home Club is responsible for entering the final score of the Match. 12. A Club may contact Football West if it believes that the details on the Match documentation have misidentified a goal scorer or substitute. 13. Goal scorer(s) for a particular fixture cannot be contested following the commencement of a subsequent round. 14. Any contest of goal scorers or substitutes should be submitted to Football West with evidence of video footage and must include the following details: 14.a. Fixture details; 14.b. Time of goal scored/substitution; 14.c. Name and shirt number of misidentified goal scorer/substitute; 14.d. Name and shirt number of alleged goal scorer/substitute; and 14.e. Must be submitted by the Club 15. Each Club must make available a Team list to the Referee on Match day. A copy of the Team list should be retained by the Club. Copies of the Team list must also be made available to: 15.a. Opposition Club; and 15.b. Home Club Media Officer. 15.c. Football West Match Reporter 15.d. Football West Videographer 1.2. Select the section (13. Players (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. To be eligible to play in the State League, a Player must meet the following age criteria: An Under 18s Team may include a maximum of 3 Players who were born in 2002 on the Team list for any Match. Each of these Players must be marked on the Team list with an asterisk next to each overage Player’s name. Penalty for Breach (failing to mark Team list) $200 Penalty for Breach (4 or more overage Players) Forfeit 1.a. 18s – born in 2003, 2004, 2005 or 2006; 1.b. Reserves & First Teams – born in 2005 or earlier 2. Once a Player has taken the field of play in nine Matches of the State League competition in the Under 18s, reserves or open age groups, he is no longer eligible to participate in both the State League and the Junior Boys League or NPL Juniors during the same season. These nine State League Matches may comprise any combination of first Team, reserves Team and 18s Team Matches as long as no more than nine Under 18s Matches, no more than five reserves Team Matches and no more than one first Team Match is played. Following the ninth Match for the State League Teams, a Player must choose to play in either the State League or the Junior Boys Team(s) or NPL Juniors for which he is eligible. 3. A Club must notify Football West in writing, confirming the Player’s choice to play either State League or Junior Boys or NPL Juniors before the Player may participate in any further Matches. The Club is responsible for monitoring the number of State League Matches played by each Player. 4. Once a Player has taken the field of play in a Match of the State League in the first, reserves or 18s, he is not eligible to participate in the Junior Boys League for a Team below 15s Division 1 during the same season. A Club may apply for an exemption to thisrule if its highest placed Team is below the 15s Division 1 competition, but any such ruling is entirely at the discretion of Football West. 1.2. Select the section (14. Playing Strip (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All Clubs must nominate a “home” and “alternative” playing strip. 2. In any Match, if the shirts or socks of the participating Teams are alike or similar, or are in the opinion of the Match Official likely to cause confusion, then Players of the away Team will be required to change its shirts orsocks or both. In the event of any dispute with regard to the strip to be worn by either Team, the Match Official’s decision isfinal. 3. If the shirts or socks of the participating Teams are alike or similar, or are in the opinion of the Match Official likely to cause confusion, and the away Team is unable to change that part of its attire which is causing that confusion, then the Match may notproceed. 1.2. Select the section (15. Match Balls (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home Club will provide the Match Official with three Match balls no later than ten minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. 2. All Matches must use the Match ball designated by Football West. Three Match balls will be provided free of charge to each State League Club. Penalty for Breach $100 1.2. Select the section (16. Match Officials (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home Club is responsible for the payment of all Match Official fees. Football West will determine the fees payable and publish the rates prior to the commencement of eachseason 2. The allocation of Match Officials will be determined by Football West. No Club may request the attendance or non-attendance of any particular Match Official. 3. A Club may not refuse to allow an allocated Match Official to officiate at that allocatedMatch. 4. In the event that none of the Match Officials allocated to a Match isready and able to commence the Match within 15 minutes of the scheduled kick-off time, then the Match may notproceed. 5. In the absence of one or both assistant Referees, each Team will provide a Club assistant Referee to assist the Referee. If either Club does not comply, then the Match may not proceed. 6. If the appointed Referee postpones or delays any Match, he must submit a report in writing to Football West within 72 hours of the scheduled conclusion of the Match outlining the reasons for their actions. The appointed Match Officials are entitled to 50% of the prescribed Match fee for a postponed Match and 100% of the Match fee for a delayed Match which is subsequently completed or abandoned. 7. When a Match is forfeited by a Club, the Match Officials are entitled to receive 100% of the prescribed Match fee to be paid by the Club which forfeited the Match, unlessthe forfeiting Club informed Football West in writing at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled kick-off. 8. When a Match is abandoned the Match Officials are entitled to receive 100% of the Matchfee. 1.2. Select the section (17. Admission (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A maximum of 63 people from the visiting Club must be provided with free entry to the venue for any one Match day for use by the Players, Club officials or a Club’s official guests. The visiting Club must inform the home Club in writing the names to be granted free entry by 7pm the day before the Match. 2. Any person, including a Match Official who is not appointed to the Match, who produces an official Football West pass must be granted free entry into any venue for any Match. 3. All Football West passes are valid only for Football West Matches and may be revoked by Football West at any time. 4. The following general entry admission fees may be charged: 4.a. Division 1 – $6 4.b. Division 2 – $5 4.c. Students, Pensioners or concession holders with evidence of status – $4 4.d. People under the age of 15 – Free 5. If a Match is being played as a “double-header” with an NPLWA Match then the lower price of admission must be charged until at least half time of the game for which the admission price is lower. 6. Holders of Football West Sponsors Discount Entry Programme Tickets (as advised by Football West from time to time) must be granted access to grounds at the pre-determined discounted admission price. No Club is permitted to refuse entry on these conditions under any circumstances. Penalty for Breach $50 1.2. Select the section (18. – Representative Teams (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. If a Club has 4 or more Players from one Team participating in a representative Match, it may seek the postponement of any Club Match which clashes with the representativeMatch. 2. To be considered as a qualifying Player under paragraph 1, and subject to the conditions of paragraph 3, the Player must have been recorded on that Team’s Electronic Match Cards for a minimum of 80% of all Matches up to and including the date of the request to postpone. 3. If the Player is required to participate in a representative Match prior to round six of the season, Football West will determine the Team of a Player from the Electronic Match Cards available. Football West’s decision in determining the Team of a Player isfinal. 1.2. Select the section (19. Fair Play Award (State League Competition Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West will present a Fair Play Award to the Clubs whose State League first Teams in each division receive the fewest number of penalty points during the regular season. Penalty points are accrued according to the following scale: 1.a. Each single Yellow Card issued 1 point 1.b. Each indirect Red Card issued (two Yellow Cards to a single Player) 3 points 1.c. Each direct Red Card issued 5 points 1.d. Each Club official expelled from the technical area 5 points 1.e. Five or more Players cautioned or sent off in a single Match 5 points 1.f. Three or more Players sent off in a single Match 10 points 2. The Fair Play Award winning Clubs will also each receive prize money in the amount of$1,000. 3. In the event that two or more Clubs receive the fewest penalty points, the prize money will be shared. 1.2. Select the section (20. General (State League Top Four Cups)):*Select one. 1. Where a rule in this Part 2 appears to conflict with a rule in a Part 1 the rule in this Part 2 will apply. 1.2. Select the section (21. Players (State League Top Four Cups)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player must have played in a minimum of 5 Matches for a Club in the current season to be eligible to play in any of that Club’s Teams in The State League Top Four Cup, subject to other eligibility criteria. 2. A Player who has played in multiple age groups for a particular State League Team in his Club is ineligible to participate in any Top Four Cup Matches in a lower age group than the highest age group Team for which he has played, unless they have played 50% or more of their Matches for a lower age group.. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 3. A Player is exempt from the restrictions specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 if that Player is a goalkeeper, and the Club can establish to the satisfaction of Football West that no other eligible goalkeeper is available to participate. Absence due to injury must be accompanied by a medical certificate at least 2 business days before the Match. Football West’s decision on any application is final. 4. Once a Player has started for a Team they are no longer eligible to play in a lower age group than the Team for which they have played for in the Top Four Cup. 5. In Senior Matches, an unused substitute is deemed NOT to have played. 6. A Player who accumulates 2 Yellow Cards in a post-season competition or finals series must serve an Automatic Match Suspension of 1 Match as set out in the Disciplinary and Grievance Regulations. 1.2. Select the section (22. State League Top Four Cup (State League Top Four Cups)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The Teams that occupy the highest 4 positions of the competition table in each division and age group following the completion of the regular season will compete in the State League Top Four Cup. 2. The Matches of each division of Top Four Cup will be structured as follows: 3. The designated home Team of each Match is as follows: 3.a. Match A – the Team finishing 1st 3.b. Match B – the Team finishing 3rd 3.c. Grand Final – the winner of Match A 4. The venues of all Matches will be determined by Football West. 5. For all Matches in the Reserves and Under 18s should scores be level at the full-time whistle, the outcome of the Matches will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 6. One additional substitute may be used when a Match goes into extra time (whether or not the Team has already used the full number of permitted substitutes). 7. The Grand Final winner in each age group will be known as the State League Top Four Cup Winner for their age group and division 1.1. Select the article (Annexure 2 – Player Payments):*Click here to view Annexure 2 – Player PaymentsSelect One1. Objectives2. Player Payments3. Permitted Payments4. Other Payments5. Players who Coach6. Sponsor Payments7. Further Investigation8. Player Payment Officer9. Breaches of the Player Payment System1.2. Select the section (1. Objectives):*Select one or multiple. 