Football West State Boys trials for U14s and U15s Player InformationPlease enter the following details for the registering player. Player Name* First Last Date of BirthEmail Address*Mobile NumberPlease select the age group you are trialing for:U14 BoysU15 BoysClub and Playing InformationPlease provide the club and playing information in relation to the player listed in this registration. Name of ClubSelect Preferred PositionDefenderMidfielderStrikerGoal KeaperAre you trialing for a goalkeeper position?YesNoDo you have any current injuries?YesNoIf yes, please provide details of your injury:Do you have any holidays booked in the lead up to the tournament?YesNoIf yes, please provide details of your holiday:Player Medical InformationPlease provide the medical informaition in relation to the player listed in this registration. Does the player have any medical conditions?YesNoIf yes, please check all the applicable boxes below: Respiratory Problems Diabetes Headaches/Migraines Skin Problem High Blood Pressure Epilepsy Eye/Ear problem Emotional Illness Asthma/Bronchitis Allergies (mild-severe) Digestive Disorder Other Not Applicable If other, please specify:Please provide any further medical information you feel will be of assistance:Parent / Guardian InformationPlease provide the name and contact information of a person we can contact in the event of an emergency.Parent / Guardian NameParent / Guardian EmailParent / Guardian Mobile