Football West Partner Satisfaction Survey – 2023 Your partnership is important to us. "*" indicates required fields Please select the Football West partner you are representing:* Healthway Insurance Commission of WA Goldfields Hyundai What is your name?What is your job title?Rate your overall satisfaction with the partnership between you and Football West*Extremely UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedExtremely SatisfiedRate your overall satisfaction with the communication between you and Football West*Extremely UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedExtremely SatisfiedOverall, is Football West meeting your organisation's expectations?* Yes No Rate your 'Partnership Agreement' with the following statements*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeFootball West has my organization's best interests in mindPartnering with Football West is mutually beneficialThere are positive outcomes from my involvement as a partnerThe partnership meets my expectationsThe partnership is well managedWhat were the positive outcomes for you from this partnership, if any?Was there anything you think we could have done better?Is there anything else that you would like Football West to know about your partnership?