1. The objectives of the Player Payment system are to: 1.a. assist in ensuring the financial sustainability of NPLWA and State League Clubs; 1.b. provide a more balanced competition by limiting the ability of Clubs to monopolise the better Players through their greater financial resources; 1.c. facilitate the ability of Clubs to spend a greater proportion of their financial resources on other Football related projects such as facility and infrastructure development, marketing and promotion, coach education, youth development and local community engagement; and 1.d. to redress the balance of power between Players and Clubs. 1.2. Select the section (2. Player Payments):*Select one or multiple. 1. Player Payment means any payment, whether of money, goods orservices, reimbursements, in kind consideration or any other benefit (Payment): 1.a. to a Player or a person or entity associated with the Player; 1.b. by a Club or a person or entity associated with the Club; and 1.c. which relates to or is paid or given in consideration of the Player agreeing to play Football in the NPLWA or State League for that Club during any one Season. 2. NPLWA Competition means the National Premier Leagues – WA competition operated and administered by Football West. 3. Season means all competition matches organised and run by Football West in a single calendar year including, but not limited to, the Night Series, the NPLWA Competition, the State League, the NPLWA Competition Finals Series, the FA Cup, the Top Four Cup Final and any futsal competition. 4. All Player Payments are prohibited unless specifically permitted under Article 3 1.2. Select the section (3. Permitted Payments):*Select one or multiple. 1. The following are Permitted Payments and therefore are excluded from the prohibition of Player Payments referred to in Article 2 paragraph 4. 1.a. Payment to play Football for a Club in the NPLWA Competition or State League in accordance with the National Registration Regulations and subject to the NPLWA Competition Rules and this Annexure 2 of the Competition Rules. 1.b. Any Payment to a Player who has been designated an “Australian Marquee Player” by Football West in the NPLWA competition in accordance with the conditions set out in the NPL Player Points System. For the avoidance of doubt, only Players to whom Football West has assigned Australian Marquee status may have their Payments excluded under this paragraph; 1.c. Any Payment received by Players for genuine employment with the Club in a capacity other than as a Player at commercial rates of employment for services or goods actually rendered by the Player; 1.d. Player of the match awards up to a maximum of $50 per award (a maximum of one award per match); 1.e. Player of the month awards up to a maximum of $100 per award (a maximum of one award per month); 1.f. Player of the season awards up to a maximum of $300 per award (a maximum of one award per season); 1.g. Provision of Football boots up to a maximum of 2 pairs per calendar year perPlayer; 1.h. Provision of goalkeeping gloves up to a maximum of 2 pairs per calendar year per goalkeeper; 1.i. Club branded apparel and equipment such as polo shirts, kit bags; 1.j. Post match meals and post training meals; 1.k. Distribution of prize money awarded by Football West in accordance with Annexes 1 and 2 of the Competition Rules; 1.l. Player registration fees; and 1.m. Tickets to Football West, FA or the Player’s own Club’s award nights 1.2. Select the section (4. Other Payments):*Select one or multiple. 1. If a Club wishes to make a Payment to a Player which is not specified in Article 3 the Club must, prior to making the Payment, apply to Football West for a declaration asto whetherthe Payment is a Permitted Payment. 2. Any determination made by Football West on an application under this Article 4 is final and binding on the parties concerned and is not subject to review or challenge 1.2. Select the section (5. Players who Coach):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player in receipt of Player Payments may also receive a Payment in return for providing coaching services. 2. Any Player who is paid in return for the provision of coaching services must be an accredited FA coach with minimum qualifications as follows: For the avoidance of doubt, a Player without a qualification meeting these minimum requirements may NOT be paid for the provision of coaching services. 2.a. if coaching any NPL Team, a qualification in accordance with the NPL Compliance Regulations; 2.b. if coaching Players up to and including age 9, a Grassroots Coaching Certificate; 2.c. if coaching Players between the ages of 9 and 13, a Skill Training Certificate; 2.d. if coaching Players between the ages of 13 and 17, a Game Training Certificate; 2.e. if coaching Players over the age of 17, a Senior Coaching Certificate 3. The Payment received by the Player in his capacity as a Player must be included in Player Payment calculations. The Payment received by the Player in his capacity as a coach is not to be included in the Player Payment calculations. 4. Where a Player receives Payments for both playing and coaching for a Club, the individual amounts received for both roles must be declared to Football West by the Club. 1.2. Select the section (6. Sponsor Payments):*Select one or multiple. 1. Paymentsto a Player by parties otherthan the Club (Sponsor) with which the Playerisregistered are not permitted under any circumstances. 2. A Sponsor that wishes to contribute to a Club financially must do so directly to the Club and not to an individual Player. 3. If a Sponsor provides goods or services to a Club for distribution to Players, the Club must assign a commercial value to those goods or services and include that commercial value in the calculation of the Player Payment. 1.2. Select the section (7. Further Investigation):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West may audit any Club to verify Player Payments disclosed to Football West at itssole and unfettered discretion. Such an audit may include, but is not limited to: 1.a. The right to inspect and take copies of any and all books, financial records (including bank statements and taxation records), documents and other papers (whether in hard or soft copy) (Records) held or controlled by the Club; 1.b. The requirement that any Club president, secretary, treasurer or Player answer questions and if required, provide written responses to questions; and 1.c. The requirement that any Club president, secretary, treasurer, Player or Player’s agent attend a meeting called by Football West to answer questions and provide Records. 2. Any person who does not comply with an audit or who seeks to hinder an audit (which shall include a failure to provide responses, attend meetings or providing false or misleading information) may be sanctioned in accordance with the Football West Disciplinary & Grievance Regulations. 1.2. Select the section (8. Player Payment Officer):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West may appoint a Player Payment Officer to represent and act as agent for Football West. 2. A Player Payment Officer is authorised to exercise all or any of the powers of Football West under Article 9. 1.2. Select the section (9. Breaches of the Player Payment System):*Select one or multiple. 1. Any alleged breach of this rule may be referred to the Player Payment Officer forinvestigation 2. For the purposes of this Article 9, in calculating the number of breaches by a Club or person, reference shall be had to the total number of breaches by that Club or person during the period of 5 years prior to the date of the breach the subject of the sanction. 3. If the Player Payment Officer determines that there has been a breach of the Player Payment System by a Club, the following sanctions will apply: 1.1. Select the article (Annexure 3 – Amateur League Competitions):*Click here to view Annexure 3 – Amateur League CompetitionsSelect One1. Competition Format (Amateur League)2. Competition Points (Amateur League)3. Promotion to State League (Amateur League)4. Individual Awards (Amateur League)5. Venue (Amateur League)6. Matches (Amateur League)7. Ground Marshals (Amateur League)8. Match Documentation (Amateur League)9. Players (Amateur League)10. Proof of Registration (Amateur League)11. Playing Strips (Amateur League)12. Match Balls (Amateur League)13. Match Officials (Amateur League)14. Representative Teams (Amateur League)15. Fair Play Award (Amateur League)16. General (Amateur Cup)17. Competition Format (Amateur Cup)18. Players (Amateur Cup)19. Match Officials (Amateur Cup)20. Squad Lists (Amateur Cup)21. General (Amateur Reserves Cup)22. Competition Format (Amateur Reserves Cup)23. Players (Amateur Reserves Cup)24. Match Officials (Amateur Reserves Cup)25. Squad Lists (Amateur Reserves Cup)1.2. Select the section (1. Competition Format (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All participating Clubs are required to field a first Team and a reserves Team 2. A Club may not enter more than one Team in the same division. A Club may not enter teams in more than three divisions. 3. Teams will be ranked in their divisions according to the number of Competition points they accrue over the season. 4. The Team finishing in first place of each division at the conclusion of the season, will be declared the champion Team for that season. The order in which teams finish the Competition will be determined by the criteria specified in Article 2. 5. The Clubs finishing in first and second places of each first Team division at the end of the season will play in the division above in the following season, except in the case of the premier division. 6. The Club whose first Team finishes first in the Premier Division will occupy a promotion position to State League 2. Promotion is not compulsory, but a Club that intends to accept promotion if it finishes in the promotion position, must inform Football West of its intention to do so no later than 5:00pm on Monday 26 July 2021 subject to paragraph 7. Forthe avoidance of doubt, a Club will not be promoted if it does not advise Football West prior to this date, even if the Club’s first Team subsequently finishes first in the Premier Division. 7. A Club that has teams in either the Senior NPLWA-M or Mens State League Competitions is ineligible for promotion to State League 2. 8. The Clubs finishing in the lowest two places of each first Team division at the end of the season will play in the division below in the following season, with the exception of the lowest ranked division. 9. Football West reserves the right to alter promotion and relegation rules if one or more Clubs withdraws from the Amateur League either during or after the season, or in cases where there are fewer than 12 teams in any division. Any such change in rules will be determined in consultation with the Amateur, Social & Masters Standing Committee 10. The Club which finishes in the lowest position of the lowest division will be relegated to the Mens Metropolitan League if the Club which finishes in first position in the Mens Metropolitan League Premier Division accepts the offer of promotion to the Amateur League. 11. If enacting paragraphs 5 and 6 causes paragraph 2 to be breached, then Football West will determine which Clubs are promoted and relegated, if any. 12. Should a vacancy be created in any division before the commencement of the following season, then the vacancy will be filled through a process determined by Football West or in consultation with the Amateur, Social & Masters Standing Committee. 13. Should circumstances arise that prevent a Competition from being completed in a manner with inequity, Football West reserves the right to make a determination as to how that Competition will be finalised. All affected Clubs and the Amateur, Social and Masters Standing Committee will be consulted before a decision is made. 1.2. Select the section (2. Competition Points (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Three points will be awarded for a win, one point for a draw and no points for a defeat. Points are not transferable between divisions. 2. If two or more teams are equal on points on completion of the season, the following criteria are applied in order to determine the higher ranking Team 2.a. the Team with the superior goal difference 2.b. the Team with the higher number of goals scored 2.c. the number of points gained in matches between the teams concerned 2.d. the superior goal difference in matches between the teams concerned 2.e. the Team with the lower number of red cards 2.f. the Team with the lower number of yellow cards 2.g. the drawing of lots 1.2. Select the section (3. Promotion to State League (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Should the Club that finishes in first position in the Amateur Premier Division exercise its option of promotion to the State League, the Club in last place in State League Division 2 will be relegated to the Amateur Premier Division. 