FIFA WWC Fan Festival EOI FIFA WWC Fan Festival EOI Name(Required) First Last Club(Required)Email(Required) Contact Phone Number(Required)How many players will you be bringing?(Required)Please enter a number from 1 to 20.Describe your session in further detail(Required)Please select you preferred time slots(Required) Thursday 20th July 9am-8pm Friday 21st July 9am-8pm Saturday 22nd July 9am-8pm Sunday 23rd July 9am-8pm Monday 24th July 9am-8pm Tuesday 25th July 9am-8pm Wednesday 26th July 9am-8pm Saturday 29th July 9am-8pm Sunday 30th July 9am-8pm Monday 31st July 9am-8pm Tuesday 1st August 9am-8pm Friday 4th August 9am-8pm Saturday 5th August 9am-8pm Sunday 6th August 9am-8pm Monday 7th August 9am-8pm Tuesday 8th August 9am-8pm Wednesday 9th August 9am-8pm Thursday 10th August 9am-8pm Saturday 12th August 9am-8pm Sunday 13th August 9am-8pm Monday 14th August 9am-8pm Tuesday 15th August 9am-8pm Wednesday 16th August 9am-8pm Thursday 17th August 9am-8pm Friday 18th August 9am-8pm Saturday 19th August 9am-8pm Sunday 20th August 9am-8pm Please specify what times you would like to utilise the Fan Festival Mini Pitch, between 9am-8pm?Do you consent to photography and videography being taken of your activity and this content being used across Tourism WA, FIFA or tournament partner channels?(Required) Yes Do you / your community have any accessibility requirements?(Required)Is there anything else we should know about your activity?