NTC Girls Format Survey DemographicsWhat is your gender?Select oneMaleFemaleOtherWhat is your age?Select oneUnder 1515-2425-3435-4445-54Over 55What is your postcode?What is your role in the NTC Girls Program?Select oneNTC PlayerParent of an NTC PlayerOtherProposed Format ChangesFFA has changed the lowest age division of the National Youth Championships from U13 to U14. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statement:The age divisions of the WA NTC program should also start at U14Select oneStrongly agreeAgreeUnsure/neutralDisagreeStrongly disagreeWhich competition should the NTC U14 play in?Select oneBoys' Division 1 – U12Boys' Division 1 – U13Other (please specify)What competition should the NTC U14 play in?Which competition should the NTC U15 play in?Select oneBoys' Division 1 – U13Women's Premier Reserves LeagueOther (please specify)What competition should the NTC U15 play in?How could the quality of the girls' NTC program be improved?