2. Should the Team that finishes in first position in the Amateur Premier Division choose not to exercise its option of promotion to the State League, the Team finishing in second place has the right of a play off with the Team that finishes in twelfth position in State League Division Two. 3. The winner of the play off tie will be determined as follows: 3.a. The tie will comprise two matches – one Match at each Club’s home venue. Should a Club’s home venue not be available, that Club will be responsible for sourcing an alternative venue at its own cost 3.b. The dates and times of the matches will be determined by Football West and may not be challenged by either Club. 3.c. The order of the matches will be determined by Football West 3.d. The winner of the tie will be the Club that scores the most goals over the two legs 3.e. Should both teams score an equal number of goals over the two legs, the winner of the tie will be the Club thatscoresthemost goalsin its “away” leg. Forthe avoidance of doubt, the Club playing its “away” leg is the second-named Club in the Match, regardless of the venue at which the Match is played. 3.f. If a winner cannot be determined through paragraphs d) and e), then two periods of extra time of 15 minutes per period will be played in accordance with The Laws of the Game at the conclusion of the second leg. 3.g. At the end of the second period of extra time, the provisions of paragraph d) will be applied to determine the winner of the tie. The provisions of paragraph e) do not apply once the Match moves into extra time. 3.h. If a winner cannot be determined through the application of paragraph d) after extra time, the winner of the tie will be decided by kicks from the Penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (4. Individual Awards (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Fairest and Best prize will be awarded to the best first team Player in each division. 2. The Match Referee for each Match will award votes. Three votes will be awarded to the best Player, two votes to the next best Player and one vote awarded to the third bestPlayer. 3. The first team Player who receives the most votes over the course of the season will win the Fairest and Best prize for his division. 4. If two or more Players tie for the highest number of votes, then a prize will be awarded to each of those Players. 5. If a Player receives a suspension as a result of being shown a red card, or as a result of a sanction imposed by the Disciplinary Committee during the regularseason, he will be ineligible to win the Fairest and Best Award for that season 6. An award will be presented to the Player who scores the most goals in his division in league matches throughout the season. If two or more Players score an equal number of goals, an award will be presented to each of those Players. 7. The Match Referee for each Match will award a vote for the best Goalkeeper in every Amateur Premier League First Team Match. The Player who receives the most votes over the course of the season will win the Goalkeeper of the Year prize. 1.2. Select the section (5. Venue (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home venue of Amateur League Clubs must meet the criteria of a Class C venue as specified in the Football West Competition Management Regulations. 2. A Club may request to change its home ground venue but may do so only by written application to Football West. Football West reserves the right to refuse any application if the facilities do not meet the criteria as specified in the Football West Competition ManagementRegulations. 3. Football West reserves the right to reject any application for a change of venue if the proposed new venue is within 5 kilometres of another Amateur League Club. 4. Football West reserves the right to require that its sponsors’ signage is prominently displayed at all Football West matches. 5. Football West reserves the right to take whatever action is deemed necessary in the event that Amateur League Matches are affected by changes to the availability of any venue or venues. 1.2. Select the section (6. Matches (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. With the exception of abandoned matches, each period of a Match must last for a minimum of 35 minutes in order that a result may be recorded. 2. The duration of the half time interval will be 15 minutes. 3. All reserve Team matches must start at 1:00pm subject to paragraph 5 4. All first Team matches must start at 3:00pm subject to paragraph 5. 5. Football West has discretion to allow modification to the kick-off times described in paragraphs 3 and 4 for any reason it deems suitable. 6. The Referee must adjust the duration of a reserves Match to ensure that the first Team Match commences at the scheduled kick-off time. 7. When a Match is shortened in accordance with paragraph 3, each Match Official is entitled to receive the full amount of his normal Match fee. 8. The technical area may have a maximum of 8 occupants, consisting of a maximum of 5 named substitutes and a maximum of 3 Team Officials. 9. All substitutes must be seated within the technical area unless warming up. 10. Substitutes are permitted to warm up outside the technical area, provided they are wearing different colours to both teams and the Match Officials. 11. Substitutes in reserves teams are not bound by the condition in Law 3 of the Laws of the Game forbidding further participation in the Match. All substitutes in reserves teams are able to be substituted on and off the field of play on multiple occasions 12. In the event that a Club does not have sufficient Players to field a reserve and first Team, the first Team will take priority. 13. Spectators are not permitted inside the barrier which separates the field of play from the rest of the venue while the Match isin progress. If the barrierin place is only in place around part of the field of play, spectators may only watch the Match from behind that partial barrier. For the avoidance of doubt, there must be a barrier between a spectator and the field of play. It is the responsibility of the home Club to enforce this. 14. On days in which the temperature is expected to be high, the Referee may use his discretion to allow Players to take drink breaks. During any such break, all Players must remain on the field of play. 15. The home Club must provide one stretcher which is to be placed between the technical areas in a safe and accessible position. The stretcher must be in position before the commencement of the first Match of the day until the conclusion of the final Match of the day unless being utilised. Penalty for Breach $50 16. The result of each Match must be entered into SportsTG by the home Club no later than 8:00pm on the day of the Match, unless the Match kicks off after 3:30pm. Penalty for Breach $50 17. Football West reserves the right to instruct home Clubs to increase the minimum security arrangements for any Match at any time. The cost of any additional security arrangements will be borne by the home Club. 18. Football West may from time to time nominate any Match as being under the direct control of Football West. In such circumstances, Football West will determine the conditions under which the Match is to be played. 19. Football West will, whenever possible, allocate Match Commissionersto all Premier Division first Team matches. A Match Commissioner is a Match Official and has the same status as Referees and Assistant Referees. 1.2. Select the section (7. Ground Marshals (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Club must appoint ground marshals who are 18 years of age or older whose duties are: 1.a. to ensure the security and safety of Players, Match Officials and Club officials; 1.b. to supervise the conduct of ball persons if provided; 1.c. to liaise with Club officials and emergency services if required; 1.d. to ensure the security of the venue, Players, Match Officials and Club officials at the conclusion of the Match; and to provide an escort for the Referee to and from the field of play at the start and finish of each playing period. 2. The home Clubmust provide at leasttwo ground marshalsfor each first Team and reserves Team Match. Penalty for Breach $50 3. The away Club must provide at least two ground marshals for each first Team Match and one ground marshal for each reserves Team Match. Penalty for Breach $50 4. It is the responsibility of each Club to ensure that the ground marshals are fully briefed on their responsibilities. 5. All ground marshals must have access to all areas of the ground at all times. Ground marshals may not be limited to a specific location (for example, the person working in a canteen may not be a ground marshal). 6. All ground marshals must wear the ground marshal vests which have been supplied by Football West for the duration of the Match. Lost vests may be purchased from FootballWest. 7. Ground marshals must be visible at all times. 8. The ground marshals may not smoke or drink alcohol while on duty 9. All ground marshals must identify themselves to the appointed Match Officials at least fifteen minutes prior to the commencement of each Match. 1.2. Select the section (8. Match Documentation (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Electronic Match Cards and Electronic Match Sheets will be used in the 2021 season. 2. All Amateur League Competitions will use Electronic Match Sheets and Electronic Match Cards. 3. Electronic Match Sheets must be completely and accurately filled out 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. Penalty for Breach (no Team Official list submitted) Forfeit & $200 Fine 4. A complete Match Sheet is defined as a sheet which includes: 4.a. All Player names; 4.b. All Players assigned a correct shirt number; 4.c. All Team Official officials listed; 4.d. Eligible overage Players denoted; and 4.e. Starting Players assigned. 5. A Team Official must enter a complete Electronic Match Card for every Match Penalty for Breach $100 Fine 6. All Team Official officials who wish to sit in the Technical Area during any Match MUST be registered on Play Football as a coach or related role. Penalty for Breach $100 Fine 7. The Home Club is responsible for entering the Final score of the Match. 8. The appointed Referee must complete a Match report according to the instructions dictated by the Referees Technical Committee. Such reports are to be lodged with Football West within 2 business days of the completion of the Match. 9. At the conclusion of each Match, the Referee will record best and fairest votes. Thisinformation is not to be disclosed to anybody and must be lodged with Football West within 2 business days of the completion of the Match. 10. The Team Official list received by Football West will be accepted as the facts relating to the Match. 11. A Club may contact Football West if it believes that the details on the Match documentation have misidentified a goal scorer or substitute. 12. Goal scorer(s) for a particular fixture cannot be contested following the commencement of a subsequent round. 13. Any contest of goal scorers or substitutes should be submitted to Football West with evidence of video footage and must include the following details: 13.a. Fixture details; 13.b. Time of goal scored/substitution; 13.c. Name and shirt number of misidentified goal scorer/substitute; 13.d. Name and shirt number of alleged goal scorer/substitute; and 13.e. Must be submitted by the Club 1.2. Select the section (9. Players (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Players who are designated professional Players in accordance with the National Registration Regulations may not participate in the Amateur League. