Smarter than Smoking Top Four Finals Application Club Name*Venue Name*Venue Address* Street Address City ZIP / Postal Code Semi Final or Final*Semi Final (09.09.18)Final (16.09.18)BothPlease indicate which final you would like to hostPitches* 2 3 4 5 6+ Venue Faciltiies Canteen Coffee Submitted by* First Last Club Role*Terms and ConditionsIf your cub does not have coffee facilites you will need to provide a coffee vanA minimum of 5 ground marshals to be present through the semi final and/or finalAll senior games on the semi final and/or final date will be moved and/or chnaged to a 3pm kick offThe club will have suffcient amount of volunteers available at the semi final and/or final I agree to the above condidtions of hosting the Smarter than Smoking Top Junior Top Four Semi Finals and/or Final* Yes No