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 2. To be eligible to play in the Amateur League, a Player must have been born in 2005 or earlier unless otherwise deemed eligible at the discretion of Football West. 3. No more than 5 named substitutes may be listed on the Team list. 4. The 2021 Mens Amateur League Competition Season will be conducted under temporarily amended version of the Laws of the Game allowing for 5 substitutes to be made. In Mens Amateur League Matches: 4.a. Each team will be permitted to use a maximum of five substitutes 4.b. To reduce disruption to the match, each team will have a maximum of three opportunities to make substitutions during the game; substitutions may also be made at half-time. 4.c. If both teams make a substitution at the same time, this will count as one of the three opportunities for each team. 4.d. Unused substitutions and opportunities are carried forward into extra time. 4.e. Where competition rules allow an additional substitution in extra time, teams will each have one additional substitution opportunity; substitutions may also be made before the start of extra time and at half-time in extra time. 5. The following restrictions apply to Players moving between teams unless a written exemption is issued by Football West: 5.a. Once a Player has taken the field in an NPL Senior Team game they are ineligible to participate in either Amateur League, Metropolitan League or Masters League in the same season. 5.b. Once a Player has taken the field in 3 State League first Team games, they are ineligible to participate in either Amateur League, Metropolitan League or Masters League in the same season. 5.c. Once a Player has taken the field in 10 State League reserve Team games, they are ineligible to participate in either Amateur League, Metropolitan League or Masters League in the same season, unless they play as a goalkeeper only 5.d. Once a Player has taken the field in 3 Amateur League first Team games, they are ineligible to participate in either Metropolitan League or Masters League in the same season, unless they play as a goalkeeper only. 5.e. Once a Player has taken the field in 10 Amateur League reserve Team games, they are ineligible to participate in either Metropolitan League or Masters League in the same season, unless they play as a goalkeeper only. 6. A Player may not be named on two separate Team lists within the Amateur League on the same day, unless the two Team lists are those of a first and its associated reserves Team. 7. Once a Player has taken the field of play in a first Team of the Amateur League on eleven occasions, he may not appear on the Team list of any other Team in a lower ranked division for the same Club. This rule does not apply to Players who may play in the first Team or reserves Team of the same division. 1.2. Select the section (10. Proof of Registration (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Proof of Registration as described in the Competition Rules must be provided to the opposition Club along with the Team list before each Match commences. If any Club is unable to provide proof of registration, the Match may proceed, but the Referee MUST submit a report to Football West stating that the Club in question failed to provide proof of registration. The opposition Club must return the Proof of Registration to each Club at the end of theMatch. 2. If a Club notices a discrepancy in the opposition’s proof of registration, it MUST draw it to the attention of the Referee. In such cases, the Referee MUST submit a report to Football West. For the avoidance of doubt, it is not the Referee’s role to make a judgment on the validity of the discrepancy but rather to simply report it to Football West. Regardless of any alleged discrepancy, the Match must be allowed to proceed. For the avoidance of doubt, the Referee has no authority to stop a Player from taking the field of play based on any discrepancy in that Player’s proof of registration. 3. A Player eligibility protest on the grounds of failure to produce Proof of Registration will only be accepted if a report has been received by Football West from the Referee. 1.2. Select the section (11. Playing Strips (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 2. A Team whose shirts comprise vertical stripes must have a plain coloured background on the back of each shirt on which the number is placed. The colour of the numbers must contrast clearly with the colour of the aforementioned background. Penalty for Breach $50 3. In any Match, if the shirts or socks of the participating teams are alike or similar, or are in the opinion of the Referee likely to cause confusion, then Players of the away Team will be required to change its shirts or socks or both. In the event of any dispute with regard to the strip to be worn by either Team, the Referee’s decision is final. 4. If the shirts or socks of the participating teams are alike or similar, or are in the opinion of the Referee likely to cause confusion, and the away Team is unable to change that part of its attire which is causing that confusion, then the Match may not proceed. For the avoidance of doubt, bibs may NOT be used. 1.2. Select the section (12. Match Balls (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The home Club will provide the Referee with three Match balls no later than ten minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. Penalty for Breach $50 2. All matches in the Premier & Premier Reserves divisions must use the Football West designated ball. Three Match balls will be provided free of charge to each Premier Division Club. Penalty for Breach $50 1.2. Select the section (13. Match Officials (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Club is responsible for 50% of Match Official fees. Football West will determine the fees payable and publish the rates prior to the commencement of each season. With the exception of the Premier League and Premier League Reserves where the home Club is responsible for 100% of Match Official fees. 2. Match Official fees are payable in cash to the Match Official(s) on the day of the Match before the Match commences, with the exception of the Premier & Premier Reserves Divisions, which will be paid by the Clubs following monthly invoices issued by Football West. 3. The allocation of Match Officials will be determined by Football West. No Club may request the attendance or non-attendance of any particular Match Official. 4. In the event that a Referee is not allocated to the Match by Football West, or that none of the Match Officials allocated to a Match is ready and able to commence the Match within 5 minutes of the scheduled kick-off time, then the home Club will allocate a Referee. 5. In the absence of one or both assistant Referees, each Team will provide a Club assistant Referee to assist the Match Referee. If either Club does not comply, then the Match may notproceed. 6. If the officially appointed Referee delays any Match which is completed or abandoned later that same day, he must submit a report in writing to Football West within 72 hours of the scheduled conclusion of the Match outlining the reasons for his actions. The officially appointed Referee is entitled to 100% of the Match fee for a delayed Match which is subsequently completed or abandoned. 7. If the officially appointed Referee delays any Match which is not commenced that same day, he must submit a report in writing to Football West within 72 hours of the scheduled conclusion of the Match outlining the reasons for his actions. The officially appointed Referee is entitled to 50% of the Match fee for a delayed Match which is subsequently postponed to anotherdate. 8. When a Match is forfeited by a Club, the Referee is entitled to receive 100% of the prescribed Match fee to be paid by the Club which forfeited the Match, unless the forfeiting Club informed Football West in writing at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled kick-off. 9. When a Match is abandoned, the Match Officials are entitled to receive the full amount of their normal Match fees. 1.2. Select the section (14. Representative Teams (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. If a Club has 4 or more Players from one Team participating in a representative Match, it may seek the postponement of any Club Match which clashes with the representativeMatch 2. To be considered as a qualifying Player under paragraph 1, and subject to the conditions of paragraph 3, the Player must have been recorded on that Team’s Team lists for a minimum of 80% of all matches up to and including the date of the request to postpone. 3. If the Player is required to participate in a representative Match prior to round six of the season, Football West will determine the Team of a Player from the Team sheets available. Football West’s decision in determining the Team of a Player isfinal. 1.2. Select the section (15. Fair Play Award (Amateur League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West will present a Fair Play Award of $1,000 to the Club whose Amateur League first and reserves teams in the Premier Division receive the fewest number of Penaltypoints. 2. Penalty points are accrued according to the following scale: 2.a. Each single yellow card issued 1 points 2.b. Each indirect red card issued (two yellow cards to a single Club Associate) 3 points 2.c. Each direct red card issued 5 points 2.d. Five or more Club associates cautioned or sent off in a single Match 5 points 2.e. Three or more Club associates sent off in a single Match 10 points 3. In the event that two or more Clubs receive the fewest Penalty points, the award will be shared. 1.2. Select the section (16. General (Amateur Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All rules contained within the Competition Rules and Part 1 of these rules are applicable to the Amateur Cup unless otherwise specified in this document. 2. Where a rule in the Football West Competition Rules or Part 1 of these rules appears to conflict with these rules, the rule in this document takes precedence. 1.2. Select the section (17. Competition Format (Amateur Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All first teams in the Amateur League will compete in the Amateur Cup. Entry is compulsory. 2. Only one Team per Club may enter into the Amateur Cup 3. Regional teams may lodge an application to participate in the Amateur Cup and if such an application issuccessful, those teams will be included in the draw. A successful application from a regional Club must include a Team in both the Amateur Cup and the Amateur Reserves Cup. A regional Club travelling to the metropolitan area or another region, or a metropolitan Club travelling to a region will be entitled to an allowance of $250 for each such trip payable on invoice to Football West. 4. The Clubs competing in each round of the Competition will be drawn in pairs at random. The pairs will play a Match subject to the Laws of the Game and the Competition Rules and relevant Annexures and the winner of each Match will compete in the next round and be drawn in the same manner. This procedure will be continued until the final of the Competition. 5. A preliminary round will be held to ensure that the following rounds can be played by the correct number of teams to ensure that only two teams remain at the end of the Competition. 6. Amateur League Clubs that apply and qualify for Round 4 of the FA Cup will be given a bye in the preliminary round of the Amateur Cup. 7. Amateur League Premier Division Clubs will be given a bye in the preliminary round of the Amateur Cup. 8. After the draw of each round, participating Clubs will be informed of the Match date, time and venue. 9. Should scores be level at the full-time whistle, two periods of extra time of 15 minutes per period will be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game. 10. Should scores be level at the end of the second period of extra time, the outcome of the Match will be decided by kicks from the Penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of theGame. One additional substitute may be used when a Match goes into extra time (whether or not the Team has used the full number of substitutes. 1.2. Select the section (18. Players (Amateur Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player may not play for a Team in the Amateur Cup if, in the same season, he has previously played for: Penalty for Breach Forfeit 1.a. a different Team in the Amateur Cup; 1.b. an NPL Club or a State League Club in the FA Cup, State Reserves Cup or State 18s Cup in any round after the Club’s first Match in that Competition. 2. An unused substitute is deemed NOT to have played in a Match. 1.2. Select the section (19. Match Officials (Amateur Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. For circumstancesin which a Match Official is allocated to a Match involving teamsfrom different divisions, the Match Official will be paid the fee to which he is entitled for the higher ranking Team. 2. Football West will pay Match Official fees for the Amateur Cup Final. 1.2. Select the section (20. Squad Lists (Amateur Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Football West reserves the right to request a squad list for each competing Team in a Match. If requested, such a list must be provided in writing 4 days prior to the Match. 1.2. Select the section (21. General (Amateur Reserves Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All rules contained within the Football West Competition Rules and Part 1 of these rules are applicable to the Amateur Reserves Cup unless otherwise specified in this document. 2. Where a rule in the Football West Competition Rules or Part 1 of these rules appears to conflict with these rules, the rule in this document takes precedence. 1.2. Select the section (22. Competition Format (Amateur Reserves Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All reserves teams in the Sunday League will compete in the Amateur Reserves Cup. Entry is compulsory 2. Only one Team per Club may enter into the Amateur Reserves Cup. 3. Fixtures will be played in accordance with the draw of the Amateur Cup and as specified by Football West. 4. In all matches, should scores be level at the full-time whistle, the outcome of the fixture will be decided by kicks from the Penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of theGame. 1.2. Select the section (23. Players (Amateur Reserves Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player may not play for a Team in the Amateur Reserves Cup if, in the same season, he has previously played for: Penalty for Breach Forfeit 1.a. a different Club in the Amateur Cup; 1.b. a different Team in the Amateur Reserves Cup; 1.c. an NPL Club or a State League Club in the FA Cup, State Reserves Cup or State 18s Cup. 2. To be eligible to participate in a semi-final or final, a Player must have played in a minimum of 6 different fixtures for the Team in question prior to that semi-final or final. This may include participation as a substitute or substituted Player. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 3. A Player is exempt from the restriction specified in paragraph 2 if that Player is a goalkeeper, and the Club can establish to the satisfaction of Football West that no other eligible goalkeeper is available to participate. Absence due to injury must be accompanied by a medical certificate at least 2 business days before the fixture. Football West’s decision on any application isfinal. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 4. An unused substitute is deemed NOT to have played in a fixture. 1.2. Select the section (24. Match Officials (Amateur Reserves Cup)):*Select one. 1. For circumstances in which a Match Official is allocated to a fixture involving teams from different divisions, the Match Official will be paid the fee to which he is entitled for the higher ranking Team. 1.2. Select the section (25. Squad Lists (Amateur Reserves Cup)):*Select one. 1. Football West reserves the right to request a squad list for each competing Team in a fixture. If requested, such a list must be provided in writing 4 days prior to the fixture. 1.1. Select the article (Annexure 4 – Men's Senior Sunday Competitions):*Click here to view Annexure 4 – Men's Senior Sunday CompetitionsSelect One1. General (Common Rules)2. Competition Points (Common Rules)3. Competition Format (Common Rules)4. Individual Awards (Common Rules)5. Venues (Common Rules)6. Matches (Common Rules)7. Ground Marshals (Common Rules)8. Match Documentation (Common Rules)9. Players (Common Rules)10. Playing Strips (Common Rules)11. Match Balls (Common Rules)12. Match Officials (Common Rules)13. Representative Teams (Common Rules)14. Competition Format (Men’s Metropolitan League)15. Competition Format (Men’s Masters League)16. Competition Format (Over 45’s League)17. Players (Over 45’s League)18. General (Metropolitan Cup)19. Competition Format (Metropolitan Cup)20. Players (Metropolitan Cup)21. Match Officials (Metropolitan Cup)22. Squad Lists (Metropolitan Cup)23. General (Masters Cup)24. Competition Format (Masters Cup)25. Players (Masters Cup)26. Match Officials (Masters Cup)27. Squad Lists (Masters Cup)28. General (Over 45’s Cup)29. Competition Format (Over 45’s Cup)30. Players (Over 45’s Cup)31. Match Officials (Over 45’s Cup)32. Squad Lists (Over 45’s Cup)1.2. Select the section (1. General (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Men’s Senior Sunday Competitions will consist of the: 1.a. Mens Metropolitan League; 1.b. Mens Masters League; 1.c. Mens Over 45’s; and 1.d. Associated Cup Competitions. 2. Where a rule in this Part 1 appears to conflict with a rule in a Part of this document dealing with a specific competition (for example the Part dealing with the Mens Metropolitan League competitions) then the Part dealing with the specific competition takes precedence. 3. In this document a reference to the Metropolitan League, The Masters League or the Over 45’s League and their associated cup competitions refers specifically to the Mens versions of those competitions. 1.2. Select the section (2. Competition Points (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Three points will be awarded for a win, one point for a draw and no points for a defeat. Points are not transferable between divisions. 2. If two or more Teams are equal on points on completion of the season, the following criteria are applied in order to determine the higher ranking Team. 2.a. the Team with the superior goal difference 2.b. the Team with the higher number of goalsscored 2.c. the number of points gained in Matches between the Teams concerned 2.d. the superior goal difference in Matches between the Teams concerned 2.e. the Team with the lower number of Red Cards 2.f. the Team with the lower number of Yellow Cards 2.g. the drawing of lots 1.2. Select the section (3. Competition Format (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The Club finishing in first place of each division at the end of the season will be crowned the champion Club for that season. The order in which Teams finish the competition will be determined by the criteria specified in Article 2. 2. The Clubs finishing in first and second places of each division at the end of the season, with the exception of the highest division, will play in the division above in the following season, subject to paragraph 1 except in circumstances in which they are already playing in the highest division. 3. The Clubs finishing in the lowest two places of each division at the end of the season, with the exception of the lowest ranked division, will play in the division below in the following season, subject to paragraph 1 unless they are already playing in the lowest division. 4. If enacting paragraphs 3 or 4 causes paragraph 1 to be breached, then Football West will determine which Clubs are promoted and relegated, if any. 1.2. Select the section (4. Individual Awards (Common Rules)):*Select one. 1. An award will be presented to the Player who scores the most goals in his division during the regular season. If two or more Players score an equal number of goals, an award will be presented to each of those Players. 1.2. Select the section (5. Venues (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Club may request to change its home ground venue but may do so only by written application to Football West. Football West reserves the right to refuse any application if the facilities do not meet the criteria as specified in the Football West Competition Management Regulations. 2. Football West reserves the right to reject any application for a change of venue if the proposed new venue is within 5 kilometres of another Men’s Senior Sunday Competition Club in the proposed competition. 3. Football West reserves the right to require that its sponsors’ signage is prominently displayed at all Football West Matches. 4. Football West reserves the right to take whatever action is deemed necessary in the event that Men’s Senior Sunday Competition Matches are affected by changes to the availability of any venue or venues. 5. The home venue of a Men’s Senior Sunday Competition Club must meet the criteria set out in the below table for the specified level of competition for a venue as specified in the Football West Competition Management Regulations: 1.2. Select the section (6. Matches (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. With the exception of abandoned Matches, each period of a Match must last for a minimum of 30 minutes in order that a result may be recorded. 2. The duration of the half time interval will be 10 minutes. 3. The Referee may adjust the duration of a Match to ensure that a following Match on the same field of play commences at the scheduled kick-off time. 4. When a Match is shortened in accordance with paragraph 3, each Match official is entitled to receive the full amount of their normal Match fee 5. On days in which the temperature is expected to be high, the Referee may use her discretion to allow Players to take drink breaks. During any such break, all Players must remain on the field of play. 6. The home Club must provide one stretcher which is to be placed in a safe and accessible position. The stretcher must be in position before the commencement of the first Match of the day until the conclusion of the final Match of the day unless being utilised. 7. Each Team must have a first aid kit available at the venue on the date of the Match. 8. The result and goal scorers of each Match must be entered into Sports TG by the home Club no later than 8:00pm on the day of the Match, unless the Match kicks off after3:30pm. Penalty for Breach $30 9. Each Club is responsible and accountable for the behaviour of its spectators and their adherence to the Spectator Code of Behaviour, whether playing at home, away or at a neutral venue. It is the responsibility of the ground marshals to inform spectators of any breach of the Spectator Code of Behaviour and request immediate compliance. 10. Football West may from time to time nominate any Match as being under the direct control of Football West. In such circumstances, Football West will determine the conditions under which the Match is to be played. 11. Substitutes in the Men’s Senior Sunday Competitions are not bound by the condition in Law 3 of the Laws of the Game forbidding further participation in the Match. All substitutes in the Men’s Senior Sunday Competitions are able to be substituted on and off the field of play on multiple occasions. 12. No more than five named substitutes may be listed on the Team list of which a maximum of five may be used in any one Match. 1.2. Select the section (7. Ground Marshals (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Club must appoint a ground marshal who is 18 years of age or older for each Match whose duties are: 1.a. to ensure the security and safety of Players, Match Referees and Clubofficials; 1.b. to supervise the conduct of ball persons if provided; 1.c. to liaise with Club officials and emergency services if required; 1.d. to ensure the security of the venue, Players, Match Referees and Club officials at the conclusion of the Match; and 1.e. to provide an escort for the Referee to and from the field of play at the start and finish of each playing period. 2. Neither the coach nor manager of a Team involved in a Match may act as ground marshal for that Match. 3. It is the responsibility of each Club to ensure that the ground marshals are fully briefed on their responsibilities. 4. All ground marshals must have access to all areas of the ground at all times. Ground marshals may not be limited to a specific location (for example, the person working in a canteen may not be a ground marshal). 5. All ground marshals must wear the ground marshal vests which have been supplied by Football West for the duration of the Match. Lost vests may be purchased from Football West. 6. Ground marshals must be visible at all times. 7. The ground marshals may not smoke or drink alcohol while on duty. 8. All ground marshals must identify themselves to the appointed Match Referee, if present, at least five minutes prior to the commencement of each Match. 1.2. Select the section (8. Match Documentation (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Electronic Match Cards and Electronic Match Sheets will be used in the 2021 season. 2. All Men’s Senior Sunday Competitions will use Electronic Match Cards and Electronic Match Sheets. 3. Electronic Match Sheets must be completely and accurately filled out 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. Penalty for Breach (no Team list submitted) Forfeit & $100 Fine 4. A complete Electronic Match Sheet is defined as a sheet which includes: 4.a. All Player names; 4.b. All Players assigned a correct shirt number; 4.c. All Team officials listed; 4.d. Eligible overage Players denoted; and 4.e. Starting Players assigned. 5. A Team must enter a complete Electronic Match Card for every Match Penalty for Breach $50 Fine 6. All Team officials who wish to sit in the Technical Area during any Match MUST be registered on PlayFootball as a coach or related role. Penalty for Breach $50 Fine 7. The Home Club is responsible for entering the Final score of the Match. 8. The appointed Referee must complete a Match report according to the instructions dictated by the Referees Technical Committee. Such reports are to be lodged with Football West within 2 business days of the completion of the Match. 9. At the conclusion of each Match, the Referee will record best and fairest votes. This information is not to be disclosed to anybody and must be lodged with Football West within 2 business days of the completion of the Match. 10. The Team list received by Football West will be accepted as the facts relating to the Match. 11. A Club may contact Football West if it believes that the details on the Match documentation have misidentified a goal scorer or substitute. 12. Goal scorer(s) for a particular fixture cannot be contested following the commencement of a subsequent round. 13. Any contest of goal scorers or substitutes should be submitted to Football West with evidence of video footage and must include the following details: 13.a. Fixture details; 13.b. Time of goal scored/substitution; 13.c. Name and shirt number of misidentified goal scorer/substitute; 13.d. Name and shirt number of alleged goal scorer/substitute; and 13.e. Must be submitted by the Club 1.2. Select the section (9. Players (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The following restrictions apply to Players moving between Teams unless a written exemption is issued by Football West: 1.a. Once a Player has taken the field in an NPL first Team game they are ineligible to participate in a Men’s Senior Sunday Competition in the same season. 1.b. Once a Player has taken the field in 3 State League first Team games, they are ineligible to participate in Men’s Senior Sunday Competition in the same season. 1.c. Once a Player has taken the field in 10 State League reserve Team games, they are ineligible to participate in a Men’s Senior Sunday Competition in the same season, unless they play as a goalkeeper only 1.d. Once a Player has taken the field in 3 Amateur League first Team games, they are ineligible to participate in a Men’s Senior Sunday Competition in the same season, unless they play as a goalkeeper only. 1.e. Once a Player has taken the field in 10 Amateur League reserve Team games, they are ineligible to participate in a Men’s Senior Sunday Competition in the same season, unless they play as a goalkeeper only. 2. A Player who registered with a A-League Club may not participate in the Men’s Senior Sunday Competitions in the same calendar year. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 3. To be eligible to play in a Men’s Senior Sunday Competition a Player must meet the birth year requirements set out in the following table: 4. A Player who was born in 2007 or later may apply to Football West to be assessed as being competent to play in the Men’s Senior Sunday Competition but is ineligible to play until confirmation of such competency has been provided to the Club in writing. 1.2. Select the section (10. Playing Strips (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All Clubs must nominate a “home” and “alternative” playing strip 2. In any Match, if the shirts or socks of the participating Teams are alike or similar, or are in the opinion of the Referee likely to cause confusion, then Players of the away Team will be required to change its shirts or socks or both. In the event of any dispute with regard to the strip to be worn by either Team, the Referee’s decision is final. 3. If the shirts or socks of the participating Teams are alike or similar, or are in the opinion of the Referee likely to cause confusion, and the away Team is unable to change that part of its attire which is causing that confusion, then the Match may not proceed. For the avoidance of doubt, bibs may NOT be used. 1.2. Select the section (11. Match Balls (Common Rules)):*Select one. 1. The home Club must provide the Referee with three Match balls no later than 5 minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. 1.2. Select the section (12. Match Officials (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Club is responsible for 50% of Match official fees. Football West will determine the fees payable and publish the rates prior to the commencement of each season. 2. Match official fees are payable in cash to the Match official(s) on the day of theMatch. 3. The allocation of Match officials will be determined by Football West. No Club may request the attendance or non-attendance of any particular Match official. 4. In the event that a Referee is not allocated to the Match by Football West, or that none of the Match officials allocated to a Match is ready and able to commence the Match within 15 minutes of the scheduled kick-off time, then the home Club will allocate a Referee. 5. In the absence of one or both assistant Referees, each Team will provide a Club assistant Referee to assist the Match Referee. If either Club does not comply, then the Match may not proceed. 6. If the appointed Referee postpones or delays any Match, he must submit a report in writing to Football West within 72 hours of the scheduled conclusion of the Match outlining the reasons for his actions. The appointed Referee is entitled to 50% of the prescribed Match fee for a postponed Match and 100% of the Match fee for a delayed Match which is subsequently completed or abandoned. 7. When a Match is forfeited by a Club, the Referee is entitled to receive 100% of the prescribed Match fee to be paid by the Club which forfeited the Match, unless the forfeiting Club informed Football West in writing at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled kick-off. 8. When a Match is abandoned, the Match officials are entitled to receive the full amount of their normal Match fees. 1.2. Select the section (13. Representative Teams (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. If a Club has 4 or more Players from one Team participating in a representative Match, it may seek the postponement of any Club Match which clashes with the representativeMatch. 2. To be considered as a qualifying Player under paragraph 1, and subject to the conditions of paragraph 3, the Player must have been recorded on that Team’s Team lists for a minimum of 80% of all Matches up to and including the date of the request to postpone. 3. If the Player is required to participate in a representative Match prior to round six of the season, Football West will determine the Team of a Player from the Team sheets available. Football West’s decision in determining the Team of a Player isfinal. 1.2. Select the section (14. Competition Format (Men’s Metropolitan League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Club may not enter more than one Team into the same division unless the Club enters more Teams than there are divisions or at the discretion of FootballWest. 2. Other divisions will comprise Teams, where possible, which are located in similar geographical locations. 3. The Team finishing in first place of each division at the conclusion of the season will be crowned the champion Team for that season. The order in which Teams finish the competition will be determined by the criteria specified in Article2. 4. A Club may request a change to the division of one or more of its Teams in the Metropolitan League. Any such change may or may not be granted at the discretion of Football West, and if granted any change will be subject to the applicable fees. The decision as to whether or not a change request is granted by Football West isfinal. 1.2. Select the section (15. Competition Format (Men’s Masters League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Club may not enter more than one Team into the same division unless the Club enters more Teams than there are divisions or at the discretion of FootballWest. 2. Other divisions will comprise Teams, where possible, which are located in similar geographical locations. 3. The Team finishing in first place of each division at the conclusion of the season will be crowned the champion Team for that season. The order in which Teams finish the competition will be determined by the criteria specified in Article2. 4. A Club may request a change to the division of one or more of its Teams in the Masters League. Any such change may or may not be granted at the discretion of Football West, and if granted any change will be subject to the applicable fees. The decision as to whether or not a change request is granted by Football West isfinal. 1.2. Select the section (16. Competition Format (Over 45’s League)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Club may not enter more than one Team into the same division unless the Club enters more Teams than there are divisions or at the discretion of Football West. 2. Teams will be ranked in their divisions according to the number of competition points they accrue over the season 3. The Team finishing in first place of each division at the conclusion of the season will be crowned the champion Team for that season. The order in which Teams finish the competition will be determined by the criteria specified in Article 2. 4. Promotion and relegation, if any, will be dependent on the number of Team entries and communicated to participating Clubs once Team entries have been finalised. 5. A Club may request a change to the division of one or more of its Teams in the Over 45s League. Any such change may or may not be granted at the discretion of Football West, and if granted any change will be subject to an administration fee. The decision as to whether or not a change request is granted by Football West is final. 1.2. Select the section (17. Players (Over 45’s League)):*Select one. 1. A maximum of two Players born between 1977 and 1981 may be listed in the Team sheet. Any such Players MUST be so denoted on the Team list with an asterisk. 1.2. Select the section (18. General (Metropolitan Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All rules contained within the Football West Competition Rules, the common rules in this document and Part 2 of this document are applicable to the Metropolitan Cup unless otherwise specified in thisdocument. 2. Where a rule within the Football West Competition Rules, the common rules in this document and Part 2 of this document appears to conflict with these rules, the rule in this document takes precedence.” 1.2. Select the section (19. Competition Format (Metropolitan Cup)):* 1. Only Teams in the Metropolitan League may compete in the Metropolitan Cup unless admitted in accordance with paragraph 3. 2. Entry is voluntary for all Teams. 3. Regional Teams may lodge an application to participate in the Metropolitan Cup and if such an application is successful, those Teams will be included in the draw. An entry fee of $55 applies. 4. A regional Club travelling to the metropolitan area or another region, or a metropolitan Club travelling to a region will be entitled to an allowance of $250 for each such trip payable on invoice to Football West. 5. The Clubs competing in each round of the competition will be drawn in pairs at random. The pairs will play a fixture subject to the Laws of the Game and the Competition Rules and relevant Annexures and the winner of each fixture will compete in the next round and be drawn in the same manner. This procedure will be continued until the final of the competition. Football West reserves the right to require that a regional Club granted entry in accordance with paragraph 3 plays any or all of its Matches in the Perth metropolitan area regardless of whether or not the Club is drawn at home. 6. A preliminary round may be held to ensure that the following rounds can be played by the correct number of Teams to ensure that only two Teams remain at the end of the competition. 7. After the draw of each round, participating Clubs will be informed of the fixture date, time and venue. 8. In all fixtures, should scores be level at the full-time whistle, the outcome of the fixture will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 1.2. Select the section (20. Players (Metropolitan Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player may not play for a Team in the Metropolitan Cup if, in the same season, he has previously played for: 1.a. a different Team in the Metropolitan Cup 1.b. an NPLWA-M Club or a State League Club in the FFA Cup, State Reserves Cup or State 18s Cup 1.c. any Club in the Amateur Cup or Amateur Reserves Cup 1.d. any Club in the Masters Cup 2. To be eligible to participate in a semi-final or final, a Player must have played in a minimum of 6 different fixtures for the Club in question prior to that semi-final orfinal. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 3. A Player is exempt from the restriction specified in paragraph 2 if that Player is a goalkeeper, and the Club can establish to the satisfaction of Football West that no other eligible goalkeeper is available to participate. Absence due to injury must be accompanied by a medical certificate at least 2 business days before the fixture. Football West’s decision on any application is final. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 4. An unused substitute in a competition without interchangeable substitutes is deemed NOT to have played in a fixture. 1.2. Select the section (21. Match Officials (Metropolitan Cup)):*Select one. 1. Football West will pay Match official fees for the Metropolitan Cup Final. 1.2. Select the section (22. Squad Lists (Metropolitan Cup)):*Select one. 1. Football West reserves the right to request a squad list for each competing Team in a fixture. If requested, such a list must be provided in writing 4 days prior to the fixture. 1.2. Select the section (23. General (Masters Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All rules contained within the Football West Competition Rules, the common rules in this document and Part 3 of this document are applicable to the Masters Cup unless otherwise specified in thisdocument. 2. Where a rule within the Football West Competition Rules, the common rules in this document and Part 3 of this document appears to conflict with these rules, the rule in this document takes precedence. 1.2. Select the section (24. Competition Format (Masters Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Only Teams in the Masters League and Over 45s League may compete in the Masters Cup unless admitted in accordance with paragraph 3. 2. Entry is voluntary. 3. Regional Teams may lodge an application to participate in the Masters Cup and if such an application is successful, those Teams will be included in the draw. An entry fee of $55 applies. 4. A regional Club travelling to the metropolitan area or another region, or a metropolitan Club travelling to a region will be entitled to an allowance of $250 for each such trip payable on invoice to Football West. 5. The Clubs competing in each round of the competition will be drawn in pairs at random. The pairs will play a fixture subject to the Laws of the Game and the Competition Rules and relevant Annexures and the winner of each fixture will compete in the next round and be drawn in the same manner. This procedure will be continued until the final of the competition. Football West reserves the right to require that a regional Club granted entry in accordance with paragraph 3 plays any or all of its Matches in the Perth metropolitan area regardless of whether or not the Club is drawn at home. 6. A preliminary round may be held to ensure that the following rounds can be played by the correct number of Teams to ensure that only two Teams remain at the end of the competition. 7. After the draw of each round, participating Clubs will be informed of the fixture date, time and venue. 8. In all fixtures, should scores be level at the full-time whistle, the outcome of the fixture will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (25. Players (Masters Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player may not play for a Team in the Masters Cup if, in the same season, he has previously played for: Penalty for Breach Forfeit 1.a. a different Team in the Masters Cup 1.b. an NPLWA-M Club or a State League Club in the FFA Cup or State ReservesCup 1.c. any Club in the Amateur Cup or Amateur Reserves Cup 1.d. any Club in the Metropolitan Cup 2. To be eligible to participate in a semi-final or final, a Player must have taken the field in a minimum of 6 different fixtures for the Team in question prior to that semi-final or final. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 3. A Player is exempt from the restriction specified in paragraph 2 if that Player is a goalkeeper, and the Club can establish to the satisfaction of Football West that no other eligible goalkeeper is available to participate. Absence due to injury must be accompanied by a medical certificate at least 2 business days before the fixture. Football West’s decision on any application is final. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 4. An unused substitute in a competition without interchangeable substitutes is deemed NOT to have played in a fixture. 1.2. Select the section (26. Match Officials (Masters Cup)):*Select one. 1. Football West will pay Match Official fees for the Masters Cup Final. 1.2. Select the section (27. Squad Lists (Masters Cup)):*Select one. 1. Football West reserves the right to request a squad list for each competing Team in a fixture. If requested, such a list must be provided in writing 4 days prior to the fixture 1.2. Select the section (28. General (Over 45’s Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All rules contained within the Competition Rules, the common rules in this document and Part 4 of this document are applicable to the Over 45’s Cup unless otherwise specified in this document. 2. Where a rule within the Competition Rules, the common rules in this document and Part 4 of this document appears to conflict with these rules, the rule in this document takes precedence. 1.2. Select the section (29. Competition Format (Over 45’s Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Only Teams in the Over 45s League may compete in the Masters Over 45s Cup unless admitted in accordance with paragraph 3. 2. Entry is voluntary. 3. The Clubs competing in each round of the competition will be drawn in pairs at random. The pairs will play a fixture subject to the Laws of the Game and the Competition Rules and relevant Annexures and the winner of each fixture will compete in the next round and be drawn in the same manner. This procedure will be continued until the final of the competition. 4. A preliminary round may be held to ensure that the following rounds can be played by the correct number of Teams to ensure that only two Teams remain at the end of the competition. 5. After the draw of each round, participating Clubs will be informed of the fixture date, time and venue. 6. In all fixtures, should scores be level at the full-time whistle, the outcome of the fixture will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (30. Players (Over 45’s Cup)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Player may not play for a Team in the Masters Over 45s Cup if, in the same season, he has previously played for: Penalty for Breach Forfeit 1.a. a different Team in the Masters Over 45s Cup 1.b. any Club in the Masters Cup 1.c. an NPLWA-M Club or a State League Club in the FFA Cup or State ReservesCup 1.d. any Club in the Amateur Cup or Amateur Reserves Cup 1.e. any Club in the Metropolitan Cup 2. To be eligible to participate in a semi-final or final, a Player must have played in a minimum of 6 different fixtures for the Team in question prior to that semi-final orfinal. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 3. A Player is exempt from the restriction specified in paragraph 2 if that Player is a goalkeeper, and the Club can establish to the satisfaction of Football West that no other eligible goalkeeper is available to participate. Absence due to injury must be accompanied by a medical certificate at least 2 business days before the fixture. Football West’s decision on any application is final. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 4. An unused substitute in a competition without interchangeable substitutes is deemed NOT to have played in a fixture. 1.2. Select the section (31. Match Officials (Over 45’s Cup)):*Select one. 1. Football West will pay Match official fees for the Masters Over 45s Cup Final. 1.2. Select the section (32. Squad Lists (Over 45’s Cup)):*Select one. 1. Football West reserves the right to request a squad list for each competing Team in a fixture. If requested, such a list must be provided in writing 4 days prior to the fixture. 1.1. Select the article (Annexure 5 – Women's Community Competitions):*Click here to view Annexure 5 – Women's Community CompetitionsSelect One1. General (Common Rules)2. Competition Points (Common Rules)3. Competition Format (Common Rules)4. Individual Awards (Common Rules)5. Venues (Common Rules)6. Matches (Common Rules)7. Postponed or Forfeited Matches (Common Rules)8. Ground Marshals (Common Rules)9. Match Documentation (Common Rules)10. Players (Common Rules)11. Playing Strips (Common Rules)12. Match Balls (Common Rules)13. Match Officials (Common Rules)14. Representative Teams (Common Rules)15. Competition Format (Women's State League)16. Competition Format (Women's Amateur League)17. Players (Women's Amateur League)18. Competition Format (Women's Metropolitan League)19. Competition Format (Women's Masters League)20. Postponed or Forfeited Fixtures (Women's Masters League)21. Ground Marshals (Women's Masters League)22. Players (Women's Masters League)23. Playing Strips (Women's Masters League)24. Match Balls (Women's Masters League)25. General (Women's State Cup)26. Competition Format (Women's State Cup)27. Players (Women's State Cup)28. Match Officials (Women's State Cup)29. Squad Lists (Women's State Cup)30. General (Women's State Cup)31. Competition Fomat (Women's State Cup)32. Players (Women's State Cup)33. Match Officials (Women's State Cup)34. Squad Lists (Women's State Cup)1.2. Select the section (1. General (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Womens Community Competitions will consist of the: 1.a. Womens State League; 1.b. Womens Amateur League; 1.c. Womens Senior Sunday Competitions, consisting of: 1.c.i. Womens Metropolitan League; 1.c.ii. Womens Masters League; and 1.d. Associated Women’s Cup Competitions 2. Only female players may take part in Womens Community Competitions 3. Where a rule in this Part 1 appears to conflict with a rule in a Part of this document dealing with a specific competition (for example the Part dealing with the Womens State League competitions) then the Part dealing with the specific competition takes precedence. 4. References to a Competition in this document will refer to the Womens Competition and do not include the Mens Competition. For example a reference to the State League in this document refers to the Womens State League. 1.2. Select the section (2. Competition Points (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Three points will be awarded for a win, one point for a draw and no points for a defeat. Points are not transferable between divisions. 2. If two or more Teams are equal on points on completion of the season, the following criteria are applied in order to determine the higher ranking Team. 2.a. the Team with the superior goal difference 2.b. the Team with the higher number of goals scored 2.c. the number of points gained in Matches between the Teams concerned 2.d. the superior goal difference in Matches between the Teams concerned 2.e. the Team with the lower number of Red Cards 2.f. the Team with the lower number of Yellow Cards 2.g. the drawing of lots 3. In the finals, should scores be level at the full-time whistle, the outcome of the fixture will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark as described in the FIFA Laws of the Game. 1.2. Select the section (3. Competition Format (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. The Club finishing in first place of each division at the end of the season will be crowned the champion Club for that season. The order in which Teams finish the competition will be determined by the criteria specified in Article 2. 2. The Clubs finishing in first and second places of each division at the end of the season, with the exception of the highest division, will play in the division above in the following season, subject to paragraph 1 except in circumstances in which they are already playing in the highest division 3. The Clubs finishing in the lowest two places of each division at the end of the season, with the exception of the lowest ranked division, will play in the division below in the following season, subject to paragraph 1 unless they are already playing in the lowest division. 4. If enacting paragraphs 2 or 3 causes paragraph 1 to be breached, then Football West will determine which Clubs are promoted and relegated, if any. 1.2. Select the section (4. Individual Awards (Common Rules)):*Select one. 1. An award will be presented to the player who scores the most goals in her division in league Matches throughout the season. If two or more players score an equal number of goals, an award will be presented to each player of those players. 1.2. Select the section (5. Venues (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A Club may request to change its home ground venue but may do so only by written application to Football West. Football West reserves the right to refuse any application if the facilities do not meet the criteria as specified in the Football West Competition Management Regulations. 2. Football West reserves the right to reject any application for a change of venue if the proposed new venue is within 5 kilometres of another Women’s Community Competition Club in the proposed competition. 3. Football West reserves the right to require that its sponsors’ signage is prominently displayed at all Football West Matches. 4. Football West reserves the right to take whatever action is deemed necessary in the event that Women’s Community Competition Matches are affected by changes to the availability of any venue or venues. 5. The home venue of a Women’s Community Competition Club must meet the criteria set out in the below table for the specified level of competition for a venue as specified in the Football West Competition Management Regulations: 1.2. Select the section (6. Matches (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. With the exception of abandoned Matches, each period of a Match must last for a minimum of 30 minutes in order that a result may be recorded. 2. The duration of the half time interval will be 10 minutes. 3. The Referee may adjust the duration of a Match to ensure that a following Match on the same field of play commences at the scheduled kick-off time. 4. When a Match is shortened in accordance with paragraph 3, each Match Official is entitled to receive the full amount of her normal Match fee. 5. On days in which the temperature is expected to be high, the Referee may use her discretion to allow players to take drink breaks. During any such break, all players must remain on the field of play. 6. The home Club must provide one stretcher which is to be placed in a safe and accessible position. The stretcher must be in position before the commencement of the first Match of the day until the conclusion of the final Match of the day unless being utilised. 7. Each Team must have a first aid kit available at the venue on the date of the Match 8. The result and goal scorers of each Match must be entered into SportsTG by the home Club no later than 8:00pm on the day of the Match, unless the Match kicks off after 3:30pm. Penalty for Breach $30 9. Each Club is responsible and accountable for the behaviour of its spectators and their adherence to the Spectator Code of Behaviour, whether playing at home, away or at a neutral venue. It is the responsibility of the ground marshals to inform spectators of any breach of the Spectator Code of Behaviour and request immediate compliance. 10. Football West may from time to time nominate any Match as being under the direct control of Football West. In such circumstances, Football West will determine the conditions under which the Match is to be played. 11. Substitutes in the Women’s Community Competitions are not bound by the condition in Law 3 of the Laws of the Game forbidding further participation in the Match. All substitutes in the Women’s Community Competitions are able to be substituted on and off the field of play on multiple occasions. 12. No more than five named substitutes may be listed on the Team list of which a maximum of five may be used in any one Match. 1.2. Select the section (7. Postponed or Forfeited Matches (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. A postponed Match may be rearranged at a mutually convenient time and venue by the participating Clubs. Football West must be notified in writing of the date, time and venue of the rescheduled Match at least 72 hours prior to the rescheduled kick-offtime. 2. If a postponed Match cannot be rescheduled through mutual agreement, Football West will determine the date, time and venue of the Match and any such decision will befinal. 1.2. Select the section (8. Ground Marshals (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Each Club must appoint a ground marshal who is 18 years of age or older whose duties are: 1.a. to ensure the security and safety of players, Match Referees and Clubofficials; 1.b. to supervise the conduct of ball persons if provided; 1.c. to liaise with Club officials and emergency services if required; 1.d. to ensure the security of the venue, players, Match Referees and Club officials at the conclusion of the Match; and 1.e. to provide an escort for the Referee to and from the field of play at the start and finish of each playing period. 2. Neither the coach nor manager of a Team involved in a Match may act as ground marshal for that Match. 3. It is the responsibility of each Club to ensure that the ground marshals are fully briefed on their responsibilities. 4. All ground marshals must have access to all areas of the ground at all times. Ground marshals may not be limited to a specific location (for example, the person working in a canteen may not be a ground marshal). 5. All ground marshals must wear the ground marshal vests which have been supplied by Football West for the duration of the Match. Lost vests may be purchased from FootballWest 6. Ground marshals must be visible at all times. 7. The ground marshals may not smoke or drink alcohol while on duty. 8. All ground marshals must identify themselves to the appointed Match Referee at least fifteen minutes prior to the commencement of each Match. 1.2. Select the section (9. Match Documentation (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Electronic Match Sheets and Electronic Match Cards will be used in the 2021 season. 2. All Womens Community competitions will use Electronic Match Sheets and Electronic Match Cards. 3. Electronic Match Sheets must be completely and accurately filled out 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the Match. Penalty for Breach (no Team list submitted) Forfeit & $100 Fine 4. A complete Match Sheet is defined as a sheet which includes: 4.a. All player names; 4.b. All players assigned a correct shirt number; 4.c. All Team officials listed; 4.d. Eligible overage players denoted; and 4.e. Starting players assigned. 5. A Team must enter a complete Match Sheet for every Match Penalty for Breach $50 Fine 6. All Team officials who wish to sit in the Technical Area during any Match MUST be registered on Play Football as a coach or related role. Penalty for Breach $50 Fine 7. The Home Club is responsible for entering the Final score of the Match 8. The appointed Referee must complete a Match report according to the instructions dictated by the Referees Technical Committee. Such reports are to be lodged with Football West within 2 business days of the completion of the Match. 9. At the conclusion of each Match, the Referee will record best and fairest votes. Thisinformation is not to be disclosed to anybody and must be lodged with Football West within 2 business days of the completion of the Match. 10. The Team list received by Football West will be accepted as the facts relating to the Match 11. A Club may contact Football West if it believes that the details on the Match documentation have misidentified a goal scorer or substitute. 12. Goal scorer(s) for a particular fixture cannot be contested following the commencement of a subsequent round. 13. Any contest of goal scorers or substitutes should be submitted to Football West with evidence of video footage and must include the following details: 13.a. Fixture details; 13.b. Time of goal scored/substitution; 13.c. Name and shirt number of misidentified goal scorer/substitute; 13.d. Name and shirt number of alleged goal scorer/substitute; and 13.e. Must be submitted by the Club 1.2. Select the section (10. Players (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. Only female players are eligible to compete in the Women Community Competitions. Penalty for Breach Forfeit 2. Once a player has played for the Women’s National Premier League First Team, she may not participate in the Metropolitan League in the same season without submitting a request for an exemption and Football West has given approval. Penalty for Breach: Forfeit 3. Once a player has been listed on a Team sheet of the NPLWA-W Under 23s on 9 occasions, she may not appear on the Team list of any Team in the Women’s Metropolitan League for the remainder of the season without submitting a request for an exemption and Football West giving approval. 4. Once a player has taken the field for a Team of the NPLWA-W First Team on 9 occasions, she may not participate in any Matches for any Team in the Women’s Amateur League or Women’s State League for the remainder of the season without submitting a request for an exemption and Football West giving approval.. 5. A player who has taken to the field for the NPLWA-W First Team, may not be listed on the Team list of a Team in the Women’s Amateur League or Women’s Metropolitan League on the same day. 6. Once a player has been listed on a Team sheet of the NPLWA-M Competition on 9 occasions for any Team, she may not appear on the Team list of any Team in the Women’s Community Competitions for the remainder of the season. 7. If a Club fields one side in State League and has Teams in the Women’s Amateur League, only 2 players may appear in the Club’s next highest ranked Amateur League side on the same weekend. Penalty for Breach: Forfeit 8. If a Club fields a side in the Women’s Amateur League and has multiple Teams in the Women’s Metropolitan League, only 2 players may appear in the Clubs next highest ranked Women’s Metropolitan League side on the same weekend. Penalty for Breach: Forfeit 9. A player who has played in the Women’s State League may not participate in Women’s Metropolitan League in the same season without submitting an exemption request and receiving approval from Football West. Penalty for Breach: Forfeit 10. A player who was recorded on the player roster in a Westfield W-League Team may not be listed on the Team list of a Women’s Community Competition within 12 months of the completion of her most recent Westfield W-League season. 11. To be eligible to play in a Women’s Community Competition a player must meet the birth year requirements set out in the following table: 12. A player who was born in 2007 or later may apply to Football West to be assessed as being competent to play in the Women’s Community Competitions but is ineligible to play until confirmation of such competency has been provided to the Club in writing. 1.2. Select the section (11. Playing Strips (Common Rules)):*Select one or multiple. 1. All Clubs must nominate a “home” and “alternative” playing strip. 2. In any Match, if the shirts or socks of the participating Teams are alike or similar, or are in the opinion of the Referee likely to cause confusion, then players of the away Team will be required to change its shirts or socks or both. In the event of any dispute with regard to the strip to be worn by either Team, the Referee’s decision is final.